Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
Talking to them wouldnt prove much good, or really do anything anyway. Weather you think they are terrorist or not, Hezbollah has repeatetly declared that they want the Jewish state of Isreal wiped off the planet. Also Hezbollah is justthe long arm of Iran, Iran aint nothing to cozzy up too.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
DurkaDurka said:
...Hezbollah has been classifed as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government for a reason...

why exactly was that anyways? best I can come up with is a toss-up between the threat of a B'nai Brith lawsuit and an Associated Press fabrication. its not like they were active at the time.


Electoral Member
Jun 3, 2005
The bottom line is to ensure the lines of communication stay open,diplomatically.
We do have an embassy in Lebanon....are we going to close it? I think not.
When more Hezbollah supporters are elected to the Lebanese parliament(as they surely will be),the more legitimate they will become.
And,often with legitimacy,comes a softening of attitudes and a changing of vision.
As long as we're talking,there is hope for change.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

EastSideScotian said:
Talking to them wouldnt prove much good, or really do anything anyway. Weather you think they are terrorist or not, Hezbollah has repeatetly declared that they want the Jewish state of Isreal wiped off the planet. Also Hezbollah is justthe long arm of Iran, Iran aint nothing to cozzy up too.

Tell me , how hezbollah could destroyed the jewish state? they have kidnapped 2 soldiers, and the whole lebanon is in very bad shape.I can't believed how people fall easily on pure "no sense" propaganda like this one.

Hezbollah's official Web site marks a distinction between "Zionist ideology" and "Judaism". In fact they reject the zionist all the way,and. beeing against the Zionists ideology is not opposing setting a home for Jews, in fact hezbollah spokeman, already stated in 2003, native jews would be allowed to live in minority as it always been before 1948.

Lately they have even change their status,heabollah leader,Nasrallah has answred questions concerning the establishments of a Palestinian state with alongside an Israeli state. he disclaims any interest in contesting Israel’s right to exist outside of disputed territories.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
RE: Should Canada talk to

MAN all's I can say is that it is ridiculous for our country to adopt the tough-guy, stay-the-course kind of un-diplomacy the US made so popular over the last few decades...
IF Hizb'Allah wins a majority, then it is the West's wet dream, as we can then officially refuse to recognize the legitimately elected government there, too, and brand the whole country a "terrorist" because they don't like being bombed by Israel and their government has been rendered toothless against their aggressive neighbors

I am shocked that the option of dealing with the one "faction" in this whole mess is "treasonous", in fact I am kinda totally disgusted....

WHY exactly are Hizb'Allah "terrorists" in relation to Canada?? The logic used to make them considered such should be applied across the board, to both organizations AND countries... only then will the branding of the group be justified IMO...

Unfortunately, a LOT of the right's "pet countries" would be on that list, so I guess insanity will have to prevail

SOMEONE has to deal with Hizb'Allah, and from the recent conflict, either both the State of Israel AND Hizb'Allah are terrorists, OR they are both opposite sides of the same conflict, but there is NO way to brand one good and one bad unless you go by what religion they choose to believe in


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Logic 7 said:
Lately they have even change their status,heabollah leader,Nasrallah has answred questions concerning the establishments of a Palestinian state with alongside an Israeli state. he disclaims any interest in contesting Israel’s right to exist outside of disputed territories.

got a good reference for that?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
BitWhys said:
DurkaDurka said:
...Hezbollah has been classifed as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government for a reason...

why exactly was that anyways? best I can come up with is a toss-up between the threat of a B'nai Brith lawsuit and an Associated Press fabrication. its not like they were active at the time.

It could be the bombing of two American embassies in Lebanon in 1983 and 84 and all the suicide bombings and bombing the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
but then again

maybe not

maybe the straw that broke the camel's back was a strawman. 10 years after the fact and only days after a false report? I'm not that much of a coincidence theorist.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
I can only guess you mean that the connection between the political arm and the terror arm of Hezbollah is deemed one in the same, is the straw man.

I would say I doubt that Hezbollah is so transparent that is gives us accounting sheets noting these fund here are for terror and these funds here go to help our supporters (the poor).

If the FLQ has a political and terror wing they should be deemed still a threat, the entire group not just one aspect of's all the same thing.

If anything this is a Lebanese problem, and the government of Lebanon should be our main contact. If they can't control their own boarders perhaps they should consider redrawing them.

It is clear as a sunny day these people are terrorists. Simple. Anyone supporting these folks are supporting terrorists.

Thanks for the video link.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Jay said:
BitWhys said:
DurkaDurka said:
...Hezbollah has been classifed as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government for a reason...

why exactly was that anyways? best I can come up with is a toss-up between the threat of a B'nai Brith lawsuit and an Associated Press fabrication. its not like they were active at the time.

It could be the bombing of two American embassies in Lebanon in 1983 and 84 and all the suicide bombings and bombing the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires.

The suicide bombing in Buenos aires was done by A group called "Islamic Jihad", and Hezbollah was officially founded in 1985, several shiite radical organisation claimed responsability of the bombing in 1983 though, but it is impossible to know for sure who really did it.

Many in the U.S. government do not claim Hezbollah is responsible for the marine barracks attack. In 2001 Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense under Reagan at the time of the attacks stated: "But we still do not have the actual knowledge of who did the bombing of the Marine barracks at the Beirut Airport, and we certainly didn't then.

In a book calls "By Way of Deception: The Make and Unmake of a Mossad Officer, Victor Ostrovsky claims that Mossad have known in advance of the attack, but did not warn the Usa. There's have been claims that Israel wanted US and French troops to leave Lebanon so it could freely operate in Lebanon without restrictions.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Jay said:
I can only guess you mean that the connection between the political arm and the terror arm of Hezbollah is deemed one in the same, is the straw man.


Graham and Easter announced the reclassification almost immediately after Nasrallah was falsely quoted by the Associated Press to be encouraging suicide attacks.