Seniors and the generation spending gap


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
You really are an idiot, aren't you? The young people today can't have it both ways. It's time they quit their incessant snivelling. If you want to have $200,000 you don't get it by buying $500 smart phones, $100 designer jeans, $2000 mountain bikes, and eat 10 meals a week in fast food joints and buy beer at $25 a case. Half of the ones I see have $5000 worth of tattoos on their arms, legs, necks and face. It's no wonder they can't get a f*(*king job. Time to quit the snivelling, get up at 6 A.M. and act like they are ready to do a day's work! Anyway I've heard enough from you, climb under a rock and stay there for a week.

JLM, you know that only you can prevent forest fires, right?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Couples retiring now have ‘more income and wealth than necessary’ | Money |

That article is very likely quite true, but it certainly has nothing to do with senior's greed or ripping anyone off (which a third class simpleton can understand) Those of us who have some wealth sacrificed things like "keeping up with the Joneses" and actually banked some money. Instead of buying tattoos and muscle cars we set money aside. We did luck out for a few years during the 80s when we made 20% on savings accounts, but that was just good management on our part. We took advantage of lucrative situations. No one gave us any money.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Couples retiring now have ‘more income and wealth than necessary’ | Money |

That article is very likely quite true, but it certainly has nothing to do with senior's greed or ripping anyone off (which a third class simpleton can understand) Those of us who have some wealth sacrificed things like "keeping up with the Joneses" and actually banked some money. Instead of buying tattoos and muscle cars we set money aside. We did luck out for a few years during the 80s when we made 20% on savings accounts, but that was just good management on our part. We took advantage of lucrative situations. No one gave us any money.

Since you admit you aren't wealthy it would appear that you didn't sacrifice.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Since you admit you aren't wealthy it would appear that you didn't sacrifice.

Another stupid statement - there's a huge difference between wealthy and comfortable- the latter merely meaning the ability to pay the routine bills every month.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
When you say Gov't employee you are talking about 2 different groups, one is politicians who can retire after 6 years and the other are normal working stiffs who contributed 5% of their pay for 35 years in order to qualify for a full pension. As one of the latter I can attest to the fact that for the first ten years I worked for a wage below that paid to the private sector in exchange for better job security. People in my situation certainly didn't become rich (unless they had an inheritance).

As I said things have chamged since you retired. You retired about ten years early.


Interesting that nobody has answered the question

Prety sure anyone in that snack bracket would not qualify for welfare so the question is moot.

Did you actually read the article?And comprehend it? The math is flawed, probably deliberately to prove some leftarded point.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
As I said things have chamged since you retired. You retired about ten years early.

Prety sure anyone in that snack bracket would not qualify for welfare so the question is moot.

No the question isn't moot. The comment was made that seniors don't have a lot of income but have assets as if that is a good reason that they need support. If assets are irrelevant when it comes to support for seniors, it should also be irrelevant when it cones to welfare recipients.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
No the question isn't moot. The comment was made that seniors don't have a lot of income but have assets as if that is a good reason that they need support. If assets are irrelevant when it comes to support for seniors, it should also be irrelevant when it cones to welfare recipients.

Apples and zucchini


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm sure it is if you want to believe it is.


Perhaps you missed Locutus' cannuck:

I have deleted the most recent 156 'lolz' posts.

the membership had had quite enough.

that was a lot more time consuming than unapproving ALL of your posts in the forum, if...if you catch my drift.

you and mr bear should now try to use your other words instead. we would all appreciate it.

thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day.

You might notice that it is written in green not purple, so if you don't comply it may bite you in the A$$. Perhaps you never heard the old adage "a word to the wise is sufficient".


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Something wrong Putz? Does it annoy you Putz? You don't appreciate being called Putz?

Then quit being a Putz.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

Oh, I got it but I will confinue to respond to personally insulting posts with lolz. The fact that Loc did nothing about the childish name calling (which is CLEARLY AGAINST FORUM RULES) say volumes about his ability to be a mod.

And I think your responses to reasonable posts says even bigger volumes about your arrogant ways. Umm..............."childish name calling" indeed...................and um "greedy" and "selfish" don't fall into the category of "name calling"? P.S. I tried my damndest to lodge a complaint against you but to no avail, apparently someone else beat me to the punch. You think you are bigger than an entire demographic.........................huge mistake.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
It makes no difference to me. I'm not the one that cried to the mods.....lolz

No, no, you're just the one who cries about the mods.

I was the one who reported your idiotic childishness after getting fed up of not only seeing it show up everywhere, but seeing everyone start to complain about it derailing threads. Just like I was the one who reported it last weekend and, I suspect, like I'll be the one to report it today, tomorrow, the next day. However long it takes for you to take a frigging hint. Which I strongly suspect will be never.

Because the one thing you've clearly demonstrated is that you don't give a crap about anybody but yourself. You're antagonistic and an irritant to a large portion of the membership here. You can wail and moan all you want to about name calling, at least most people here have the balls to state their disregard and disrespect directly to you. As opposed to your typical modus operandi of snide suggestive commentary or your other favorite activity involving going through an individual's historic posts and neg repping them just to get a reaction. Yes, yes, clearly that is so much more mature, stable and a positive contribution to the forum as a whole than calling you and idiot when you're behaving like an idiot.

Oh and if you're so displeased with how Locutus handled everything, then why don't we PM Shadowshiv and Ron and maybe even Andem. We'll get their take on it all, get this thing settled once and for all.

Conversely you could take a breather and just back the hell off. But keep pushing and the membership will push back.

Your call.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
And I think your responses to reasonable posts says even bigger volumes about your arrogant ways. Umm..............."childish name calling" indeed...................and um "greedy" and "selfish" don't fall into the category of "name calling"? P.S. I tried my damndest to lodge a complaint against you but to no avail, apparently someone else beat me to the punch. You think you are bigger than an entire demographic.........................huge mistake.

I haven't called you personally greedy or selfish. I've called the behaviour greedy or selfish. It is. You really have no argument against what I'm saying and I'm not surprised. There really is no defense for borrowing money to spend on programs that benefit the wealthiest segment of society. If, as you seem to believe, seniors are not well off then there is no reason we couldn't have other helpful programs that don't take into account age.

Answer a simple question instead of whining. Why should a senior with a low income get a break on property taxes and not a thirty-something with a low income?

No, no, you're just the one who cries about the mods.

I was the one who reported your idiotic childishness after getting fed up of not only seeing it show up everywhere, but seeing everyone start to complain about it derailing threads. Just like I was the one who reported it last weekend and, I suspect, like I'll be the one to report it today, tomorrow, the next day. However long it takes for you to take a frigging hint. Which I strongly suspect will be never.

Because the one thing you've clearly demonstrated is that you don't give a crap about anybody but yourself. You're antagonistic and an irritant to a large portion of the membership here. You can wail and moan all you want to about name calling, at least most people here have the balls to state their disregard and disrespect directly to you. As opposed to your typical modus operandi of snide suggestive commentary or your other favorite activity involving going through an individual's historic posts and neg repping them just to get a reaction. Yes, yes, clearly that is so much more mature, stable and a positive contribution to the forum as a whole than calling you and idiot when you're behaving like an idiot.

Oh and if you're so displeased with how Locutus handled everything, then why don't we PM Shadowshiv and Ron and maybe even Andem. We'll get their take on it all, get this thing settled once and for all.

Conversely you could take a breather and just back the hell off. But keep pushing and the membership will push back.

Your call.

My lolz's were only after personally insulting posts. It's absolutely hilarious that somebody would comain about "Lolz" derailing threads but not the endless insults.....surprising no, but absolutely hilarious.

Now, why don't you stop derailing this thread. It's about seniors and the wealth gap (that people like JLM can't admit exists)