Seniors and the generation spending gap


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Answer a simple question instead of whining. Why should a senior with a low income get a break on property taxes and not a thirty-something with a low income?

Oh, Christ you're simple..................because a thirty something can get off his/her a$$ and get hustling, maybe even take a second job, like the seniors often did when they were thirty something, not like now when they are often decrepit and in failing health! F**K!


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Oh, Christ you're simple..................


Don't say you weren't warned


.......because a thirty something can get off his/her a$$ and get hustling, maybe even take a second job, like the seniors often did when they were thirty something, not like now when they are often decrepit and in failing health! F**K!

Tsk tsk tsk. Using your own argument against you, you can't make generalizing statement against a whole generation. That said, if anybody is in failing health they should get help. That's where you and I disagree. For me, what's important is your need, not your age.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No, no, you're just the one who cries about the mods.

I was the one who reported your idiotic childishness after getting fed up of not only seeing it show up everywhere, but seeing everyone start to complain about it derailing threads. Just like I was the one who reported it last weekend and, I suspect, like I'll be the one to report it today, tomorrow, the next day. However long it takes for you to take a frigging hint. Which I strongly suspect will be never.

Because the one thing you've clearly demonstrated is that you don't give a crap about anybody but yourself. You're antagonistic and an irritant to a large portion of the membership here. You can wail and moan all you want to about name calling, at least most people here have the balls to state their disregard and disrespect directly to you. As opposed to your typical modus operandi of snide suggestive commentary or your other favorite activity involving going through an individual's historic posts and neg repping them just to get a reaction. Yes, yes, clearly that is so much more mature, stable and a positive contribution to the forum as a whole than calling you and idiot when you're behaving like an idiot.

Oh and if you're so displeased with how Locutus handled everything, then why don't we PM Shadowshiv and Ron and maybe even Andem. We'll get their take on it all, get this thing settled once and for all.

Conversely you could take a breather and just back the hell off. But keep pushing and the membership will push back.

Your call.

Excellent post S.L.M. which hits the nail precisely on the head. 999/1000 people would take your advice but I can't see it happening here, too bad, but like you suggest, we'll eventually get this "boil off our A$$". Have a nice Sunday, things will improve.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I find it incredibly funny that you cry about insults, the bulk of your posts are littered with them.

It's simply why you are treated the way you are by the better part of the membership.

I'm sure you're oblivious to that fact, which of course would be why you are utterly confused as to why you are being singled out, and I am not.

My grandfather used to say, if one or two people have a problem with you, the problem is likely theirs. If a whole group does, the problem is yours.

I'm sure that won't sink in either. But good luck all the same.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I find it incredibly funny that you cry about insults, the bulk of your posts are littered with them.

It's simply why you are treated the way you are by the better part of the membership.

I'm sure you're oblivious to that fact, which of course would be why you are utterly confused as to why you are being singled out, and I am not.

My grandfather used to say, if one or two people have a problem with you, the problem is likely theirs. If a whole group does, the problem is yours.

I'm sure that won't sink in either. But good luck all the same.

I'll take that into account if and when the whole group has a problem with me. Now, I know you need to make this about me but SLM claims her whining to the mod was because the threads were being derailed. Perhaps you should stick to the topic at hand lest she complain about you as well


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I find it incredibly funny that you cry about insults, the bulk of your posts are littered with them.

It's simply why you are treated the way you are by the better part of the membership.

I'm sure you're oblivious to that fact, which of course would be why you are utterly confused as to why you are being singled out, and I am not.

My grandfather used to say, if one or two people have a problem with you, the problem is likely theirs. If a whole group does, the problem is yours.

I'm sure that won't sink in either. But good luck all the same.

Your grandfather had some savvy!

i'll take that into account if and when the whole group has a problem with me. Now, i know you need to make this about me but slm claims her whining to the mod was because the threads were being derailed. Perhaps you should stick to the topic at hand lest she complain about you as well

-:) -:) -:) -:)


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
When S.L.M. has a problem with me she'll let me know in a civil manner and we'll straighten it out through mutual respect. -:)

Of course we would.

But you have to understand, it's not just me, in this situation specifically. No matter how desperately he many want to deny that. I don't know, maybe he has some deep seated need to feel justified in some way. I don't really care to be honest.

People that actually pay attention can pick up on the tension of the membership when they take things too far. And decent individuals usually cease and desist at that point.

Others, unfortunately, seem bound and determined to go down fighting it. Balls entirely in his court on that one.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I haven't called you personally greedy or selfish. I've called the behaviour greedy or selfish. It is. You really have no argument against what I'm saying and I'm not surprised. )

I'm wondering if there are "memory honing" seminars in your community you may do well to attend. My memory is generally pretty sharp, but I sometimes get forgetful too, so I check back periodically to see what was said by whom. Lo and behold if I didn't find this gem in post #7 of this thread.
"I made no secret of the fact that I see this generation as the the most selfish in history."

Was it some guy passing himself off as you?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
JLM, you have to understand. You see, it's OK for him to do that. But if you do it, it isn't.

Are you following me?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
"I made no secret of the fact that I see this generation as the the most selfish in history."

Do you disagree? If so, you should stop being so silly and simply argue the point. The fact is you can't. Hundreds of billions of dollars of public debt that has been amassed and rather than pay it down, we continue to provide programs to those least in need. You have zero cred on this one JLM. I understand that you disagree with the premise that seniors are the wealthiest group in canada. You are wrong. Suck it up and let's move on.

Because he's a Putz.



Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Poverty is on the rise everywhere. Don't you think we should be targeting our limited resources where they are in needed most?

I do. But I wonder how can the poor seniors and the rich seniors be differentiated without using techniques that would be deemed discriminatory.

You can't just a person by the clothes on their backs, the car they drive or the house they live in. You would have to be careful not to put such a burden on a poor senior that you take away their right to dignity.