Security Council accepts No Fly Zone


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
How many variations of spelling are there for this character. Just today on major news networks I've seen Ghaddafi, Khaddafy, Gaddafi, El-Qaddafi, Qaddafi .. like WTF??

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
TF is that Arabic doesn't readily transliterate into our alphabet, it has sounds that don't exist in English and there's no agreed upon way to spell Arabic words consistently in English, so people try to do it phonetically, producing a list of letters that sound approximately like his name, as you'll see if you say that list out loud. They all sound pretty much the same, and probably none of them are quite correct. The Globe & Mail has been spelling it Gadhafi lately.

Generalissimo Obama now has his war. Under the War Powers Act he has 90 days to accomplish his mission. After that the long knives come out for our intrepid hero.
Really? The news so far has been that Britain and France will take the lead on this, the U.S. role will be logistical.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
A no fly zone would have been more useful for the rebels soon after the conflict started. Instead the UN waited until government forces crushed rebel opposition. The timing only makes sense if the intent is invasion/occupation. It wouldn't surprise me to find out NATO already has elite ground forces in Libya for recon and to coordinate the bombing.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How many variations of spelling are there for this character. Just today on major news networks I've seen Ghaddafi, Khaddafy, Gaddafi, El-Qaddafi, Qaddafi .. like WTF??

Laughed at this. I know what you mean. I guess any spelling will do.

Really? The news so far has been that Britain and France will take the lead on this, the U.S. role will be logistical.

If Britain is taking the lead I'd like to be a little more than logistical because they have thrown all of their chips in with us. I doubt that we are just going to be refueling planes and making Bangers and Mash for them. We have aircraft carriers to spare and what better platform. This is what they are made for.

A no fly zone would have been more useful for the rebels soon after the conflict started. Instead the UN waited until government forces crushed rebel opposition. The timing only makes sense if the intent is invasion/occupation. It wouldn't surprise me to find out NATO already has elite ground forces in Libya for recon and to coordinate the bombing.

They have not crushed the Rebs yet. Now with air cover (and air strikes) the Gaddafi offensive will come to a halt I am predicting.

Never said we were innocent but we are a net oil exporter while the US must import oil to operate and the republicans don't want our oil sands oil.

The Republicans don't want your oil sands? Care to elaborate?

I was mostly addressing your "chickens are coming home to roost" comment. Canada isn't that innocent.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The Republicans don't want your oil sands? Care to elaborate?

I was mostly addressing your "chickens are coming home to roost" comment. Canada isn't that innocent.
We weren't innocent even back in Vietnam, but some Canadians think their shyte don't stink. As long as we make money on the destruction of others, we have nothing to brag about.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
We weren't innocent even back in Vietnam, but some Canadians think their shyte don't stink. As long as we make money on the destruction of others, we have nothing to brag about.

Well Cliffy... I'm impressed!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
''America is broke. This isn't America's fight.''

40% of Libya's oil fields are owned by wealthy American elitists. This is why the government is so interested in getting involved even though it is of no concern to the average American. As always, socialize the cost of protecting the interests of the elites while privatizing the profits.

That oil trickles down to every America dog, man ,woman ,child ,gold fish bowl in America, it is the drink of Americans, Lybian tea, black gold, so they loaded up the truck and moved to Bengasi.


Jan 6, 2007
I know I'm not in the position of an 'average' Canadian or even American, but this has had huge impact. Hubby reads up daily on this issue, and e-mails fly back and forth constantly, trying to ensure the whereabouts and safety of people he's having to requisition back to him, because their jobs, their livelihoods, no longer exist, because the company's been forced to freeze everything... no money flowing any which way. From a personal perspective, hubby is sick with worry for these guys. He's friends with them. The fifty some odd people in his building are friends with them. The hundred or so odd people in the international infrastructure who work with them regularly are friends with them. They are not just assets, they are peers, colleagues.

From a business perspective, the company is hemorhaging cash to get them back and out of harm's way. And it's not the only US company having to do so.

The impact is wider spread than people who make a living outside the oil industry might realize, and the reaction of the UN came as a huge relief here.

That blood will flow and people will die is something that was decided by the rebellion in Libya, and will be carried forward with disastrous consequence by their 'leader'. This will (hopefully) expedite and limit that damage. There are few times I'm happy to see military action undertaken, but I think this one is quite valid.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
That oil trickles down to every America dog, man ,woman ,child ,gold fish bowl in America, it is the drink of Americans, Lybian tea, black gold, so they loaded up the truck and moved to Bengasi.

Gee Beav... are we the only country on Earth that uses oil?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He was replying to a post that directly discussed America's role in it. Why would he get into any other countries in this particular reply?

And I was replying to him saying "it is the drink of Americans" by asking him if we are the only ones that use oil.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Gee Beav... are we the only country on Earth that uses oil?

Morning ES. No, but, #1 oil addicts, president said so. Hydro Carbon junkies armed with aircraft carriers in close proximity to sweet crude. What else could be hapnin. The oil and water will be saved along with as many Lybian meat units as it takes to keep the junk in demand.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Morning ES. No, but, #1 oil addicts, president said so. Hydro Carbon junkies armed with aircraft carriers in close proximity to sweet crude. What else could be hapnin. The oil and water will be saved along with as many Lybian meat units as it takes to keep the junk in demand.

So if we're a junkie... and you're a junkie... and China and India are junkies... aren't we all junkies?

BTW... is Israel pulling out their Mercenaries or was that just a backup fantasy in case the bombs failed to drop?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The People had their say - and they made Daffy duck for cover - by their own effort. Now is the right time to follow their lead and help to evict a tyrant.

Canned revolution don't taste as good as organic. Serious tyrants own aircraft carriers. Lybia should pray Chadaffi wins. Everyone on the African continent should pray he wins. The organic grassroots Lybian revolution was poisioned in the cradle months ago.

So if we're a junkie... and you're a junkie... and China and India are junkies... aren't we all junkies?

BTW... is Israel pulling out their Mercenaries or was that just a backup fantasy in case the bombs failed to drop?

We are all junkies. We all need a good clean supply. We'ed get a better deal from the smaller pushers. They try harder.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Canned revolution don't taste as good as organic. Serious tyrants own aircraft carriers. Lybia should pray Chadaffi wins. Everyone on the African continent should pray he wins. The organic grassroots Lybian revolution was poisioned in the cradle months ago.

Wait a minute... are you on Ghaddafi's side now?

Up till now you were saying that the West wasn't getting involved because the Joooos were backing Gaddafi. Now that the West is getting involved and you're switching sides?

You can't change horses in the middle of a race.

We are all junkies. We all need a good clean supply. We'ed get a better deal from the smaller pushers. They try harder.

So oil is just as much the drink of Canadians?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Wait a minute... are you on Ghaddafi's side now?

Up till now you were saying that the West wasn't getting involved because the Joooos were backing Gaddafi. Now that the West is getting involved and you're switching sides?

You can't change horses in the middle of a race.

I,m on the peoples side, Ghaddafi is their best bet right now. The "west" was involved long before we heard of the rebellion. As of now no oil infrastructure has been hurt. I'm not going to bother to load the thread with posts from the MSM detailing Israeli involvment or interests in Lybia a country a couple of doors down from them in the neighbourhood, with oil water and weapons. The "west"! what the hell is that anyway?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I,m on the peoples side, Ghaddafi is their best bet right now. The "west" was involved long before we heard of the rebellion. As of now no oil infrastructure has been hurt. I'm not going to bother to load the thread with posts from the MSM detailing Israeli involvment or interests in Lybia a country a couple of doors down from them in the neighbourhood, with oil water and weapons. The "west"! what the hell is that anyway?

But what about all the Israeli Mercs and Cops fighting for Gaddafi? Are you on their side too?

LOL. Begin the dance of the PWNED Beave... BEGIN!


Jan 6, 2007
I,m on the peoples side, Ghaddafi is their best bet right now. The "west" was involved long before we heard of the rebellion. As of now no oil infrastructure has been hurt. I'm not going to bother to load the thread with posts from the MSM detailing Israeli involvment or interests in Lybia a country a couple of doors down from them in the neighbourhood, with oil water and weapons. The "west"! what the hell is that anyway?

Burning rigs down doesn't count as damaged oil infrastructure?