Republican approval rating at ALL TIME LOW:
Republican Approval Ratings at All-Time Low - The Stakeholder: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
As recent polling makes clear, the American people want common-sense solutions not the Republican Party of No's obstruction, lack of ideas, and commitment to the failed policies of the past. Republicans should stop banking on failure, roll up their sleeves, and start working with the President and Congressional Democrats to turn the economy around.
As NBC reported, "Buried inside all three polls is this finding: Opinions about the Republican Party are at an all-time low. What's more, according to the ABC/WashPo survey, Americans trust Obama more than congressional Republicans on health care (55%-27%), the economy (55%-31%), the deficit (56%-30%), and combating terrorism (55%-34%). To put it simply, the GOP's take on Obama's poll numbers is a lot like the owner of a 1987 Buick pointing out the dents and potential engine trouble of a 2008 BMW sedan."
Below is a round up of the four most recent nonpartisan polling showing Republicans' approval rating at an all time low.
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So yes, PLEASE keep up the attacks as this is what is turning people against the RePUKEblicans!
Republican Approval Ratings at All-Time Low - The Stakeholder: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
As recent polling makes clear, the American people want common-sense solutions not the Republican Party of No's obstruction, lack of ideas, and commitment to the failed policies of the past. Republicans should stop banking on failure, roll up their sleeves, and start working with the President and Congressional Democrats to turn the economy around.
As NBC reported, "Buried inside all three polls is this finding: Opinions about the Republican Party are at an all-time low. What's more, according to the ABC/WashPo survey, Americans trust Obama more than congressional Republicans on health care (55%-27%), the economy (55%-31%), the deficit (56%-30%), and combating terrorism (55%-34%). To put it simply, the GOP's take on Obama's poll numbers is a lot like the owner of a 1987 Buick pointing out the dents and potential engine trouble of a 2008 BMW sedan."
Below is a round up of the four most recent nonpartisan polling showing Republicans' approval rating at an all time low.
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So yes, PLEASE keep up the attacks as this is what is turning people against the RePUKEblicans!