Have been in the Army here actually, unless this is a joke or you have some deluded equal rights stuff drilled into your mind then I do not find it funny. You would be prepared to let our mothers sisters and daughters into war and think it's o.k you make me sick. They wouldnot have survived in WW2 against the Wehermacht not a ****ing chance mate, no ****ing left wing lunatic arguments. Yes men some men have hissy fits as most humans do, this isn't a computer game or a cartoon where they have females at war or some left wing goverment equal rights **** this is serious. Yes, as for muli-tasking it's scientifically proven if you are a male your not as good as a women at multi-taking, I am better educated than you because I bhave avoided your left wing indictrination at evry instance.
Well I can safely say you have never served along side female soldiers. I have also never seen any scientific evidence that says "all women are better at BLANK than any man" or vice versa.
If your science would true, even women in mental institutions who drool all day would be better at multi-tasking then me. They aren't (thats how I know your lying).
I have served with Female soldiers, mean, brutish and incredibley scary women every bit as intimidating as men.
Now there are advantages men have on average over women. On average men have more upper body strength and as such can make better infantiers ON AVERAGE. But many, many women can hack it. To deny all women the duty to serve because slightly more aren't able to keep up is insane.
Women are far, far better ON AVERAGE at handling G-Forces due to their build. Women ON AVERAGE make vastly superior fighter pilots. I have yet to see any requests to phase men out of being Fighter pilots. If a man can hack the G forces thrown against him as good as any woman, he deserves to fly.
So I would call shenanigans on your whiney hissy fit of bigotry you're throwing around. Acting like hyperbole is fact.