PIerre takes it - 68 percent on the first ballot and what a winning speech


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Well that was nothing short of a resounding victory. 68%. On the first ballot no less. I saw his acceptance speech was absolutely amazing, especially starting off with his wife like that. She is going to be a major asset to winning the prime minister's seat. And I think that's going to put a serious torpedo into the liberals attempts to try and claim he's a racist. I thought it was good that he spent so much energy reaching out to the other candidates including Jean. And I think he has a winning message with giving people back the future that they had been promised. We'll see what happens next.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
His speech was a joke , he kept switching language and losing cadence . These politicians should be doing dual speeches concurrently even if it means putting French first .


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
His speech was a joke , he kept switching language and losing cadence . These politicians should be doing dual speeches concurrently even if it means putting French first .
The speech was amazing. Expecially with her doing that intro. And pretty much every commentator has said the same thing including the liberal ones, including Chantel hebert who called it the best she'd seen for an acceptance speech (and she's around 168 years old)

The switching back and forth thing has fans and not fans but the quebecois tend to like it. It's actually a little hard to flip back and forth like that if you're not fluent. So it's a bit of a flex to do it and do it well, and by all accounts his french was fabulous. So it sends a message which is the point of an acceptance speech anyway, to send messages.

I'm sure the liberals aren't to happy about it tho, so you're not alone anyway in disliking it i'm sure :)


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
So the word is that he's planning to release ads introducing himself on television and radio and other media as early as Monday. He wants to get ahead of any attempts By the liberals to do their own ads and cast him in a bad light. That's actually pretty smart, he's spending his own donation money to do it of course because he doesn't have access to the party funds yet.

He's also talking about doing more tours. Which frankly I think is the smartest thing he could do. Nobody is going to pay attention to what happens inside the house of commons. The best thing he can do is leave that to others and get out there and meet people. The polling indicates that more than 50% of people still don't know who he is, and nothing improves that better than getting out and shaking hands and talking. He should still show up in the house from time to time but he should spend a good hunk of time out with the public while he can. If he managed to do that for even 6 more months I suspect that he would be immune from liberal media lies about who he is.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
he's enjoyable like a porcupine being analed by a cactus. 🌵 ;)
That is oddly specific :)

I've seen and met a lot of politicians and prime ministerial candidates and worked on a lot of campaigns. This guy has got what it takes to win a majority next election. If he gets a full three years his chances are excellent. His communication game is Olympic quality and his messaging is sound. And i hadn't seen his wife in action before but without a doubt she is going to be a devastatingly effective asset in his campaign.

It's kind of exciting. This guy has more campaign potential than any canadian leader i can remember going back to mulroney on either side of the isle. He'll have an upward fight against the media and the libs and dips will put out all efforts to smear him and polling indicates he's still not all that well known outside of those who follow politics, but with a few years to play with I don't doubt he can take a strong majority.

I doubt justin will give him the full 3 years to play with of course, but either way the lib strategists have to know now that that they're in for one hell of a fight,


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Funny. CBC will be toast the day after the next election.
They'll be hoping there's a minority and that the other parties will force him to keep funding them. And they're going to do everything they can to weaken him to try to get that outcome, without being so obvious that the public turns on them or says PP has a point. It's not like they've been exactly 'conservative friendly' so far anyway but now they know their jobs are on the line.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They'll be hoping there's a minority and that the other parties will force him to keep funding them. And they're going to do everything they can to weaken him to try to get that outcome, without being so obvious that the public turns on them or says PP has a point. It's not like they've been exactly 'conservative friendly' so far anyway but now they know their jobs are on the line.
PP is scooping up the youth and immigrant vote. Libs arent going to be in power next round.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The speech was amazing. Expecially with her doing that intro. And pretty much every commentator has said the same thing including the liberal ones, including Chantel hebert who called it the best she'd seen for an acceptance speech (and she's around 168 years old)

The switching back and forth thing has fans and not fans but the quebecois tend to like it. It's actually a little hard to flip back and forth like that if you're not fluent. So it's a bit of a flex to do it and do it well, and by all accounts his french was fabulous. So it sends a message which is the point of an acceptance speech anyway, to send messages.

I'm sure the liberals aren't to happy about it tho, so you're not alone anyway in disliking it i'm sure :)
First word in french and I would have turned the tv off.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Pierre is probably the best at speechifying we have had in a generation.I hope he can deliver.
It's always the concern. You often see people who would make excellent leaders, but can't campaign their way out of a paper bag so they never get elected. And you often see people who can charm the electorate's socks off but go on to make terrible leaders. It's a rare individual who can do both well. I'm hoping he's one of those rare individuals. Canada could really use that right now.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
PP is scooping up the youth and immigrant vote. Libs arent going to be in power next round.
He's scooping the youth and immigrants so far - but i believe that's largely because they are more likely to pay attention to social media than the more elderly by and large. I think the elderly aren't as likely to be watching his stuff on youtube. I would suspect that now that he has the power of the party behind him he'll be reaching out to introduce himself to the elderly and I bet that as they get to know him they'll start to come around on his side as well.

And the libs will be pinched from the bottom and the top :) It will be over for them at that point.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
And i see the CBC soft-hit peices start. They're already trying to suggest he's a more radical right wing Conservative and that conservatives have abandoned 'moderate' politics.

Pierre Poilievre and the anti-elite populism that won the day​

This will be interesting all by itself. The last seven years of the Liberal “Media Transition From Paper” payouts & COVID payouts and the ongoing CBC payouts and so on and so forth….

The attacks coming against Pierre Poilievre in the months to come…how closely will they parallel the list of Liberal Media funding winners???

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Poilievre’s backers and detractors alike feel that this is a man who will do what he says and not back down. This is precisely why his supporters love him and why the liberal establishment fear him and are so eager to run him down.

Poilievre has generated an incredible amount of popular interest and his high-energy events rival or exceed the Trudeaumania that brought the current PM to office in 2015. His finely-tuned speeches about giving people back control of their lives, free from government interference, during these challenging economic times read as straight from the candidate and straight from their heart. They don’t come from focus groups.

If there is an election soon, that momentum can keep building and roll over into a federal campaign. But if there isn’t an election for a couple of years, will things change?

Whatever the answer, there’s a growing realization that next time will be different and that the increasingly unpopular Trudeau has finally met his match.