PIerre takes it - 68 percent on the first ballot and what a winning speech


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
If there is an election soon, that momentum can keep building and roll over into a federal campaign. But if there isn’t an election for a couple of years, will things change?
Anything CAN change but in this case it's probably unlikely. First off, the negative situation canada is in won't dramatically change. Inflation is likely to remain above target throughout 2023 and we're likely to dip into a recession there. Interest rates will remain higher than they were, home prices will skyrocket once again or remain out of reach of the average person. Trudeau isn't going to stop slapping bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy. And he's kept his regularly scheduled scandal about once every 4 months or so since he took the job, no reason to believe that will change. The debt will still be higher, rents will still be through the roof, etc.

Some of the specifics might change but the underlying issues won't, and people will be sick of it.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
You don’t paint a rosy picture, & we’re all going to have to live through it to eventually come out the other side. Ditch as much debt as you can and keep your heads low and wait impatiently.
Sadly with the NDP abdicating their role as an opposition party and propping up the Libs, this is really the only option available right now.

And no, it's not rosy. A recession on the back of a year and change of stagflation. Probably followed by a little more stagflation and a slow, flat recovery that sees our economy underperforming. And the current unrest is going to slow housing production so in the next 2 - 3 years the pressure on housing is going to be even worse.

With the gov't spending that's going on the BOC can't ease up on interest rate hikes till at least the end of the year. People's savings are being depleted.

It's going to be a tough few years.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
This will be interesting all by itself. The last seven years of the Liberal “Media Transition From Paper” payouts & COVID payouts and the ongoing CBC payouts and so on and so forth….

The attacks coming against Pierre Poilievre in the months to come…how closely will they parallel the list of Liberal Media funding winners???
Perfect match.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Poilievre’s backers and detractors alike feel that this is a man who will do what he says and not back down. This is precisely why his supporters love him and why the liberal establishment fear him and are so eager to run him down.

Poilievre has generated an incredible amount of popular interest and his high-energy events rival or exceed the Trudeaumania that brought the current PM to office in 2015. His finely-tuned speeches about giving people back control of their lives, free from government interference, during these challenging economic times read as straight from the candidate and straight from their heart. They don’t come from focus groups.

If there is an election soon, that momentum can keep building and roll over into a federal campaign. But if there isn’t an election for a couple of years, will things change?

Whatever the answer, there’s a growing realization that next time will be different and that the increasingly unpopular Trudeau has finally met his match.
From your lips to God's ears!


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
It was hard to follow with him bouncing back and forth . His message got lost .
Most people seemed to get it but sure - it would be better if we didn't have french to deal with at all. But we do, and we have to make some inroads there and that's the price. Remember - he won all but 6 ridings in quebec, there is a VERY real chance that if he can win over more people there that we could pick up ridings from the libs next election. And we're going to need every riding we can get if we want a majority, and we need a majority if he's going to deliver on his promises.

Remember - there won't be any deal to be had with the ndp for us.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Most people seemed to get it but sure - it would be better if we didn't have french to deal with at all. But we do, and we have to make some inroads there and that's the price. Remember - he won all but 6 ridings in quebec, there is a VERY real chance that if he can win over more people there that we could pick up ridings from the libs next election. And we're going to need every riding we can get if we want a majority, and we need a majority if he's going to deliver on his promises.

Remember - there won't be any deal to be had with the ndp for us.
Can’t imagine dealing with the dippers anyway. I might agree with them on certain issues, but way too far apart philosophy wise to ever ink an agreement.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Can’t imagine dealing with the dippers anyway. I might agree with them on certain issues, but way too far apart philosophy wise to ever ink an agreement.
True. Also their base would kill them. We might get by on some specific issue-by-issue voting and we might force them into a corner over confidence votes like harper did but by and large we get a majority or we simply don't get what we want.

Although there IS a possibility of a deal with the Bloc. They are more closely aligned. But we would still need to be very close to a majority anyway and you can bet that will cost us big time for their support.

Better if we just win a nice clean majority and then deliver what was promised, and go on to win another one.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Most people seemed to get it but sure - it would be better if we didn't have french to deal with at all. But we do, and we have to make some inroads there and that's the price. Remember - he won all but 6 ridings in quebec,
Poilievre swept 330 of the 338 available ridings in Canada, analysis of Saturday night’s results shows.
there is a VERY real chance that if he can win over more people there that we could pick up ridings from the libs next election. And we're going to need every riding we can get if we want a majority, and we need a majority if he's going to deliver on his promises.

Remember - there won't be any deal to be had with the ndp for us.
It would be nice to be regularly proud of Canada again. That alone might be motivation enough for a change in government. And have an election on just such a theme.

That is, if and whenever Jagmeet Singh, if he can find the time off from TikTok and style magazine photo-shoots, to unlock the disgraceful bargain that shields this tired, shallow government from every vote of non-confidence, and offer Canadians a chance to choose.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Poilievre swept 330 of the 338 available ridings in Canada, analysis of Saturday night’s results shows.
Yeah, He missed 6 in quebec and 2 in ontario - which means he had a 'hat trick' of a win - majority of points, majority of actual votes, majority of ridings. This is nothing less than a complete and utter victory in every sense. THere's no metric that he lost by.

Which means - there will be zero talk of splinter groups, zero internal fights like we saw after scheer's barely-a-Victory, there is no discussion as to what the membership wants. They want what Pierre is selling and they want it coast to coast.

So - what about patrick brown's people? All those 150 thousand who he supposedly signed up?

"The party membership sales figures obtained by the Star pull back the curtain on a question that’s loomed over the final months of the race — what about Patrick Brown’s support?
The Brampton mayor and former MP was in the running for the leadership, and had claimed to have sold 150,000 memberships.
He was then disqualified in July after allegations his campaign broke elections financing law, which he disputes.
The data obtained by the Star puts his final membership number from online sales at just over 62,308, with 41,782 of those in Ontario. Those numbers are from before the party also reviewed suspicious sales linked to Brown."

Less than half of what he claimed and probably about 20 - 40 percent are fake. Still not a bad showing - He still outsold Charest but he was never in any position where he had a chance to win. And PP took all the ridings he sold most of his memberships in handily.

PP even took the ridings that Leslyn and Atchison hold, and the ones where the MP's backed Charest.

No leader in history has had a win like this since Ceaser crossed the Rubicon :)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This will be interesting all by itself. The last seven years of the Liberal “Media Transition From Paper” payouts & COVID payouts and the ongoing CBC payouts and so on and so forth….

The attacks coming against Pierre Poilievre in the months to come…how closely will they parallel the list of Liberal Media funding winners???


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
That whole endeavour is a giant conflict of interest.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I can see the next three years (?) making for some great political spectating. PP is a skilled politician, he knows what people want to hear and when to say it. It will be interesting when he gets a little more specific on policy.
The next three years or the next six months? It’s anybody’s guess at this point in time on what is most advantageous for the liberal party of Canada.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
I can see the next three years (?) making for some great political spectating. PP is a skilled politician, he knows what people want to hear and when to say it. It will be interesting when he gets a little more specific on policy.
Yeah, if Candice could make Justin cry and flee the room i have no doubt that PP will keep justin's therapist well funded. 😁

Policy specifics won't come till election time. Even with something as general as "inflation sucks" trudeau already announced that he's going to tackle that. ANYTHING he announces now will either be stolen or held against him if the situation changes, so if he's smart he'll keep it very broad until the date is close to prevent the libs from scoffing it.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The next three years or the next six months? It’s anybody’s guess at this point in time on what is most advantageous for the liberal party of Canada.
Advantageous to the liberals? Lets face it - justin could fall down the stairs this afternoon and decide tomorrow is a peachy time for an election whether it is or not :) You never know what's going to go on in that boy's head.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
You don’t paint a rosy picture, & we’re all going to have to live through it to eventually come out the other side. Ditch as much debt as you can and keep your heads low and wait impatiently.
Definitely - pay down debt as much as you humanly can! That is going to be important in the not too distant future because as costs rise, debt repayment becomes almost impossible. Sell something, review your budget to see if there's anything that you can cut back on (if you haven't already). These are really critical times and if you're in debt, you could be in trouble - big time!! Our government doesn't give a rats ass about you so you need to do what you can in order to survive.
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