Pierre Poilievre’s callous courting of Canada’s ‘deplorables’ (left wing in full panic mode)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Saddam in Iraq was ‘convenient’ in that he wasn’t a Saud or from Saudi Arabia, and he wasn’t an angel (none of them are), so America could justify stepping

True. He was a dictator, a tyrant who used his power and sect of Islam to murder countless hundreds and thousands of people. And he dared fight the US and threaten papa Bush...

Oh? Re people in Europe being surprised…about dictators in Europe.

No. People weren't surprised about a dictator in the Middle East. I said nothing about the 'surprised about dictators in Europe". In fact...

Europe isn’t as Lily White in its history as they might want the world to believe.

I've not come across that Europe wants to pretend it's been "Lily White". Unless you have someone like Maloni or Orbán, or even Lukashenko saying otherwise. Most Eruopeans I know actually realize their continent has had shit ass leadership, especially early 20th century, and at least they try NOT to block it (see Texas and other southern states).

Islam is currently ass-backwards,

I'd agree with that.

but the Middle East was also a centre of learning at one point….

Yeah, it was, and actually more religious freedom than most other religions. It even used to accept other religions so long as they paid a 'tax' to practice...

The origin of our numerical system that most of the world is still using, etc….then Allah….


Allah was there when all this happened, since Allah is just "God", or their word for it. What happened was religious Zelots who wanted only certain things done/practised took over. "Purists" who followed their own version of the Quran, pretty much like all other religious zelots/fanatics.

Theirs is not the only religion to do it too, it's just they've hung on to that ignorance and fanaticism for hundreds of years longer than Christians.

but it’s really only being the last hundred years where it has really gone to shit…. depending on who you talk to you exempting the European opinion regarding the Crusades.

Yes, when the extreme sects of Islam started to deny rights, the Mullah's began to take over, the Calif's became more dictatorial, and the new God of the Quran became the focus of their existence.
Spain wasn’t an oil exporter, so Meh… horrible fucking people rise to the top of the power structure time after time after time. European royalty we’re probably not the most benevolent folks to become royalty.

True enough in all that. Spain being semi-neutral during the war, and at the end 'pretending' to go 'Liberal' helped, I'm sure. But agreed, horrible people rise to power all the time, in all nations.


Yes, I agree that Kuwait’s oil fields where a significant resource to American at that point.

The Middle East even in the 50s and 60s was a very different world than it is now in Burka-Burka-Stan (before the last month of protests anyway which will be interesting to see which way the wind blows afterwards).

The upcoming generation has the internet.

They see rights and freedoms they don't have and are pissed.

They're tired of abuse by the Mullah's. The people in Power, the Supreme Leader, etc, etc.

The killing of Mahsa Amini is just the latest in reasons for the people to be pissed. If you look at the protesters, and counter protesters, there is a visible age gap.

And it's not like Iran didn't have religion/Islam back in the 50s and 60s, it just wasn't in power like it is now.

Irony is, put ANY extreme religion in power and that country goes to shit and I don't think if Christian Extremism got into Power in the US, it'd be that different than Iran in a lot of ways. Hell, look at what they're doing now.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
American focused, but still on point.

Jim Wright

"If you are what the people want, at what point does that become the center? Who gets to say what is far-right or hard right?"
That's former Congressman Trey Gowdy -- the guy who tried to prosecute Hillary Clinton ... and failed. Repeatedly.
Gowdy is now, of course, a Fox News "contributor."
Last night, on Fox News, Gowdy defended the rise of fascism -- calling it fascism -- live on the air. If fascism is what people want, who are we to decide if that's bad? says Gowdy, opining on the election of a self-described fascist in Italy.
If that's what people want.
What people want.
What people?
And what about those of us, the vast majority, who DON'T goddamn want it?
How could the Nazis do the things they did? How could rational decent Germans just stand by and watch as fascism rose to power to began to slaughter millions? How could Italians just stand by as Mussolini murdered his own countrymen?
Why didn't ordinary people stop it?
THIS is how.
What people want.
Americans don't remember the German-America Bund, those Americans who supported fascism in the run up to WWII. Those American who demanded isolationism, who were bamboozled by politicians who supported Hitler into thinking that fascism was what they wanted, and so who proudly waved the Nazi Swastika themselves, who proudly wore Sturmabteilungen uniforms and who literally fought Jewish veterans of WWI right here in the the streets of America, who sent their own children to Hitler Youth Camps on American soil -- all in close alliance with the Christian Front, a nationwide organization of Antisemitic Christians led by a charismatic preacher named Father Charles Coughlin.
Today, it's Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Mike Pompeo, the MAGA movement and its evangelical priests et al, who are openly and proudly cheering the election of reborn fascism in Europe.
"If you are what the people want, at what point does that become the center? Who gets to say what is far-right or hard right?"
Who gets to say what's wrong?
Who gets to condemn the rise of fascism?
Who gets to condemn hate and intolerance and the violence of these goddamn goons?
That's who.
Last time, our grandparents stood by and let it happen. MILLIONS of innocents died as a result. The entire world was engulfed in war. The horror of those fascists STILL echoes to this very day.
This time, we don't have an excuse. We know better.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
American focused, but still on point.

Jim Wright

"If you are what the people want, at what point does that become the center? Who gets to say what is far-right or hard right?"
That's former Congressman Trey Gowdy -- the guy who tried to prosecute Hillary Clinton ... and failed. Repeatedly.
Gowdy is now, of course, a Fox News "contributor."
Last night, on Fox News, Gowdy defended the rise of fascism -- calling it fascism -- live on the air. If fascism is what people want, who are we to decide if that's bad? says Gowdy, opining on the election of a self-described fascist in Italy.
If that's what people want.
What people want.
What people?
And what about those of us, the vast majority, who DON'T goddamn want it?
How could the Nazis do the things they did? How could rational decent Germans just stand by and watch as fascism rose to power to began to slaughter millions? How could Italians just stand by as Mussolini murdered his own countrymen?
Why didn't ordinary people stop it?
THIS is how.
What people want.
Americans don't remember the German-America Bund, those Americans who supported fascism in the run up to WWII. Those American who demanded isolationism, who were bamboozled by politicians who supported Hitler into thinking that fascism was what they wanted, and so who proudly waved the Nazi Swastika themselves, who proudly wore Sturmabteilungen uniforms and who literally fought Jewish veterans of WWI right here in the the streets of America, who sent their own children to Hitler Youth Camps on American soil -- all in close alliance with the Christian Front, a nationwide organization of Antisemitic Christians led by a charismatic preacher named Father Charles Coughlin.
Today, it's Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Mike Pompeo, the MAGA movement and its evangelical priests et al, who are openly and proudly cheering the election of reborn fascism in Europe.
"If you are what the people want, at what point does that become the center? Who gets to say what is far-right or hard right?"
Who gets to say what's wrong?
Who gets to condemn the rise of fascism?
Who gets to condemn hate and intolerance and the violence of these goddamn goons?
That's who.
Last time, our grandparents stood by and let it happen. MILLIONS of innocents died as a result. The entire world was engulfed in war. The horror of those fascists STILL echoes to this very day.
This time, we don't have an excuse. We know better.
Yeah - that'd mean more if they felt the same about communism or radical socialism. But many people who would agree with the sentiment expressed here would be the first in line to say "well if its' what the people want... " when asked about those things.

And they're no better. Communism killed a lot more people than the nazi's did. They're just as repressive. But - the left says "facist" or "hitler" and expects us all to be horrified yet if anyone cries "communism" or "Stalin" then they're just being unreasonable and repressive towards a legitimate philosophy.

I don't want either. But unless we're going to condemn both then unfortunately it's going to be a case of "If that's what the people want... " regardless.

Oh - and because he obviously doesn't know the "Who gets to decide" thing is called the Overton Window.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Show us you know nothing about this woman some more, Dix.

The woman makes total sense and is pointing out as to what the hell is going on in this zionist globalist communist WEF controlled world of ours. She supports the family, She believes in two genders. Male and female. She believes in less government, less taxes, and more freedom. How anybody that can find something wrong with that has to have mental issues. Something I believe that you appear to have because you always seem to enjoy attacking and mocking anyone that uses common sense and logic all the time. Personally, I believe that you are part of the problem and not the solution. Prove me wrong, comrade.

And so just what do you know about this woman, comrade? Come on, gender neutral and woke person, spit it out. :D


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Did you listen to what she said in her speech? That's what we need to hear - BIG TIME because that is what is happening. The fascists in opposition hate her. While I don't (obviously) know her, if what she said in her speech is any indication, I'm behind her 100%. What is it about what she said don't you like? What is it about what she said makes HER a fascist?
The new Italian leader is the kind of leader that I would want and would vote for here in Canada. She stands for God, family and country. While our present day Marxist WEF globalist stands for Satan, is anti-family, and he hates and despises Canada and Canadians. I do believe that Pierre will be the man for the PM's job in Canada. Pierre has even said that he will not allow anyone in his government to ever attend any WEF globalist meetings. What does that tell us about Pierre?
Our Marxist dicktator in Ottawa loves the WEF and is a supporter and is a puppet on a string for Klaus the WEF globalist Swabster. The scum bags both want digital ID and digital currency for all Canadians. Both programs and agendas are dangerous to freedom and liberty. Pay cash as much as possible.

Serryahoo is a part of the problem and not the solution. Anything or anyone that speaks and makes any common sense or logic, like the new Italian leader, globalists like Serryahoo attacks and mocks them. Personally, I do believe that Serryahoo is a troll and is a part of the WEF globalist establishment. Just saying. :unsure:


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
All the fascists around today seem to be on the extreme left.

Have you ever noticed that when a far left liberal or socialist politician gets elected they are never smeared nor attacked and are never called far left extremists by the far left media. But when a conservative gets elected, they are always attacked and smeared and are always called far right extremists by the far left media. Their far left liberal media bias and hypocrisy always shows. They have become the number one enemy of we the people and traitors to rights and freedom and is what they live and thrive on. Probably 99% of all of our politicians are no better than the media is. They despise and pretty much hate we the people. Just saying. :unsure:
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