2 of the comments are especially telling:
Climate Change is the rubber band of explanations. It is stretched to fit any and all occurrences.
Uh, yeah. You were confused about this? The definition of climate is an accumulated collection of weather patterns for a length of time, not just one little occurrence within one season. The definition of global is inclusive of the entire planet, not just one d|nky little area.
Last year it meant Global Warming and unprecedented hurricanes. When that didn't happen it now means unusual cold snaps.
Uh, wrong. Last year it warmed.
.... and you need to accept what the evidence indicates. So far, you're stuck with your dogma instead.
The climate has always changed, it will always change. The earths climate has been inhospitably cold for the majority of the last few billion years.
Your opinion. In fact, it's been fluctuating fairly regularly.
We are lucky to live in a warm interglacial period. We should be worrying about how to survive when the ice returns.
Why? It won't happen overnight so we will have time to adapt. Or are you predicting sudden ice-ages?
Climate Change Dictionary
- PEER REVIEW: The act of banding together a group of like-minded academics with a funding conflict of interest, for the purpose of squeezing out any research voices that threaten the multi-million dollar government grant gravy train.
- SETTLED SCIENCE: Betrayal of the scientific method for politics or money or both.
- DENIER: Anyone who suspects the truth.
- CLIMATE CHANGE: What has been happening for billions of years, but should now be flogged to produce 'panic for profit.'
- NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: Leftist Nutcase Prize, unrelated to "Peace" in any meaningful way.
- DATA, EVIDENCE: Unnecessary details. If anyone asks for this, see "DENIER," above.
- CLIMATE SCIENTIST: A person skilled in spouting obscure, scientific-sounding jargon that has the effect of deflecting requests for "DATA" by "DENIERS." Also skilled at affecting an aura of "Smartest Person in the Room" to buffalo gullible legislators and journalists.
- JUNK SCIENCE: The use of invalid scientific evidence resulting in findings of causation which simply cannot be justified or understood from the standpoint of the current state of credible scientific or medical knowledge.
Good joke. Thanks.
I have one, too:
Q: How many climate deniers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. Eventually the lightbulbs will light themselves.
Northwest Passage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Interesting.. I wonder why the current Canadian government is all of a sudden making their stake in the arctic? Seems kind of .. oh.. coincidental that the passage has opened up due to climate change while Canada has been the most lax in reducing carbon emissions now more than ever... I wonder if there is any correlation between this suddenly apparent economic opportunity and the avoidance to reduce any emissions targets..
I doubt it. I think there's a scientific law that states politicians cannot think that far ahead nor that comprehensively.
Fixed it for you Les
Much appreciated.
How about the temp in the Gulf Stream at 30.5 C now (Florida). That is pretty warm for anytime of year. The Gulf Stream is not a local event.
It is when it's near Florida. The temp of the Gulf Stream is not a constant.