Don't shit where you eat.I kind of liked the child that died, a lot, . . . . you, not so much. I;ll be sure ti remind you of that every hour,
Here is an adapted version of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which can help you find out that someone you know might be a psychopath
The twenty traits on the Hare Psychopathy checklist are:
- pathological lying
- glib and superficial charm
- grandiose sense of self
- need for stimulation
- cunning and manipulative
- lack of remorse or guilt
- shallow emotional response
- callousness and lack of empathy
- parasitic lifestyle
- poor behavioral controls
- sexual promiscuity
- early behavior problems
- lack of realistic long-term goals
- impulsivity
- irresponsibility
- failure to accept responsibility
- many short-term marital relationships
- juvenile delinquency
- revocation of conditional release
- criminal versatility