Did they mean satisfied as in they can think of nothing else that could make their sex lives better?
Wording is important and how one interprets the wording and answers the question makes the stats useless.
Satisfied: contented; pleased.
One could be pleased with their sex lives, but not contented. One could yearn for further variety while still being quite pleased with what they've already got.
Statistical interpretation is an interesting subject all on it's own.
I wouldn't have been able to answer the question. I consider the question to be incomplete. Am I satisfied with how things are currently and would I want them to continue on as is? Nah, I don't want to be satisfied with is the current. I want to be yearn for more and new and different. Things not yet explored or known about. If I were fully satisfied would I continue to explore and try new? Probably not.
Non of that means I'm dissatisfied though. In fact, I'm of the belief that when you think you've learned it all and have no further plans to learn anything in the future, that's when you're body prepares itself for death. You've finished living. I hope to never stop learning, yearning, or trying new things. I hope to live until my body simply gives out. I hope to never be fully satisfied with the life I currently have for fear that I will never see an opportunity for something new.
You sound like a lesbian.
Aren't we all lesbians...on the inside?