That's a mean thing to say about Jackie Coogan!Isn't a woman the president of that club?
That's a mean thing to say about Jackie Coogan!Isn't a woman the president of that club?
Yes, and her man gives her multiple orgasm's.Isn't a woman the president of that club?
It's extremely rare that a man's rubber love doll would complain. you must have purchased one of those high dollar love dolls with the tape recording built in saying what a mayn ye are. "You de mayn,,,you de mayn,,,,LOLMostly because males are a bunch of little girls in this country. Bunch of castrated little bitches that would never even come close to giving their wives a orgasm.
You and Blackleaf should get together, Ang. You could form the North Atlantic He-Man Woman Haters Club.
It's extremely rare that a man's rubber love doll would complain. you must have purchased one of those high dollar love dolls with the tape recording built in saying what a mayn ye are. "You de mayn,,,you de mayn,,,,LOL
Ugh....this has become quite the.....whatever it is.
Romance isn't hard, but it needs consistent work, and
pays off exponentially. This might sound overly simplistic,
but here's a few guidelines guys, without the pissing match
and 'my dad's bigger than your dad' stuff.....
1) Hold open doors. Not just for your love but for others to.
Be it the car door, or at the mall, or whatever.
2) Carry a lighter, even if you don't smoke. Lighting a woman's
cigarette is sexy.
3) Make your woman feel like she's the most fascinating
woman in the room at all times. If you can make every
woman jealous/envious of your lady with your attention,
you're on the right track.
4) Dance. Doesn't matter if you can or not....just do it. Be
it in public or in your livingroom. Hold her close and just
let it happen.
5) Listen. Listen to what she says, be it about her day or
her friends or whatever....just listen.
Guy's, please expand on this. What else beyond these
basics stokes the fire and keeps it burning bright? This
thread can be a good thing for everyone here.
My guess is the closest you've come to multiple 'O's is fool has two of 'em....
Got me a real live dolllol
Give her multiple orgasm's. ....... That's all I've got.![]()
That starts long before you get to the bedroom. That's
where I'm going. A woman's mind is the biggest erogonous
zone, and that's happening all the time....not just in the
Lol . Didn't you read ron's post. Stop being a little *****. I know I pissed you off but get over it lol
And I bet your divorced. Lol
You sure have the knack for blowing it........
Yes. That was my point. Men are no longer sexually attractive to women. And so their sex has become a commodity to control us with.
But they are never satisfied
I think some guys just forget the basics, in just making
their girl feel special, and then letting them know they're
the most important person in your life, consistently.
I hold my ladies hand in public. Many don't any more.
She knows that not only do I love her, but that I'm not
afraid to show that in public. Your sex life is happening
all the time, and not just naked and alone together.
You guys are to easy
I agree. We all reap, what we sow....
Tell your Love that you love her....often. Just stop
what you're doing, no matter where you are, make
eye contact and hold it....& tell her that you love her!
Let her know, everyday, that not only do you love her,
but that you lust her! That she does it for you! That
you crave her....all the time! That she is the sexiest
woman you've ever met! Not only do you say it, but
you believe it and live it.
stand up for her, if someone is disrespectful.
Damn Straight! Doesn't mean you have to punch out some
'tard in line at the store, etc.....but you're there and have her
back, all the time, and she knows it. She knows you're always
in her corner, and life is good.
I was thinking the same thing. Like when a dip $hit is almost raming his cart up her butt in line at the grocery store.
Just look at him, with the look, and if he doesn't back the fu€k up you make him look like a a$$hole in front of everyone.
And if he still doesn't back up. Take him outside!