Only 61% of Canadians say they’re satisfied with their sex lives


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
right, sorry. In those days, the adults didn't share alot of information with the children around.

I've often wondered how many of our memories aren't our memories, but of parents memories they've shared with us?

or worse:

I once had a dream my eyebrow had fallen off. I was maybe 4yrs old. It was a few years later that I'd asked my mom about the time my eye brow fell off. It was then I'd learned it had never happened and it had been a dream.
I very seldom dream anymore. May be due to some of the medicines I've taken the last ten years or so. My memories as a child are filed with thoughts of playing little league baseball . I don't really remember much else. Might be due to my parents splitting up when I was very young. I choose to not think of a lot of things pertaining to how it was sometimes. When I do have a dream which is hardly ever, it seems to me that it is about my own experience with breaking up with the ex. A good dream would be fishing with my step dad.

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Point on the doll where the majority of Canadian Males touched you.


Knight of Columbus ? Lol

He's Illuminati

So, does sex still happen over 50? Lol

Yes, with minimal sprains.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
So, does sex still happen over 50? Lol

According to scientists, low testosterone is the primary cause of grumpiness in men over forty, a decreased sex drive and ED. We only need to look at the posts from many of the males here as proof of their findings.

I would point out that 39% of Canadians are satisfied with their sex lives which is actually an increase in the number of persons satisfied over time. This is likely due to the effects of modern pharmaceuticals.

And guys, don't make eye contact with another man when eating a banana.

Burma Shave.
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