Only 61% of Canadians say they’re satisfied with their sex lives


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Not looking for shortcuts....just a different honest perspective.

I know you're not looking for shortcuts, lol. Anyway, even if I wanted to, I couldn't give them to you. I could give shortcuts for me....although that ain't happening in an open forum, lol.

But seriously, if you want one woman's honest perspective.....I like real, not overly hyped male stereo-types....I'd 100% rather have someone show me the real truth, warts and all, over some carefully crafted 'peacock display'. And maybe I'm rare, maybe I'm not the norm....who can say? But I'd bet real money that those that do look at all those things that I personally find a turn off, those are the ones residing squarely in the 39%.

Honesty is attractive for those who don't fear to look at it in themselves.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
This is why you're a knuckle dragging basement dweller and always will be. :roll:
your so cute when your mad. Laugh out loud

If, Ron, you are actually referring to things like being protective or standing up for someone, that is entirely different than "macho bullsh*it" only really becomes macho bullsh*it when knuckle draggers who can't tell the difference think it means pounding their chests and bragging on the internet. (and I know you well enough to know you can the difference, ;))

So all the matcho $hit without the bragging about it on the Internet. Laugh out loud

I know you're not looking for shortcuts, lol. Anyway, even if I wanted to, I couldn't give them to you. I could give shortcuts for me....although that ain't happening in an open forum, lol..

Told you Ron , that she wouldn't drop the combination to her lock. ;)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tell your Love that you love her....often. Just stop
what you're doing, no matter where you are, make
eye contact and hold it....& tell her that you love her!

Let her know, everyday, that not only do you love her,
but that you lust her! That she does it for you! That
you crave her....all the time! That she is the sexiest
woman you've ever met! Not only do you say it, but
you believe it and live it.

Compliment her! Openly drool when appropriate!!!


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
your so cute when your mad. Laugh out loud


So all the matcho $hit without the bragging about it on the Internet. Laugh out loud

Told you Ron , that she wouldn't drop the combination to her lock. ;)

You're becoming irritating. Time to act like a grown up now. Give it yer all!


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Never drool unless you have a napkin in your pocket to sop it up! Geez, what am I, you're maid? ;)


You wouldn't feel good if your man was exited to see you in a sexy dress?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Only if you know her. Otherwise you can get in deep sh-t for noticing someone who spends 4 hours a day labouring to be noticed but just not noticed by you.

Yeah, I assumed that was a given.

Ugh....this has become quite the.....whatever it is.

Romance isn't hard, but it needs consistent work, and
pays off exponentially. This might sound overly simplistic,
but here's a few guidelines guys, without the pissing match
and 'my dad's bigger than your dad' stuff.....

1) Hold open doors. Not just for your love but for others to.
Be it the car door, or at the mall, or whatever.

2) Carry a lighter, even if you don't smoke. Lighting a woman's
cigarette is sexy.

3) Make your woman feel like she's the most fascinating
woman in the room at all times. If you can make every
woman jealous/envious of your lady with your attention,
you're on the right track.

4) Dance. Doesn't matter if you can or not....just do it. Be
it in public or in your livingroom. Hold her close and just
let it happen.

5) Listen. Listen to what she says, be it about her day or
her friends or whatever....just listen.

Guy's, please expand on this. What else beyond these
basics stokes the fire and keeps it burning bright? This
thread can be a good thing for everyone here.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Only if you know her. Otherwise you can get in deep sh-t for noticing someone who spends 4 hours a day labouring to be noticed but just not noticed by you.

There are subtle ways of letting someone know you would give her a good ride. And it would be well worth her time.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It gets even more complex but alas there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Which demographic does the bulk of the 39% exist in or is it relatively smooth across the board?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
There are subtle ways of letting someone know you would give her a good ride. And it would be well worth her time.

Your OWN wife/woman/whatever will know, & it
doesn't matter that anyone else thinks you might
be good in the sack. How do you make that better
long before you reach the bedroom?

Foreplay is an always thing, can be done subtly,
and constantly, in small actions almost all the time.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Your OWN wife/woman/whatever will know, & it
doesn't matter that anyone else thinks you might
be good in the sack. How do you make that better
long before you reach the bedroom?

Foreplay is an always thing, can be done subtly,
and constantly, in small actions almost all the time.

Yes, like the way you give your Christmas gift to her, Not nesseserly what the Christmas gift is. ;)

It's about "being da man". Kicking a$$ and making the whole situation da bomb.

That's what current males are so mediocre at.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Your OWN wife/woman/whatever will know, & it
doesn't matter that anyone else thinks you might
be good in the sack. How do you make that better
long before you reach the bedroom?

Foreplay is an always thing, can be done subtly,
and constantly, in small actions almost all the time.

A 3 on 1 off work rotation. There is no subtlety. It's 3 weeks of "I miss you, I love you, I'm sorry, laughter and tears" all coming in a flood from wheels down at the airport to the day before having to leave again.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
It gets even more complex but alas there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Which demographic does the bulk of the 39% exist in or is it relatively smooth across the board?

I'm sure each gender probably thinks theirs is the "poor put upon" one. People tend to think of their perspective as 'reality' when it's just their perspective and nothing more.

Living in your head, am I?

I'm flattered.

First you becoming irritating, now you're becoming repulsive. I believe the term I've most recently heard to describe you is 'pompous a*ss'. You're not making a point, you're just being a tool.

Back off, Angstrom. Right now.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm sure each gender probably thinks theirs is the "poor put upon" one. People tend to think of their perspective as 'reality' when it's just their perspective and nothing more.
I was thinking age, geo, culture etc.