Omnibus Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
We had a pedo priest up the street when I was a kid...he tagged some of my friends...

One of them killed their father after he brought my buddy BACK to the priest for discipline for reporting the pedo priest to his parents in the first place.

That more your speed?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
EPSTEINGATE: Ghislaine Maxwell's emails hacked causing panic
Brad Hunter
January 23, 2020
January 23, 2020 12:32 PM EST
Jeffrey Epstein and the socialite accused of being his sexual procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell.GETTY IMAGES
Powerful perverts are terrified their names will be leaked after Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged “pimp” Ghislaine Maxwell’s computer was hacked.
According to the Daily Mail, the computer held hundreds of personal emails packed with explosive information.
Maxwell — the daughter of disgraced press lord Robert “The Bouncing Czech” Maxwell — was a constant Epstein companion for two decades.
Epstein, 66, died in his New York jail cell last August, leaving a slew of unanswered questions.
The hedge fund billionaire’s coterie of well-connected pals includes former U.S. President Bill Clinton, President Donald Trump and Prince Andrew.
Who? Us? From left, Prince Andrew, Virginia Roberts and socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Roberts called her “diabolically evil”.
The Mail said the hacking revelation was made in a letter filed by the socialite’s lawyers in the defamation case brought against her by Epstein victim Virginia Maxwell.
Filed Dec. 5, the letter names materials her legal team believes should be sealed — or redacted.
The letter said: “The difficulty and complexity of the process as there are more than 8,600 pages … it is ‘difficult-to-overstate importance to the lives of Ms. Maxwell and the non-parties.”
Not only has Maxwell been accused of procuring underage girls for the convicted pedophile but also that she took part in the sexual assaults.
Maxwell has been in hiding since Epstein was arrested on child sex-trafficking charges last July.
She has denied any wrongdoing and has reportedly been hidden by an army of wealthy friends.
But it may be Prince Andrew who feels the most pain. It was revealed in December that the disgraced royal had exchanged emails with Maxwell about Roberts in 2015.
Andrew has claimed he never met Roberts.
But he wrote in an email to Maxwell: “Let me know when we can talk. Got some specific questions to ask you about Virginia Roberts.”
She replied: “Have some info — call me when you have a moment.”
Roberts claims she was forced to have sex with the prince on three occasions when she was underage.
Andrew also denied any wrongdoing.
Maxwell is being investigated by the FBI, and more details of her activities are expected to be released by the court in the coming months.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
FBI gets 'zero cooperation' from Prince Andrew in Epstein probe
January 27, 2020
January 27, 2020 4:05 PM EST
WASHINGTON — Prince Andrew has provided “zero cooperation” to U.S. authorities probing sex trafficking allegedly carried out by deceased financier Jeffrey Epstein and co-conspirators, a prosecutor said on Monday.
The FBI and U.S. federal prosecutors contacted Prince Andrew’s lawyers and requested an interview with the prince, who socialized with Epstein, Manhattan-based U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said at a news conference in front of Epstein’s mansion.
As of Monday, “Prince Andrew has provided zero cooperation,” Berman said at the event hosted by Safe Horizon, a group pressing for more legal protection for abuse victims.
He did not say when U.S. authorities had requested an interview with Andrew.
Buckingham Palace declined to comment.
Andrew said in November he would be willing to help “any appropriate law enforcement agency with their investigations, if required.”
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe is focusing on British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, a longtime associate of Epstein, and others who facilitated the wealthy financier’s alleged trafficking of underage girls, law enforcement sources told Reuters in December.
Maxwell has not been accused of criminal wrongdoing.
Epstein had socialized with Andrew and other high-profile figures including U.S. President Donald Trump and former president Bill Clinton, according to court filings.
Epstein’s suicide in August, at age 66, came a little over a month after he was arrested and charged with trafficking dozens of underage girls as young as 14 from at least 2002 to 2005. Prosecutors said he recruited girls to give him massages, which became sexual in nature. Epstein had pleaded not guilty.
In 2008, Epstein pleaded guilty to a Florida state charge of soliciting prostitution. He completed a 13-month jail sentence that was widely criticized as too lenient.
Andrew has described his association with Epstein as “ill-judged” and in November the prince stepped down from public duties as the allegations became a distraction for the royal family.
Andrew, Queen Elizabeth’s second son, has denied an allegation in a civil lawsuit from Virginia Giuffre, who claims she had sex with the prince when she was 17 in an encounter arranged through Epstein.
Giuffre’s lawsuit said Maxwell recruited her into Epstein’s circle and Epstein forced her to have sex with him and friends including Andrew.
Despite Epstein’s death, investigations continue into potential accomplices.
In December, sources told Reuters, law enforcement did not plan at that time to interview Andrew, although the investigation was said to be at an early stage.
The FBI has been following up on leads received from women who contacted a hotline the agency set up at its New York field office in the wake of Epstein’s arrest in July, the sources said in December.
This month, the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands sued Epstein’s estate claiming he raped and trafficked dozens of young women and girls on a private island he owned in the territory.
The complaint filed by Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George significantly broadened the scope of the financier’s alleged misconduct, saying it spanned from 2001 to 2018 and targeted girls who appeared to be as young as 11 or 12.
The Virgin Islands is seeking civil penalties plus some assets from Epstein’s estimated $577.7 million estate, including the forfeiture of his two private islands, Little St. James and Great St. James.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Epstein, Maxwell lured art students to ranch for sex games
Brad Hunter
January 28, 2020
January 28, 2020 3:29 PM EST
Twisted twosome. Jeffrey Epstein and the socialite accused of being his sexual procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell.GETTY IMAGES
The pedophile and his muse thought they had another winner.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s alleged scheme was to get a trio of attractive young art students to his Zorro ranch in New Mexico for a sex-packed weekend.
The promise for the women was a five-figure commission for a mural.
For Epstein and his alleged pimp, the payoff would be sex games with young girls, according to recent accusations.
As the noose tightens around Maxwell and Epstein pal Prince Andrew — who has stonewalled the FBI —more shocking allegations are emerging.
“Maxwell’s role was to ‘normalize it [the sex games],” alleged victim Maria Farmer told artnet news.
“She had a light-hearted delivery so you never felt like — dun dun dun — you’re going to be kidnapped and raped. You just thought they were quirky and they love art.”
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, has reportedly been put on ice over the Epstein affair. (David Mirzoeff/ Pool via REUTERS/File Photo)
But the convicted pedophile and Maxwell’s sick goals were allegedly far more sinister.
artnet reported that the pair would host bizarre dinner parties where guests were compelled to engage in lewd activities — to “test their boundaries.”
At the 1995 ranch hoedown, the pair passed around bogus boobs at the dinner table and played with condoms as the young women — students at the New York Academy of Art — looked on in horror.
When they arrived, red flags soon went up with one describing the ranch as “scary.”
The women alleged Epstein and Maxwell did their best to make the girls “uncomfortable.” At dinner, they asked them to put the falsies in their bras.
“That dinner party should not have happened, it was inappropriate,” one woman told artnet.
“I feel like when you’re in a position of responsibility to students and somebody acts the way they did, that’s cause to step back and assess whether this is a professional situation or not, and that definitely did not happen.”
Ghislaine Maxwell, left, with tempestuous temptress Naomi Campbell. GETTY IMAGES
Epstein — who died under mysterious circumstances in his Manhattan jail cell last August while awaiting trial — once claimed he wanted to set up a baby factory at the remote ranch.
That way he could spread his DNA.
FBI gets 'zero cooperation' from Prince Andrew in Epstein probe
Shocking photos show pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in death
PRINCE ANDREW: UK cops block probe into Epstein sex slaves
Meanwhile, famed feminist lawyer Gloria Allred is calling for Prince Andrew’s head and warns he’ll be hit with a subpoena if he ever steps foot in the U.S. She represents several Epstein accusers.
“Certainly, if he ever came back to the United States, that would be one of the first things that I’m sure a lot of lawyers, including me, would want to do,” Allred told the BBC.
Her response comes a day after the Manhattan U.S. attorney said the rogue royal was refusing to help the feds in their Epstein probe.
She added: “If he has done nothing wrong, which appears to be what he has claimed, then why won’t he talk to law enforcement?”

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The attorney general for the U.S. Virgin Islands has subpoenaed 21 years worth of flight logs documenting passengers on aircraft belonging to the late Jeffrey Epstein.

Denise George, who filed a lawsuit against the billionaire pedophile’s estate, has demanded the names and details of anyone who worked for the pilots or interacted with Epstein, and any passengers who travelled with him. Her subpoena has also requested details on any ‘complaints or reports of potentially suspicious conduct’ and personal notes recorded by pilots.

The flight logs would include records on Epstein’s four helicopters and three planes — one of which has been dubbed the ‘Lolita Express’ — spanning from 1998 until his death last year. Epstein, who was arrested in July 2019 on charges of sex-trafficking and abusing minors, was found dead in his prison cell on August 10. The medical examiner ruled his death as a suicide. (Suicide'd, anyway)

George’s lawsuit against Epstein’s estate alleges 22 counts of human trafficking, aggravated rape, child abuse, neglect, forced labour and prostitution, according to the Mirror. Two of Epstein’s former pilots have already cooperated with the investigation. David Rogers, 66, provided logs from 2009, which allegedly showed that Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Naomi Campbell were among those who traveled on Epstein’s jet. Investigators last year told the New York Times that Larry Visoski, Epstein’s chief pilot who chartered the so-called ‘Lolita Express,’ had also been cooperating, although they did not say whether they had received his flight logs.

The records that have been subpoenaed will make the ones Rodgers provided look like a Post-It note,” an unnamed legal source told the Mirror. “There is panic among many of the rich and famous.” Ect.....

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In the absence of information about how sex offender Jeffrey Epstein managed to die in prison by an apparent "Arkancide" on Aug. 10, outlandish conspiracy theories have cropped up across the political spectrum.

Among the more prominent theories are claims that the Clintons or President Donald Trump is somehow involved. Trump himself shared a comedian’s tweet peddling the baseless suggestion that former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were responsible.

When a reporter asked Trump about that on Aug. 13, the president said he had “no idea” if the Clintons were involved and referenced trips that Bill Clinton had taken on Epstein’s plane. It’s true that Clinton had ties to Epstein, a wealthy financier who stood accused of sexually abusing dozens of young girls, and that the former president had traveled on Epstein’s plane. But Epstein had ties to Trump, too, and to other politicians who have been named in recently released court documents,'s a dirty sleazy ball of filth.