Oil Sand Myths


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
You know what's funny. I actually believe in AGW. I'm not thoroughly convinced on all the drivers. But I believe we are negatively impacting the environment, across the board. Not just in climate.

But there's something I recognize, that you and the other half wit don't. The world still has to function.

Abrupt actions like the nonsense you convey, are detrimental to peoples lives, and the economy, acutely. The nonsense you push, would cause riots, mass starvation and wars.

Now I'm just as Ok with anarchy as I am with living without gas. I'm well armed and trained in Guerrilla warfare. But that's me. That isn't everybody.

Use your head, lets ask Ottawa to try the German approach and see what happens. If that doesn't go well, we can go back to the board.

Your use of hyperbole and BS, is counterproductive. People like you drive the sane away from the issue. In fact, people like you and Cabbagefarts, make me want to switch sides, you're both an embarrassment to the cause.

Well you two have the dick part down good. I'm looking forward to seeing you two try at raising the bar.

It would be nice if you guys could take a hint.
Just keep reading and you will slowly (in your case) develop some understanding. You will become thoroughly convinced since there is not the teeniest argument or doubt. You will learn that economic collapse will come if re not rapid and dramatic action. You will learn that wars are already happening because of the lack of action. You will learn that mass starvation and riots (on a scale you can scarcely imagine) will be thr fruit of inaction.

You will learn that the world as we know it will be unable to function in the not very distant future. You will learn that the "German Approach" is little different than any other successful approach and that it is the German Approach - feed in tariffs - that Ontario is applying.

You will learn that citing what the science says and what 98% of climate scientists are saying is not hyperbole.

You will learn that your whole approach is BS and acquire a little humility and respect for informed opinions.

How many years will it take to melt the 3000+m of Greenland ice?
Possibly a couple of thousand but what of it? There will be vast quantities of water released on the way there. Enough to make most coastal cities problematic within a couple of hundred and some in difficulty within this century. WITHIN THE LIFETIME OF YOUR GRANDCHILDREN.


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
Ask any Newfy in Fort Mac.Hows it going?

They allmost allways reply"livin the dream me b'ye,livin the dream.

I'm not kidding

It is bad enough that the easterners have to travel thousands of miles from home and family just to get a job,it's a tough life they live and I know because I also travel but at least I can get home in a half a day.

Shutting down the oilsands and telling them they dont have jobs anymore would probably result in a few riots.
I know intimately several Newfies working at Fort Mac. They do not say what you think they say.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Albertans all came from somewhere else, so that's no surprise...
Not many my age in the workforce,thats anywhere from yellowknife to sk.When I went to RTL in YK for the first time I was the only westerner in camp,same with allmost every site I have worked on,They may live in Alberta or the west but they still consider them selves easterners first.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Just keep reading and you will slowly (in your case) develop some understanding. You will become thoroughly convinced since there is not the teeniest argument or doubt. You will learn that economic collapse will come if re not rapid and dramatic action. You will learn that wars are already happening because of the lack of action. You will learn that mass starvation and riots (on a scale you can scarcely imagine) will be thr fruit of inaction.
When you want to attack someones intelligence. Posting something filled with spelling errors really doesn't make you look smarter, lol. It does however make me laugh at you.

You will learn that the world as we know it will be unable to function in the not very distant future. You will learn that the "German Approach" is little different than any other successful approach and that it is the German Approach - feed in tariffs - that Ontario is applying.
That isn't all Germany did. But you should already know that oh learned one.

You will learn that citing what the science says and what 98% of climate scientists are saying is not hyperbole.
Since you cite bloggers for oil companies, does that mean those that disagree with can too?

You will learn that your whole approach is BS and acquire a little humility and respect for informed opinions.
Given the holes I've punched in your lies, and Rebel's hyperbole, I'd have to see an informed opinion from you or Rebel to be humbled by it.

Keep trying though, your ignorance, projection and buffoonery is entertaining.

Maybe one day you'll tell me all about how the Mohawks said they wanted to stay in Canada in 1980, and what Regiment those tanks were from and on what Quebec border they were situated on.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Fear tactics, don't read the friggin' books. They enable you to make all sorts of silly, and easily debunked claims.

Do you even understand what's at stake?

ALL complex life on this planet is dependent on the stability of the biosphere. If we push things too far there won't be enough food, water and even potentially oxygen to support us.

What we're doing is virtually unprecendented in the history of the planet, the only things that have changed the global environment to the same degree and in a close time scale have been massive asteroid impacts. Claiming that we need to put economical interests first is completely unsupportable, if we destroy the systems that allow us to live then no amount of money(which is an abstract concept, not a physical reality) is going to save us. Claiming it's OK to go ahead and destroy biological communities that took millions of years to develope because we can just patch the problem later is nuts, when they're gone they're gone.

And we're not just pumping massive quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, we're also rapidly removing most of the forest cover, cleansing the oceans of most major fish species, and developing large tracks of some of the most fertile lands for strip malls and high density housing complexes. Maybe some peoples dream world would resemble Corusant from Star Wars, but to support a population of billions you'd need incredible amounts of air and water purification facilities not to mention require food and other resources to be shipped from somewhere you could grow them.

Economic development with no thought to long-term environmental health is insane. You may end up with a massive imaginary amount of money, but it would be functionaly worthless if the ecological system EVERYTHING is dependent on is gone.

The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that people who keep condemning those who want to protect environmental health in their hearts(a loose description) are only really interested in the destruction of what most matters to us...and they should be ignored and if in positions of power and influence removed.

The global environment is a shared resource, it's not there for the taking of the small minority of the population that are unwilling or unable to think beyond their own selfish wants(not needs).


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Do you even understand what's at stake?

Which is why the dishonest hyperbole and BS you use to push your version of reality, is counterproductive.

The same thing happened to the OWS movement, the nutters like you got all the attention, and anyone that actually has something sane and intelligent to say, gets sidelined and then painted with the same nuttery brush.



Electoral Member
May 13, 2012

Which is why the dishonest hyperbole and BS you use to push your version of reality, is counterproductive.

The same thing happened to the OWS movement, the nutters like you got all the attention, and anyone that actually has something sane and intelligent to say, gets sidelined and then painted with the same nuttery brush.


Show me how we can remove so many links in the ecological chain while at the same time completely modify vast areas of natural habitat while maintaining the level of diversity needed to have a stable ecosystem.

Ecology comes first not economy, the economy could disappear tomorrow and the natural world wouldn't miss it, if we have a large-scale ecological collapse- which is almost certain with the scale and direction modern "progress" is taking - the economy and most if not all of us are gone.

And what are you saying that makes the slightest bit of sense, for long-term economic stability we need to assure environmental health, it should be obvious to anyone who isn't solidly locked into an ideology that allows no objectivity.

Just because we like to put dollar signs on everything doesn't mean that's what their true value is. In ecological terms a diverse biosphere is priceless and once it's been exploited for short-term economic gain and most likely seriously degraded or even completely wiped out it's gone...then on to the next easiest place to exploit and make a quick buck before continuing the pattern until there's simply nothing left and the whole edifice comes crashing down. And where do we go then, I'm fairly certain that this is the only Earth we have.
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Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Show me how we can remove so many links in the ecological chain while at the same time completely modify vast areas of natural habitat while maintaining the level of diversity needed to have a stable ecosystem.

Ecology comes first not economy, the economy could disappear tomorrow and the natural world wouldn't miss it, if we have a large-scale ecological collapse- which is almost certain with the scale and direction modern "progress" is taking - the economy and most if not all of us are gone.

And what are you saying that makes the slightest bit of sense, for long-term economic stability we need to assure environmental health, it should be obvious to anyone who isn't solidly locked into an ideology that allows no objectivity.
You should get outside more often,the worlds looking pretty good here in Canada,nice and green,lots of trees and rivers you can actually drink straight from.

I have deer in my yard and lots of birds,bears wander in daily as do wild turkeys.
Yup....We got it pretty good here no matter how bad you try make it look.
Some of us do go outside the house once in awhile.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Show me how we can remove so many links in the ecological chain while at the same time completely modify vast areas of natural habitat while maintaining the level of diversity needed to have a stable ecosystem.
A question not in argument.

I've rallied for environmental protection, since before it was cool.

Ecology comes first not economy, the economy could disappear tomorrow and the natural world wouldn't miss it...
But the people in that world would.

And what are you saying that makes the slightest bit of sense, for long-term economic stability we need to assure environmental health, it should be obvious to anyone who isn't solidly locked into an ideology that allows no objectivity.
Is that like the ideology you're locked into?

Dude, I don't necessarily disagree with your premise. I disagree with your use of hyperbole and BS. Which is counterproductive.

I've only said it at least a dozen times now.

Why is it only you and Cabbagefarts can't seem to understand that?

Just because we like to put dollar signs on everything doesn't mean that's what their true value is. In ecological terms a diverse biosphere is priceless and once it's been exploited for short-term economic gain and most likely seriously degraded or even completely wiped out it's gone...then on to the next easiest place to exploit and make a quick buck before continuing the pattern until there's simply nothing left and the whole edifice comes crashing down. And where do we go then, I'm fairly certain that this is the only Earth we have.
Maybe you should reread my posts, and actually read them this time.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Counterproductive for sure,allmost like they have an agenda or something.
You mean like your agenda?

You may speak from experience, but you aren't that far off the Rebel in some respects.

That isn't meant as an insult so much as an observation.