Another unadjusted data graph.
yeah, take away all the lines except measured temperature and what do you get? That's right Walter, global warming. Not cooling. Even by your own graph. Man, I hate it when a good plan backfires, don't you?
Another unadjusted data graph.
yeah, take away all the lines except measured temperature and what do you get? That's right Walter, global warming. Not cooling. Even by your own graph. Man, I hate it when a good plan backfires, don't you?
yeah, take away all the lines except measured temperature and what do you get? That's right Walter, global warming. Not cooling. Even by your own graph. Man, I hate it when a good plan backfires, don't you?
And, assuming your graph is correct, the temperature has risen by 3/4 a degree Celcius in 130 years, and then dropped a bit.
it's called the "70s global cooling meme" for a reason! I've responded to that here with a lengthy pointed post that showcased a paper (a meta study) of all the related published papers in the 60s/70s timeframe and the positions they held. The number of papers holding a cooling predictive position were significantly less than those with a warming predictive position. Did you think Locutus' post was bringing something new? Notwithstanding that post was simply a '2 paragraph' newspaper reference from the 60s... I'll hold that meta-study up to that clipping anytime. Bottom line is that meme you're again trotting out was one simply perpetuated by the media... most notably and principally, a Newsweek article.
of the other references you make, I'm not familiar with the posts you presume to speak to or the predictions themselves. The key point for you is to speak to, in any of these type predictions, is where are they coming from and what acceptance did they/do they hold. We're forever hearing from the "Captain Morgan" types around here about the Arctic ice free predictions. Yes, they've been made... progressively made, by a small number of scientists over time. I've never seen/read it established as a formal position statement from any recognized or acknowledged scientific body. So, per design, instead of recognizing the most significant, multi-decadal, sea-ice extent/volume/mass loss in the Arctic... deniers will ignore all that Arctic ice loss in favour of continually hyping the "ice free" predictions.
And it's still getting warmer even after 5 pages of arguing about it. And now the graph the deniers hate.![]()
2000 is even better.....
Putting up these short time frame graphs may be enough to scare the bejesus out of the rank and file, but it is not showing enough of a trend for those of us that have a little more brain matter between the ears. .
Oh my gosh the world is going to end!
Fairly simple one though. Even you could get this one. :lol: Not too difficult to see the warming trend there. This graph is the reason, more than any, that the deniers are having trouble convincing people that it's not warming.
Wonder why they made that a faint dotted line at the end? D'oh! What a giveaway! Also the anomaly is around 0.75 right for 2014 I think, not 0.4.
You do not seem to understand that those of us who resist and resent the BS about globull warming are that way because we have been bullchitted for many years. We do not argue against the warming, just the hands out for a grant groups who want to blame people for a natural happening.
Ask the IPCC it's their doing.
"More brain matter between your ears"? Here's the collective view of world's scientists, the vast majority of whom believe that anthropogenic CO2 is causing an increase in tropospheric global average temperatures, and your conclusion is that they're all dummies compared to you, random dude in the internet. :lol:
Show me where I said that. Haven't ever said that.
You see, you're not doing your claims of hyper-intelligence any good when you can't even remember back one post. :lol:
The ultimate question asked, that you once again ignored, is why should we believe these new predictions of doom and gloom when previous predictions did not pan out.
100 years is not long enough a time span to accurately predict squat when it comes to global climates. Show a graph that has global temps for the last 1000, or 2000 years at least. Prove that the existing warming is not just a natural phase in the global climate. Putting up these short time frame graphs may be enough to scare the bejesus out of the rank and file, but it is not showing enough of a trend for those of us that have a little more brain matter between the ears. These short time graphs are only showing us what the warmest scientists want us to see. Personally, I want to see the whole picture, not a small snap shot.
I think the reason is that the question was some five pages ago, followed by five pages of you demanding that waldo answer your question.
Global warming is primarily cured by anthropogenic emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere. It will increase at a rate of about 1 deg C per doubling of CO2, with exaggerated effects in polar areas. It will be bad and expensive, but probably more of a nuisance than an existential threat. Personally, I'm more worried about the fish. That's my prediction.
sigh, you put yourself out there as being of above average intelligence, yet you use simplistic arguments by changing what's been said and if you didn't do it on purpose, then your intelligence isn't as high as you claim. Here's what I wrote, in it's entirety with the pertinent info highlighted.
I'm also goo looking, talented, athletic. But the best thing I like about me is that I'm overflowing with humbility.
But that is NOT what the majority are stating. Not entirely at least. Predictions are of global catastrophe if we don't start dumping money, hand over fist, into stopping the CO2 emissions.
There's a range of beliefs. That's where I stand. We should probably pick the low hanging fruit, in my opinion--emission controls on coal, thermal power, vehicles, concrete, etc. Invest in other energy sources more heavily than we currently do. Carbon markets are OK, but I prefer old-fashioned regulation. Other than that we should take a wait and see approach. Artificially pricing oil higher through taxes is fine in Canada; not so fine where such a tax will push people off the subsistence bubble into deprivation and starvation.
And we should be more active internationally to try to determine the state of the world's oceans, re: the fish.
There's a range of beliefs. That's where I stand. We should probably pick the low hanging fruit, in my opinion--emission controls on coal, thermal power, vehicles, concrete, etc. Invest in other energy sources more heavily than we currently do. Carbon markets are OK, but I prefer old-fashioned regulation. Other than that we should take a wait and see approach. Artificially pricing oil higher through taxes is fine in Canada; not so fine where such a tax will push people off the subsistence bubble into deprivation and starvation.
And we should be more active internationally to try to determine the state of the world's oceans, re: the fish.