NDP membership climbs by over 50 per cent since race began


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Just a question.??

Kia, Hyundai = Korea
Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki = Japan
GM, Chev, Ford = USA
BMW, VW, Benz = Germany
Fiat = Italy


? = Canada

where is Canada's brand?

I would like to see the gov't take that 20% of GM and put it into R&D of Canada's brand
I tried to find Canadian made strollers but no luck.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I tried to find Canadian made strollers but no luck.

Baby stroller cover comforter - P'tit Coulou



L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
How can you add it all up?
I think it's futile to try.
We know about how much they cost the taxpayers but how do you put a price on the businesses they destroyed or moved their head office to Alberta.
I think it's incalculable.
Before the NDP came in I employed anywhere from 8-15 people. By the time we got rid of them there was 2 of us left and I shut it down and went back to carrying a lunch box.
Yours is one of many, many instances.

Just a question.??

Kia, Hyundai = Korea
Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki = Japan
GM, Chev, Ford = USA
BMW, VW, Benz = Germany
Fiat = Italy


? = Canada

where is Canada's brand?
Canadian company called Zenn. There's a company that started in Italy but moved here called Intermeccanica.
There's one that makes armored cars called Streit and another called Terradyne.
There are a few that build buses.
There's a company that builds a heavy-duty crew truck called a Grizzly.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
I think it's futile to try. I think it's incalculable. Yours is one of many, many instances.

Canadian company called Zenn. There's a company that started in Italy but moved here called Intermeccanica.

There's one that makes armored cars called Streit and another called Terradyne.

There are a few that build buses.

There's a company that builds a heavy-duty crew truck called a Grizzly.

Yeah, I have never seen a zenn car have you?? Looks more like a scam, investment into a company that has no product... yet?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Yeah, I have never seen a zenn car have you?? Looks more like a scam, investment into a company that has no product... yet?

Been out of the country too long? There is also a company in Errington that makes electric cars. Qualicum Beach has at least 1 in its fleet. If you google it you would find several including one that retrofit gas pots.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Been out of the country too long? There is also a company in Errington that makes electric cars. Qualicum Beach has at least 1 in its fleet. If you google it you would find several including one that retrofit gas pots.

That's a conversion kit.. not an actual automobile line.

I would like to see something down the road the size of Kia take hold in Canada..

The Canuckmobile, flex fuel, electric..

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
That's a conversion kit.. not an actual automobile line.

I would like to see something down the road the size of Kia take hold in Canada..

The Canuckmobile, flex fuel, electric..

How 'bout Campagna Motors out'a Quebec? I'd love to
own one of their products, but they're pretty steep still for
a three-season vehicle when the fourth season is winter, &
that feels like it lasts 1/2 the year.

These vehicles look like about as much fun as you can have
with your clothes on. If the price came down, I'd love to pick one


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yeah, I have never seen a zenn car have you?? Looks more like a scam, investment into a company that has no product... yet?
The Canadian government won't allow the Zenn to sell here (too slow, top speed around 30 k/h). They market them in the US though.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
How 'bout Campagna Motors out'a Quebec? I'd love to
own one of their products, but they're pretty steep still for
a three-season vehicle when the fourth season is winter, &
that feels like it lasts 1/2 the year.

These vehicles look like about as much fun as you can have
with your clothes on. If the price came down, I'd love to pick one

Campagna Motors T-REX and V13R the

Oh!! OH!! Where do I get mine... thumbs up dude.

O.K. Later - Spartacus Vengeance is on..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON

OTTAWA—A record number of card-carrying New Democrats are eligible to choose the federal party’s next leader, with British Columbia and Ontario holding the key to victory.

Final membership numbers released Tuesday by the party show membership has swelled to 128,351, an increase of just over 50 per cent since the start of the leadership contest last October.

All members are entitled to cast ballots, starting March 1 and culminating in a Toronto leadership convention on March 24.

British Columbia, with 38,735 members, and Ontario, with 36,760, will have the most influence over which of the seven contenders emerges victorious. The two provinces account for 30 per cent and 28.6 per cent of the membership respectively.

Ontario outstripped all other provinces in terms of membership growth, adding more than 14,000 members since October.

In Quebec, membership numbers have shot up to 12,266 from 1,695 last fall — a 600 per cent increase.

Still, Quebec accounts for only 9.5 per cent of the total membership, leaving the province with limited influence in choosing the party’s next leader even though it delivered more than half the 103 seats won by the NDP in the May 2 election.

Montreal MP and leadership candidate Thomas Mulcair is likely the prime beneficiary of the Quebec growth spurt. However, the numbers are well short of the 20,000 members his camp had hoped to recruit in the province.

“You have to set yourself ambitious targets to get good results and the results are historic,” said Mulcair campaign director Raoul Gebert. “The NDP has never had these many members in Quebec at all and we started with very, very low numbers.”

Quebec’s clout is virtually identical to Manitoba’s 12,056 members (9.3 per cent), and only slightly better than Saskatchewan’s 11,264 (8.7 per cent), and Alberta’s 10,249 (7.9 per cent).

Nova Scotia is the most influential of the Atlantic provinces, with 3,844 members (2.9 per cent). The other three Atlantic provinces and the northern territories each account for less than 1 per cent of the national total.

The B.C. numbers are especially encouraging to former party president Brian Topp, who has amassed a formidable organization and impressive roster of endorsements from party luminaries in the province, including deputy leader Libby Davies.

Nathan Cullen, a B.C. MP, also claims strength in his home province.

Ontario is more of a mixed bag, with Toronto MP Peggy Nash, Ottawa MP Paul Dewar, Mulcair and Topp all claiming significant support.

Nash’s camp said it signed up “a significant portion” of the new members nationally and took particular encouragement in the Ontario growth spurt.

“It’s also very good news that the Ontario numbers are as high as they are since Peggy has such high first- and second-ballot support there,” said Nash campaign director Riccardo Filippone.

And where are these new members coming from? Let's suppose many of them are coing from the Liberals to "not split the left vote", then they're bound to pull the NDP closer towards the centre. The NDP might be basking in it now, but the original members might not be too happy if the newbies start dragging the party more towards the centre. That might be a good thing in my opinion.

Liberals are gone.. they are nothing but a faded image of the Conservative party. The true Liberals are the NDP's.

It does not matter if you elect Conservative or Liberals you basically get the same sh!t. NDP has a new vision for Canada, which I like.

RIP Jack Layton.. but this is what I liked about the guy..


Personally I feel the NDP will scrap NAFTA and rather than having FREE TRADE we can go back to FAIR TRADE!!

Domtar operated a paper mill in Cornwall until 2006 when it closed, $25hr to $35hr. Replacement jobs, $8 to $12hr jobs.

I have hundreds of more examples of this.. by the way that plant reopened in Mexico.

OH CANADA!!!! :canada: We can ship our oil to China, just not our jobs..

The NDP might very well become the new Liberal Party if all the Liberals abandon ship and join it.

Now as for free trade vs. frair trade and your reference to protecting high paying Canadian jobs. Considering that free trade generally does benefit the poorer country more than the wealthier one, why would a social progressive like yourself want to undermine that? Is it not the NDP's goal to promote a more level playing field between rich and poor, or does that apply only to Canadians?

Think about it.

Yup the same ones Union pensions invested in. NDP will need to ramp up those Evil Corporations to float the overall penions boat the same way Liberals did and Harper is doing.

What will change?

You mean like how the NDP, Liberals, and Block, those progressive left-leaning opponents of corporate fat cats and corporate welfare, were all proposing we bail out... just wait for it... those same evel corporate fat cats on corporate welfare?

Yup. That sure left an awful tase in my mouth too. In fact, though I tend to lean left on many fronts, I admired the fact that the Conservatives seemd most opposed to corporate welfare, though I felt even they succombed too easily.

How quick some people forget politics is a living thing and what appears to be today
disappears tomorrow. how can one say the NDP will be the biggest loser in the next
election? The Tories could implode, the Liberals could come back and the new leader
of the New Democrats may be much more popular with the public that we think.

Remember when Layton was an obscure voice in the distance? Something happened
and he became the flavour of the month. It can go that way with almost anything.
Harper, for example, is in trouble, he doesn't know it yet and it may be that he works
his way back into the political scene. Why in trouble? He has strayed from the steady
hand image into pension territory, and a change in medicare policy. You do not touch
the sacred cows if you want to survive in the blood sport of politics.

The fact that the NDP has grown rapidly in the event of a leadership race should not
surprise anyone, it would be surprising if it didn't. Quebec was a surprise and the fact
they don't have that many members is not surprising. What I find surprising about the
Quebec membership is that it is around 9 percent. It used to be around four percent.

The problem I have with the NDP is that they have taken too bloody long to get a leader.
There are too many variables however to declare anyone a winner or loser in the Canadian
system this early in the game.

You are right. Run good candidates, and your vote count can increase.

Just a question.??

Kia, Hyundai = Korea
Toyota, Nissan, Suzuki = Japan
GM, Chev, Ford = USA
BMW, VW, Benz = Germany
Fiat = Italy


? = Canada

where is Canada's brand?

I would like to see the gov't take that 20% of GM and put it into R&D of Canada's brand

No country can produce everything; the world has just become way too high tech and specialized for that. Each country specializes in what it does best. For instance, you wouldn't propose we grow our own bananas, would you?

How about Canada does what it does best and leave it at that. Bombardier is a great company, and long with other high tech giants that Canada has. Let's develop those instead.

That's a conversion kit.. not an actual automobile line.

I would like to see something down the road the size of Kia take hold in Canada..

The Canuckmobile, flex fuel, electric..

Who cares who produces it. We produce and export things and others do the same. I tall balances out in the end. It sounds like you'l like to see Canada produce its own bananas and coconuts.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Now as for free trade vs. fair trade and your reference to protecting high paying Canadian jobs. Considering that free trade generally does benefit the poorer country more than the wealthier one, why would a social progressive like yourself want to undermine that? Is it not the NDP's goal to promote a more level playing field between rich and poor, or does that apply only to Canadians?

Look, if I was the leader of the NDP and voted in - Canadian's are my first priority - the voters.

Sorry pal some Banana Republic in Central America or South America is just not my problem. Of course I would still trade, but if that country unfairly subsidized a certain sector and makes a product unfairly cheap compared to the Canadian made product, I will set duties or tariffs to make it a even playing field.

Or like China does, manipulates their currency to make their product better to buy..

Then again I would be about the worst Prime Minster Canada could get.

1. I would bring back the Death Penalty
2. I would have a 3 strike law
3. US 2nd amendment would be Canada's new law
4. Build up Canada's military and build a few nukes
5. I would go nuts on building infrastructure in the North West Territories, and across Canada
6. Scrap Free Trade for Fair Trade (duties, tariffs)

7. Regulate the oil industry a little more...

The resources under the ground belong to Canadians, and the Canadian Gov't issues permits to companies to drill for that oil, gas or minerals. The Canadian Gov't is the custodian of Canada's resources for our future and to benefit Canadians.

I would want more oil refineries built and a certain percentage of refined oil must stay in Canada for Canadians. Cheaper fuel prices which is what hurts everyone the most.

8. Health care - have people pay a $20 or $30 co-pay to the doctors and hospitals per visit. It will help stop abuse of the system, people going to emergency for a cold.

9. Drug test welfare recipients.

eh! I could go on.. just call my King B00Mer :lol:

So with my above views.. I'm a Conservative or Liberal..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
It's Harper and the Evil Corporation's fault there are no Canadian designed and built cars.

The NDP will change all that.

At what cost?

I can certainly see a role for government, but at most in terms of providing quality skills training for the unemployed, which in turn attracts high tech companies in need of qualified workers. Beyond that though, no I'm not in favour of government micromanaging the economy.

Look, if I was the leader of the NDP and voted in - Canadian's are my first priority - the voters.

Sorry pal some Banana Republic in Central America or South America is just not my problem. Of course I would still trade, but if that country unfairly subsidized a certain sector and makes a product unfairly cheap compared to the Canadian made product, I will set duties or tariffs to make it a even playing field.

So are you saying the Conservatives are more effective in redistributing whealth between rich and poor countries than the NDP? There is an irony there, would'nt you say?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
So are you saying the Conservatives are more effective in redistributing whealth between rich and poor countries than the NDP? There is an irony there, would'nt you say?

NOOOOO!! I didn't say that. How did you come to understand that?

Conservatives are more effective with protecting the country, and when it comes to law and order..

Texas, and extremely Conservative State has the death penalty. They even did one better, while other states, such as Indiana as eliminating the death penalty, Texas put in a fast lane. If you have three credible witnesses to the murder, you go right to the front of the line.

However, when it come to the welfare of the people, social programs, infrastructure, and protecting it's citizens standard of living, I would say the Liberals/NDP do better.

You see I'm torn between Conservative ideas and Liberal ideas.. I want Canada to have a strong military, harsh punishment for criminals and that includes the death penalty and 3 strike laws.

However, as a Liberal.. I would to protect our Health Care system and the abuse.. the $20 co-pay per visit, and want to protect Canadian manufacturing and the Canadian standard of living. We live in Canada, and are very fortunate...

Resources are not infinite, so when they run out 200 years from now, what are your children's, children going to do when all the skilled jobs, and manufacturing jobs are over seas..

The reason The USA is not drilling baby drilling, is smart.. import everyone else's resources now, and when they are tapped out then go after their own. They understand clearly what we take for granted now, may not be that available 100 year from now.

Saudi Arabia is almost dry.. Is Saudi Arabia running out of oil? - The Week

We need to protect our resources and Canadians.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
NOOOOO!! I didn't say that. How did you come to understand that?

Conservatives are more effective with protecting the country, and when it comes to law and order..

Texas, and extremely Conservative State has the death penalty. They even did one better, while other states, such as Indiana as eliminating the death penalty, Texas put in a fast lane. If you have three credible witnesses to the murder, you go right to the front of the line.

However, when it come to the welfare of the people, social programs, infrastructure, and protecting it's citizens standard of living, I would say the Liberals/NDP do better.

You see I'm torn between Conservative ideas and Liberal ideas.. I want Canada to have a strong military, harsh punishment for criminals and that includes the death penalty and 3 strike laws.

However, as a Liberal.. I would to protect our Health Care system and the abuse.. the $20 co-pay per visit, and want to protect Canadian manufacturing and the Canadian standard of living. We live in Canada, and are very fortunate...

Resources are not infinite, so when they run out 200 years from now, what are your children's, children going to do when all the skilled jobs, and manufacturing jobs are over seas..

The reason The USA is not drilling baby drilling, is smart.. import everyone else's resources now, and when they are tapped out then go after their own. They understand clearly what we take for granted now, may not be that available 100 year from now.

Saudi Arabia is almost dry.. Is Saudi Arabia running out of oil? - The Week

We need to protect our resources and Canadians.

I agree with charging more for Canadian resources. This would hurt our resource industries and reduce our resource exports which in turn would lower the value of the Canadian dollar which in turn would increase Canadian non-resource exports. It would make us somewhat poorer, but it would also preserve our resources for the long term, a worthy trade off.

One thing I really dislike though is beggar-my-neighbour politics (i.e. Canada pasing laws that benefit us at the expense of other countries), not only because it's bad politics and economics in the long run (countries do retaliate in trade wars for example), but also just because it's bad ethics.