NDP membership climbs by over 50 per cent since race began


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I agree with charging more for Canadian resources. This would hurt our resource industries and reduce our resource exports which in turn would lower the value of the Canadian dollar which in turn would increase Canadian non-resource exports. It would make us somewhat poorer, but it would also preserve our resources for the long term, a worthy trade off.

Depends on whether you are talking exhaustable or renewable resources. Many that aren't renewable aren't imminently exhaustable either.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
That's a conversion kit.. not an actual automobile line.

I would like to see something down the road the size of Kia take hold in Canada..

The Canuckmobile, flex fuel, electric..

No, they build actual cars as well as conversion kits. Look at their website.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm not so concerned about renewable, but non-renewable.

I'm not sure if there are many that are "non renewable", possibly close to none. Eg. gas can be made from chicken manure, "oil" can be extracted from many forms of vegetation, vehicles can be built that can run on corn oil. As far as metals are concerned there is probably as big of a source above the ground as there is below the ground- just look at the old fridges, washers, dryers, scrapped cars in land fills.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Look, if I was the leader of the NDP and voted in - Canadian's are my first priority - the voters.

Sorry pal some Banana Republic in Central America or South America is just not my problem. Of course I would still trade, but if that country unfairly subsidized a certain sector and makes a product unfairly cheap compared to the Canadian made product, I will set duties or tariffs to make it a even playing field.

Or like China does, manipulates their currency to make their product better to buy..

Then again I would be about the worst Prime Minster Canada could get.

1. I would bring back the Death Penalty
2. I would have a 3 strike law
3. US 2nd amendment would be Canada's new law
4. Build up Canada's military and build a few nukes
5. I would go nuts on building infrastructure in the North West Territories, and across Canada
6. Scrap Free Trade for Fair Trade (duties, tariffs)

7. Regulate the oil industry a little more...

The resources under the ground belong to Canadians, and the Canadian Gov't issues permits to companies to drill for that oil, gas or minerals. The Canadian Gov't is the custodian of Canada's resources for our future and to benefit Canadians.

I would want more oil refineries built and a certain percentage of refined oil must stay in Canada for Canadians. Cheaper fuel prices which is what hurts everyone the most.

8. Health care - have people pay a $20 or $30 co-pay to the doctors and hospitals per visit. It will help stop abuse of the system, people going to emergency for a cold.

9. Drug test welfare recipients.

eh! I could go on.. just call my King B00Mer :lol:

So with my above views.. I'm a Conservative or Liberal..

Actually the resources belong to the provinces not the feds. That is why Alberta is doing so well.
Although I agree that we must have a tow price system for fuel. A price for Canadians that is based on production costs and then after our needs are met the rest can be exported at whatever the market will bear. Or we tax speculators in gas futures out of the market either with a direct tax that is equal to the difference between production cost and market price or make them take physical delivery and hold for a minimum of 30 days to collect any excess money.