NDP membership climbs by over 50 per cent since race began


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

OTTAWA—A record number of card-carrying New Democrats are eligible to choose the federal party’s next leader, with British Columbia and Ontario holding the key to victory.

Final membership numbers released Tuesday by the party show membership has swelled to 128,351, an increase of just over 50 per cent since the start of the leadership contest last October.

All members are entitled to cast ballots, starting March 1 and culminating in a Toronto leadership convention on March 24.

British Columbia, with 38,735 members, and Ontario, with 36,760, will have the most influence over which of the seven contenders emerges victorious. The two provinces account for 30 per cent and 28.6 per cent of the membership respectively.

Ontario outstripped all other provinces in terms of membership growth, adding more than 14,000 members since October.

In Quebec, membership numbers have shot up to 12,266 from 1,695 last fall — a 600 per cent increase.

Still, Quebec accounts for only 9.5 per cent of the total membership, leaving the province with limited influence in choosing the party’s next leader even though it delivered more than half the 103 seats won by the NDP in the May 2 election.

Montreal MP and leadership candidate Thomas Mulcair is likely the prime beneficiary of the Quebec growth spurt. However, the numbers are well short of the 20,000 members his camp had hoped to recruit in the province.

“You have to set yourself ambitious targets to get good results and the results are historic,” said Mulcair campaign director Raoul Gebert. “The NDP has never had these many members in Quebec at all and we started with very, very low numbers.”

Quebec’s clout is virtually identical to Manitoba’s 12,056 members (9.3 per cent), and only slightly better than Saskatchewan’s 11,264 (8.7 per cent), and Alberta’s 10,249 (7.9 per cent).

Nova Scotia is the most influential of the Atlantic provinces, with 3,844 members (2.9 per cent). The other three Atlantic provinces and the northern territories each account for less than 1 per cent of the national total.

The B.C. numbers are especially encouraging to former party president Brian Topp, who has amassed a formidable organization and impressive roster of endorsements from party luminaries in the province, including deputy leader Libby Davies.

Nathan Cullen, a B.C. MP, also claims strength in his home province.

Ontario is more of a mixed bag, with Toronto MP Peggy Nash, Ottawa MP Paul Dewar, Mulcair and Topp all claiming significant support.

Nash’s camp said it signed up “a significant portion” of the new members nationally and took particular encouragement in the Ontario growth spurt.

“It’s also very good news that the Ontario numbers are as high as they are since Peggy has such high first- and second-ballot support there,” said Nash campaign director Riccardo Filippone.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Should be an interesting race. The winner gets to be the biggest looser in the next federal election unless the Liberals do something really dumb like elect Boob Rae.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Liberals are gone.. they are nothing but a faded image of the Conservative party. The true Liberals are the NDP's.

It does not matter if you elect Conservative or Liberals you basically get the same sh!t. NDP has a new vision for Canada, which I like.

RIP Jack Layton.. but this is what I liked about the guy..


Personally I feel the NDP will scrap NAFTA and rather than having FREE TRADE we can go back to FAIR TRADE!!

Domtar operated a paper mill in Cornwall until 2006 when it closed, $25hr to $35hr. Replacement jobs, $8 to $12hr jobs.

I have hundreds of more examples of this.. by the way that plant reopened in Mexico.

OH CANADA!!!! :canada: We can ship our oil to China, just not our jobs..


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
With all th fkups of the Conservative government the Liberals will rule Canada sooner than later and as for the NDP they will have to settle for the crumbs


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
LOL What Liberal Party.. no $$$$$ LOL

No way.. the Liberals had their ass handed to them in the last election and most "smart" Liberals have defected to the NDP. They picked up 44,000 new voters..

I'll vote either Conservative or NDP.




Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
We can ship our oil to China, just not our jobs..

Hooray for shortsightedness!

If you really want to be an economic nationalist, then process it here, sell the finished gasoline, diesel, heating oil, etc. and keep the by products for sale, use and/or possible export, rather than export crude. That's one part of the whole equation that has always bothered me with my provincial gov'ts but NONE of the parties (especially the feds) seem to understand it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Liberals are gone.. they are nothing but a faded image of the Conservative party. The true Liberals are the NDP's.

It does not matter if you elect Conservative or Liberals you basically get the same sh!t. NDP has a new vision for Canada, which I like.

RIP Jack Layton.. but this is what I liked about the guy..


Personally I feel the NDP will scrap NAFTA and rather than having FREE TRADE we can go back to FAIR TRADE!!

Domtar operated a paper mill in Cornwall until 2006 when it closed, $25hr to $35hr. Replacement jobs, $8 to $12hr jobs.

I have hundreds of more examples of this.. by the way that plant reopened in Mexico.

OH CANADA!!!! :canada: We can ship our oil to China, just not our jobs..

Yet another example of union greed that killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Very hard to export a product when it can be produced in another country for half the price. This has nothing to do with NAFTA but simple economics.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Liberals are gone.. they are nothing but a faded image of the Conservative party. The true Liberals are the NDP's.

The NDP might have been the new "liberals" if Layton hadn't passed away as he was able to keep the loonies in check, the NDP will return to its activist past soon enough, look at the the crop of contenders for the leadership, lacking is about all I have to say.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The NDP might have been the new "liberals" if Layton hadn't passed away as he was able to keep the loonies in check, the NDP will return to its activist past soon enough, look at the the crop of contenders for the leadership, lacking is about all I have to say.

Mulcair's actually pretty moderate.

He's like the Romney of the left.