Mittens Promises Americans Energy Independence - With Canadian Oil


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Canadian military fought pretty much everywhere the British military fought. We were in the Battle of the Atlantic right off the bat, as well as the Battle of Britain, and in the summer of 1940 the only fully equipped military protecting Britain from a cross Channel invasion was Canadian. Canadians were also in Hong Kong when the Japanese struck. The biggest problem in achieving recognition troops from Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other nations from the British Commonwealth and the colonies have had during the two major wars is that they are often simply lumped together as British and their individuality is ignored.


The Americans have long regarded Canadian oil as theirs. In fact, under the FTA the US is entitled to free access to any resource in Canada that it needs. This particular clause of the original Free Trade Agreement was one that Mulroney was careful not to publicize. Interestingly, Mexico refused to allow the US similar access to its resources when it joined NAFTA. But then the Mexicans are more than familiar with the tendency of the US to take what does not belong to it, by force if necessary.



rigid member
May 31, 2007
Oh tay can u teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....!

(where's Buttweed when ya need him?)

Maybe we should tell them they cant have it,we have other customers.

Same with B.C. The premier can go find an easy handout somewhere else.
Once they have a taste of those oil royalties she will have her hand out all the time.

With Canada struggling in a global economy that is very bad I dont know why anyone would want to slow down or stop any project that means lots of future money and jobs for Canadians.

We could tell them to "take a number" and get in line, eh? But I'd be worried they'd just take a number of our oil-producing provinces.


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Central America.

Sorry I didn't realize Central America was part of a different continent. Why don't you compound your ignorance and tell me what it is called?



You should sigh. Ignorance can be a difficult burden to carry and you must be getting very tired by now of constantly being corrected. However, I have a solution. Do some research before you post your right wing chauvinistic nonsense.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This is precisely why I am becoming more and more an economic nationalist.
I think we should take care of our own needs first and set requirements for
any and all export of oil or natural resources period. We should demand the
payment up front as well in bona fide cash can't afford it, no product.
I should be Canadian owned anyway.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Trans Canada Slapping Texans around over Keystone XL Land Grab

No one thought Texas would be part of the problem: Texans love their pipelines. Why the change of heart, then?

The simplest answer is that Texans love their pipelines because Big Oil has been paying big bucks for the privilege of running them through Texas farmland, but TransCanada is bullying them out of their fair share.

This is how it works: TransCanada makes an unacceptably low offer for the land it needs; the landowner rejects the offer; TransCanada gets the land condemned in court; then it legally acquires the land for a fraction of its original offer.

Condemning land is not a new tactic by Big Oil, but while US oil companies have traditionally kept this to a minimum, TransCanada has taken far too much advantage of this legal loophole to get what it wants. According to, the Canadian company has so far condemned over 100 tracts of land out of the 800 tracts it has acquired for the pipeline in Texas.

Companies like TransCanada who enjoy what is known as “common carrier status” can demonstrate to a US court that their construction projects are for the common public good (it’s called eminent domain). A landowner can of course appeal such a condemnation in the Supreme Court, and force the company to prove its claim more stringently, but in the end, Keystone XL generally wins.

For the most part, these appeal processes simply delay the inevitable.

Since Texans are being forced to give up their land for peanuts for the bigger picture “common good”, let’s look at why they aren’t buying it and why they don’t feel any less patriotic for their opinion. (Common good in this case meaning “national interest”)


The Alamo II: Texans Up in Arms over TransCanada Land Grab


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Trans Canada Slapping Texans around over Keystone XL Land Grab

No one thought Texas would be part of the problem: Texans love their pipelines. Why the change of heart, then?

The simplest answer is that Texans love their pipelines because Big Oil has been paying big bucks for the privilege of running them through Texas farmland, but TransCanada is bullying them out of their fair share.

The Alamo II: Texans Up in Arms over TransCanada Land Grab

It's easy for Mitty to promise a lot of things, since he's quite sure he'll never have to deliver! :lol: