Milk: Do you have trouble watching men kissing men in movies?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Back in the late 60s early 70s I had a lot of gay friends in Montreal. I respected them, they respected me. Then I moved to BC. Most of that time since has been spent near or in logging towns where an overtly gay man would probably be kicked to death with cork boots.

That is still true is this logging town I live in today. I have had to warn gays who come here to tone it down if they wanted to get out of here alive. Most of them appreciated the heads up. But gay women, are perfectly acceptable. We even have a lesbian minister at the United Church - go figure!


New Member
Jun 11, 2008
One of the biggest obstacles to the full acceptance of gay people is the fact that a majority of gay people do not fit the stereotypes and this is seen as threatening to stereotypes of femininity and masculinity in the general population.... The gay, tough cowboys of "Brokeback Mountain" ... The "Lipstick Lesbian" syndrome... A revered sports celeberity who comes out of the closet.
These are upsetting for many in our society.

As a masculine gay man I have no problem with who I am.... But many other straight,masculine men have a terrible problem with me, because now I am a threat to them and their identity. If I were a effeminate, skinny little hairdresser or an outrageous queen, all would be well.

One terrified workmate of mine when I was logger in BC years ago had said "You can't be gay... you''re... too big."

Too funny.

When I see the outrageous stereotypes being perpetuated by not only the media, but by the gay community itself, I have to shake my head... Sometimes I hate using the word "gay" like so many other masculine, homosexual men have started to do just because of the stereotype linked to THAT word.


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
Canada, Ontario
I guess you could say it is a little hard, but I mean who really cares...We see women kissing and to we cringe on the thought? Most of the! So, what is the big deal anyways? I am really looking forward to this movie, Sean Penn seems like an excellent actor in this!!


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
If bundles of sticks want to swap spit, who the hell cares?
I don't care who wants to swap spit either - however - that doesn't mean I want to watch it - on screen or off. I am a cashier. I am equally un-comfortable watching a man and women in my "line-up" who cannot keep their hands and lips off each other while they wait to pay for their groceries. I don't like watching men or women give deep long kisses to each other on screen (same sex kisses in particular) and I actually don't see any reason for it there. A quick "meet and greet" kiss is fine but the deep throat variety is different. In a word - it's "private".


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
There is no way in hell I would watch this movie, let alone bring any impressionable minds I know to see it. The whole thing disgusts me. Sean Penn is long past his due and its mind boggling anyone would think a movie with him in it is any good. I paid to see "I am Sam", and I would never willingly let any child grow up to think its ok to be Sean Penn.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
One small step for man, one big goof up for mankind

Just another situation in a movie to bring more people to the wicket with their money in hand.
I'm not complaining about the morality, but it's just another step in time toward seeing couples,
same sex or other, having intercourse on screen, (other than porn).
When I was a little girl, kisses were done with closed mouths, looked silly, beds in movies were
twin, and many other restrictions to make sure people didn't see 'too much'.
Well, we know where we are now, and it's a long way from 'there'.
I wonder when porn and regular movies for everyone will be 'one', because the move toward
seeing 'anything and everything' is moving closer and closer to that.

There are lots of movies with excellent stories that everyone would enjoy, but because the sexual side of the movie are so explicit, (or the violant side,)many won't go, that's too bad.
This particular movie might have an excellent story and great acting, but someone please tell
me why two men have to be shown kissing each other to make the movie better.
If two men a gay, we all know what they do in private.
It's just shock factor, which won't last long, as pretty soon they'll be doing it in lots of movies,
it will become ho hum, and they will have to go to 'more' shocking scenes to bring people out
again, that's what they have been doing for years.
Conservative sorts of people, like myself, have been driven from the movies, as now it's
either violance or sex, and it's all about money.
I go shopping to find excellent older dvds to buy, which I know were high quality and for


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:lol: I got driven from the movies by the high prices, but, no, I don't like to watch gay men kiss...........just cain't look at it.

Also a result of me upbringing, an I ain't too far behind Taloola. (age wise; I'm not stalking her or anything.)

But, whatever coils yer spring, eh!!



Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Hey Nugg,
That's today's world besides it isn't all what you think!


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
@ talloola

The movie is about Gay rights, you kinda should expect homosexual affection. Its like going to a romantic comedy and being shocked that the couple kiss.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
:lol: I got driven from the movies by the high prices, but, no, I don't like to watch gay men kiss...........just cain't look at it.

Also a result of me upbringing, an I ain't too far behind Taloola. (age wise; I'm not stalking her or anything.)

But, whatever coils yer spring, eh!!


These old guys are all alike....;-):smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
@ talloola

The movie is about Gay rights, you kinda should expect homosexual affection. Its like going to a romantic comedy and being shocked that the couple kiss.

Thanks, didn't have a clue what the story line in this particular movie is, my comments were
meant in a more general concept, which includes this movie.
So, because of this particular story, and the gay rights problems, then one should expect to
see what they see, so, I won't go.;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
These old guys are all alike....;-):smile:

I know you're joking, so my comment isn't a criticizm, but I must add that, as the movies become more and more
'in your face' , sex and violance, that comment you gave above, is the same comment
that has been thrown out there since I said it, many years ago, when I was very young,
and it is 'not' necessarily so, that this is called progress and we all must accept it, it is
people constantly pushing the envelope, and why do we always have to think it is for the
better, and us 'old guys' are just, 'out of touch'.
What will it be like one hundred years from now. Won't there be anything that is special and
private that we can savor and keep to ourselves.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Lady of of the Island,

I remember a line from a movie that went something like this` In a hundred years, who will care?`


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Conservative sorts of people, like myself, have been driven from the movies, as now it's either violance or sex, and it's all about money.

talloola, that isn't true, and you know it. There are plenty of G rated movies, plenty of movies to satisfy the conservative tastes. In all of the Harry Potter movies (I have seen all of them); I don’t remember even one kiss. Unless you have religious objections to Harry Potter (some Fundamentalists are convinced that Harry Potter was inspired by the Devil, since it shows plenty of ‘white magic’).

Lord of the Rings is another set of movies, there are the assorted Disney movies, there is plenty of fare for conservatives.

The problem with old days was that that is all there was, most of it was G rated. These days there are movies to cater for every taste, and that is how it should be.

I wonder when porn and regular movies for everyone will be 'one', because the move toward seeing 'anything and everything' is moving closer and closer to that.

I expect eventually that will happen, pornography is becoming more and more respectable, mainstream as time goes on. Eventually the line between porn and non porn movies will be blurred. Again, I would consider that a desirable development. What is wrong with having movies with plenty of sex as well as well developed plot, three dimensional characters, deep meaning etc.? Eventually it will happen; it is only a matter of time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Conservative sorts of people, like myself, have been driven from the movies, as now it's either violance or sex, and it's all about money.

talloola, that isn't true, and you know it. There are plenty of G rated movies, plenty of movies to satisfy the conservative tastes. In all of the Harry Potter movies (I have seen all of them); I don’t remember even one kiss. Unless you have religious objections to Harry Potter (some Fundamentalists are convinced that Harry Potter was inspired by the Devil, since it shows plenty of ‘white magic’).

Lord of the Rings is another set of movies, there are the assorted Disney movies, there is plenty of fare for conservatives.

The problem with old days was that that is all there was, most of it was G rated. These days there are movies to cater for every taste, and that is how it should be.

I wonder when porn and regular movies for everyone will be 'one', because the move toward seeing 'anything and everything' is moving closer and closer to that.

I expect eventually that will happen, pornography is becoming more and more respectable, mainstream as time goes on. Eventually the line between porn and non porn movies will be blurred. Again, I would consider that a desirable development. What is wrong with having movies with plenty of sex as well as well developed plot, three dimensional characters, deep meaning etc.? Eventually it will happen; it is only a matter of time.

I'm not at all interested in Harry Potter type movies, I like complex movies with murder
plots, and human interaction, and real good, deep dialogue.
I don't like fantasy at all, or sci fi, real life biographical types are great.
And, I love westerns, not too old.