Marijuana Party Leader Joins Liberals


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
How many of the other 7 siblings have grow operations?? How many of the other siblings were feared by the townspeople??
How many of the other siblings were called "devil" by their father??

It seems that the father, he is the only one that has publicly spoken on the ordeal that I can find, attributes his behavior directly to his drug use and in particular, marijuana.

As for LEAP, your right. However, would you like me to post all of the various law organizations or health organizations that are against decriminilizing marijuana or any other current illegal drug??


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Are we talking about the guy who killed 4 RCMP officers?

Because if we are I can assure you that he didn't kill them because he wanted to smoke pot. He killed them because he wanted to keep the money he'd make or didn't want to have to explain where the pot went to those who put up the initial investment. So it's a crime about money not pot.

As nice as it would be to think that all officers of the law abide by the law I know for a fact that many become bitter over the criminal justice system.

In Victoria, at an infamous apartment complex on View St. the cops wait for certain vehicles (mercedes, bmw's, etc) to show up. After the vehicles leave the cops go in, remove the drugs from the small dealers without charging them. Why? Because when the guy in the mercedes comes to collect his money, and his employee doesn't have it and doesn't have the product and doesn't have a court date...............


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

And you call the religious right judgemental!!!

Do you know this man personally?? Do you even know his name???

Yes, yes make jokes. I'm sure the widows and orphans of the police officers think your very funny.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

No doubt you are partially correct in your assumption that he killed the officers to protect his "investment". However, the man's family has openly said that the man's demeanor changed completely when he began to do drugs. They specifically say that the first drug the man tried was marijuana and that they went to the police at the time and nothing was done because "A little dope can't hurt you." The family claims that from that time the man became more and more distant and more and more dangerous. They seem to attribute it to the drugs.

Without any "expert" testimony the only tangible evidence to go by is the people closest to him, his family.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
How many of the other 7 siblings have grow operations??

For all we know...all of them.

How many of the other siblings were feared by the townspeople??

Could be the whole family. The neighbour I heard interviewed kind of glossed over the family.

How many of the other siblings were called "devil" by their father??

It could be every single one. Again, we don't know.

As for LEAP, your right. However, would you like me to post all of the various law organizations or health organizations that are against decriminilizing marijuana or any other current illegal drug??

Leap has grown from six cops to over 2,000 cops, lawyers, judges, etc. in just two years. Law enforcement is beginning to understand that what we're doing isn't working. Keep in mind that the change will be slow. There is massive funding available because of the failed war on drugs, the police tend to be very conservative, corrupt cops make a lot of money from illegal drugs. We are seeing the beginnings of a major shift in attitude.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: RE: Marijuana Party Leader Joins Liberals

tibear said:

And you call the religious right judgemental!!!

Do you know this man personally?? Do you even know his name???

I don't have to know him personally to know his type...

I was alluding to the fact that this man most likely belonged to the religious right...

Ever notice how most grow-ops here in Manitoba are in the Bible-belt and run by children of devout Christians...ever wonder why that is???


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
Again, you must have a very difficult life, if everyone you meet is a criminal, every cop you meet is corrupt.

Try putting your feet up, smelling the flowers(OK none in Winnipeg yet). Stay away from the alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, you may find that your world may appear much clearer and the people much friendlier and kinder.

Save your Mrs Cleaver comment, I've already heard it. :)

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Again, you must have a very difficult life, if everyone you meet is a criminal, every cop you meet is corrupt.

Who said that? Besides you, I mean, tibear.

Stay away from the alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, you may find that your world may appear much clearer and the people much friendlier and kinder.

Do I get one of those square hats with the buckle on it too? Hey, maybe we can burn a witch!


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

I don't have to know him personally to know his type...

I was alluding to the fact that this man most likely belonged to the religious right...

Ever notice how most grow-ops here in Manitoba are in the Bible-belt and run by children of devout Christians...ever wonder why that is???

I see you judge people without evening knowing anything about them. Says alot about your character.

As for the grow-ops, from this web-site it says that 44% of grow ops are related to asian gangs and the rest are private. The vast majority of the plants are from these asian gang grow-ops. From what I remember the other big grow-ops tend to be in the interlake, nowhere near the bible-belt. Remember the buried train cars??

This information is real easy to find on the internet. Perhaps you do some research BEFORE you make crazy accusations.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Yeah, I always believe what the Winnipeg Police say. When they aren't fabricating murder cases against the innocent they are beating the crap out of natives. When they say, "Asian gangs," I think, "Hey, there's a minority you haven't gone after for a few years. What's the matter, having some trouble with the usual targets now that they're videotaping you?"


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

Again, you must have a very difficult life, if everyone you meet is a criminal, every cop you meet is corrupt.

Who said that? Besides you, I mean, tibear.

Yeah, I always believe what the Winnipeg Police say. When they aren't fabricating murder cases against the innocent they are beating the crap out of natives. When they say, "Asian gangs," I think, "Hey, there's a minority you haven't gone after for a few years. What's the matter, having some trouble with the usual targets now that they're videotaping you?"

I rest my case! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

I don't quite know how to tell you this, tibear...I'm not native or Asian though. I'm not a member of a visible minority. The cops pretty much leave me alone as a result. You too, I suspect.

Th Winnipeg City Police have long and hard-earned history of racism, incompetence, and corruption. If you live here and actually watch the local news you already knew that though.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
I think the guy tibear is talking about is the same guy that told him he and 11 family members can live like kings on 50 k a year :p Its the same old song and dance with you people...vilify vilfiy...even if it s a plant. And ehm...I think in america most of the "gange farmers..are ehm...those nice bible thumping farmers outa the plains...


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
Nice to see the 'gang mentality' is still alive and well. What point are you making Pea???

I thought we had agreed that if you don't have anything meaningful to contribute to a debate that others would stay out of the debate and not "gang up" on others.


I did a quick search on the net and found large busts in stonewall, gimli, falcon beach, other various interlake locations. Sorry nothing about the bible belt.

I'm not saying that there aren't any grow operations there but your assertion that
Ever notice how most grow-ops here in Manitoba are in the Bible-belt and run by children of devout Christians...ever wonder why that is???
is completely absurb. Get your facts straight.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Stop whining with the ganging up crap, its just another way you twist and riddle. If you don't like it, that most of the people at this board think the same way on many issues, than blow your nose and take your marbles and go home and tell your mama.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

Shouldn't an administrator follow the rules of the forum???? In any light, your last post would be recognized as a personal attack.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
I've been reading the rules of this forum and came across the following:

Canadian Content offers it's users open forums. These services are available free of charge, but may not be used in the following manners: Defame, abuse, harass or threaten others; Make any bigoted or hateful statements; Advocate illegal activity or discuss illegal activities with the intent to commit them

Could the discussion here by members(including two administrators) be violating the rules of the forum by advocating illegal activity or discussing illegal activities with the intent to commit them????

Perhaps the administrators should rethink their positions on this forum??