The Marijuana parties point of view is to focused to have much effect on the political landscape however I am sure he can have some influance.
As for the tobacco use regualations that are being instituted across the nation I do have a problem with it in so far as it is a violation of rights. Legislation like:
Smoking in not allowed in enclosed areas, public transportation, priviate clubs and or open areas (decks)around such clubs, resturants, or priviate clubs.
Is not bussiness friendly nor user friendly the reason is such blanket regulations impose unfair restrections on the opperation and freedoms of both bussiness and its customers.
Proper regulation should be:
Tobacco use and smoking in clearly designated areas only.
This simple statment allows the smokers and the bussines that want to attract smokers to do so and effectivly warns those who do not wish to be confronted with tobacco smoke to not participate. It is all about freedoms.
I believe all now Illigal drugs and any that will be invented be legal and controled. The so called war on drugs has never worked, is not working and will not in the future so why spend a massive amount of resources on persuing that. The only winners of the current illigal drug industry is organized crime and those involved with the production, processing and distribution of the products. The loosers are the users, the victims of the war.
If the true objective is to help the addicts, the users and to elliminate the illigal drug industry then legalize all of it, bring it under the control of our federal government. open up production, transportation and distribution to regular industry and sell it cheap, cheap ,cheap.Then you can Identify the users and properly help them.
Doing that will dry up the the drug preditors very quickly. No money then why bother at least at the profit levels they are used to. the only other point is to massivly increase the punishment against those that still attempt to deal in and illigal drug trade. The issue being making the entire opperation very unattrictive venture.........