Maybe you should try a little harder Rev? -
How about this: "cannibus lessens the harmfull effects of smoking tobacco" ? WOW! wouldn't that be a blockbuster? [its true!]
There are so many health benefits to marijuana. They are not well known because the pharmaceutical industry would lose half their business to pot.
I don't know for sure that toking will take the smoking harms away, nobody does because nobody looked into it yet, scientifically.
What I am sure of is that they find "hyper-inflated lungs" amongst the dope smokers, and shrivelled up dark lungs in tobacco smokers. "Hyperinflated" might not be great, but its better than shrivlled and dark. This is just something noticed by x-ray techs in the normal course of their duties... nobody is looking into it scientifically, as I said allready. If "they" were looking out for our health and not just for profits, this would be a well-known fact by now.
"Hyperinflated lungs" have allowed me to be the wind player [sax] with the longest held note, the mountain climber with the most wind when others are gasping, and I can swim two lengths underwater in one breath. I give the credit to smoking pot.
Pot could be a cancer fighter too - maybe it simply keeps cancer cells from starting. We don't know, but it appears to be true that pot smokers don't get cancer at the high rates of non-tokers.
Ray Charles could have had his sight saved when he was a youngster if they gave him pot - occular pressure is lowered when cannibus is administered, and thats exactly what blinded him, and many others. Thats right - the medical people LET blindness occur rather than admitting to the health benefits of pot!!!
Many other examples exist. Compare to: "all the harm of pot comes from its legal status"... including the paranoia feeling from toking - isn't that reasonable Rev, that you don't enjoy the stone of pot due to its legal status, all these years of prohibition?
We won't know about all of the health benefits of pot until we get out from under the pharmaceutical company's rule over "modern medicine". They own the medical schools and fund all programs along with government help, but govt does not interfere with cirriculum. They run the licencing boards, and if you have ideas about changing things, your licence will be ripped up on the spot. Their drug reps will visit your medical clinics and make sure you are following protocols, for which you will be richly rewarded.
And pharmacy were the ones who first supported the prohibition of marijuana, way back in the 1920s. The pharmacy funded the womens sufferage movement, and pigtailed prohibition on the backs of those ladies' concerns for womens rights like voting. Its all very tricky, and its all very wrong to continue marijuan prohibition.
Underlying the trade and military disputes are the rights of Canadians to access medicines as they see fit. The pharmaceutical industry is at the centre of so much evil, with connections to the American military [their biggest customer]. They are cross-invested with the fossil fuels industry and the weapons makers. And that is all wrapped up in Christian fundamentalists, the same types as the women of the sufferage movement who outlawed pot.
Can we start to see the truth here?? Gay rights, trade issues, pot as medicine VS the spreading of freedom??? Such hypocracy must be defeated. We will win, and we will do it peacefully despite the best efforts of America to make it about "military might means defining of rights".
This is what we are up against when we demand pot as medicine... and so a federal politician in favour of outing the farce of prohibition is a bid deal A very big deal.