Marijuana Party Leader Joins Liberals


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Thanks for the article, Tibear.

But it doesn't say that robberies are commited by people needing another toke.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

I think you will find that it was Twila who brought up the bank-robbing thing. Nice try.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

It doesn't talk about marijuana users specifically, but refers to "drug users' which of course includes marijuana users.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

She brought it up in the negative, Tibear. You keep trying to muddy the issue enough to present it as a positive. You've used similar tactics in other threads and they didn't work there either.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

What can I say except people don't rob banks for tokes.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

It doesn't say why they robbed a bank.


House Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hmmm...let's review tibear

You expect that something must be done about these "pot smoking hippies" .Yet feel Walmart should be allowed to break established labour laws.

You think its a good idea to bring crack addicted babies into a world that will be prone to drug addiction from the get go. Then you want to deny them a non addictive drug that could help ease their angst.

There are more things on heaven and earth than are dreamt in your philosophy tibear....


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

I appreciate the offer, for I don't think I need you putting words into my mouth.

Please show me where I say Walmart should be allowed to break the law. In the other thread, I simply pointed out that they have been ranked the 9th best employer in Canada. How did you get breaking laws from that???

Now your trying to say that I'm in favour of providing no support for drug dependant babies. Please back this up with proof from one of my posts.

Anyway, let's look at your philosophy, if a baby has a drug habit lets kill it. Yeah, that's a better philosophy. Should we do the same for anyone else that gets hooked on drugs??? Should we kill them all???

I can be just as stupid with my interpretations of your posts but what would that prove. Then we both look like idiots.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

The article certainly doesn't say explicitly that the three rob the bank for further their habit but it certainly implied that the fact that they were smoking marijuana was a factor in them actually robbing the bank.

Did you read what the judge had to say with regards to marijuana use: " Battey said marijuana users often argue that smoking marijuana does little harm.

"The people who believe that ought to be in this courtroom today and see what the use of marijuana has done to these three young men," Battey said."

I'm no expert but when it comes to crime, I would think that a judge would be as close to an expert as one could find.

His comments certainly don't look too good with regards to marijuana use and the effect that it has on people's lives.

As I said, I'm no expert but yield to the judge with regards to criminal behaviour and marijuana use.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

but it certainly implied that the fact that they were smoking marijuana was a factor in them actually robbing the bank.

You can't imply a fact. It says no where in the article that they robbed the bank BECAUSE they were stoned. That is a leap. Maybe they needed reinforcement to rob the bank and so got stoned.

k, now I'm lost cause I have absolutely no idea what we're debating anymore.

With regards to judges. I refuse to accept their "expertise" on criminal behavoir. They're former lawyers. That says it all.

You might suprised just how many regular clients prostitutes have who are judges. Not that it has anybearing on this debate I'm sure.....

Can someone redirect me to what we're debating about. I'd love to blame my forgetfullness on the pot, but I haven't smoked any in a long time. All I can tell you is it's herring season.


House Member
Sep 12, 2004

You are prolife...this would mean that drug addicted babies would have to brought into this world. Despite how much you wish this wouldn't happen its a fact. Perhaps "good idea" was not taken in the sarcastic vein as it was meant.

I believe at some point in the Walmart said that you shopped there. That would be supporting a company that is breaking a law. Yet in this thread you have claimed something must be done (page one) must be done about people breaking the drug laws. Do you see the contridiction?

You can call me as many names as you can think of tibear, I don't respond in kind. The fact is as "stupid" as my arguments may seem to you does not change the fact that you aren't proving them wrong.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

How am I suppose to know all of the "stuff" about every store that I shop in?

That's like saying that anyone that used Paul Bernardo as their accountant was in favour of raping and murdering young girls.

You can't say that someone supports the activities of a person or company when they are unaware of the activities.

When did I call you names??? I said that if we make gross interpretations of each others posts it makes us look like idiots. I didn't call you an idiot.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
Twila, RB,

I guess the dope growers are now on the same level as pro-life extremists. From what I've read this guy wasn't a member of a biker group or part of organized crime.

As his father said, "I discovered marijuana under his bed when he was about 14 or 15 and called the police for them to find out where he'd got it and put a stop to that. But they didn't do anything. He was getting away easy, getting into more and more dope, it was getting worse and worse."

Sounds to me like marijuana ruined this kids life. At least according to his father. The guy had 7 siblings who were all happy and productive members of society so it couldn't have been his upbringing. The father attributes the problems to marijuana and other drugs that altered the man's thinking.

Your arguement is going to be that if it was legal none of this would have happened. BS Like the father said, his son was perfectly fine until he started doing marijuana and followed with other drugs. He began to hate the world. IT wasn't the legal status of the drugs that caused this it was the result of what the drug use did to the man.

Was the man nuts, absolutely. Solely from drug use, probably not. But his family seems to imply that the drugs started this man onto this dangerous path. His first drug and main drug of choice, marijuana.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Tibear, this guy's neighbour say that they stayed away from him because he was dangerous. He was making a living by not just illegally running a grow-op, but by selling stolen goods.

Now I realize that you've never knowingly dealt with somebody who smokes pot, but they aren't likely to be violent.

I'm not surprised this guy's father blames pot. They always blame something besides themselves. The fact remains that if growing pot was legal, this guy wouldn't have been doing it. The cops wouldn't have been there.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

If it wasn't marijuana he was growing it would have been something else like a crystal meth lab.

Your as bad as the rapists who blame the victim for dressing to provocatively. He didn't have to kill the police did he?? Even though there may not be any "professional" advice, the people closest to him blame the drug use.

As for the father blaming the drugs, how do you explain the other 7 siblings NOT having any problems???

Now I realize that you've never knowingly dealt with somebody who smokes pot, but they aren't likely to be violent.

I agree with you that most people that use drugs aren't like this guy. The exact same scenario with the pro-life people. Every group has a couple of whacko's and unfortunately, the entire pro-life movement has been branded with the "whacko" label whereas the druggies haven't.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Marijuana Party Leade

Do we know that the other 7 siblings haven't had any problems? Did the 1 sibling who screwed up possibly have special needs as a kid that weren't met. What were those other drugs? Cocaine and speed are known to induce violent reactions in some people, pot has the opposite effect.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition certainly doesn't agree with you. They are saying the same thing I am...that those cops died for nothing.