Twila, RB,
I guess the dope growers are now on the same level as pro-life extremists. From what I've read this guy wasn't a member of a biker group or part of organized crime.
As his father said, "I discovered marijuana under his bed when he was about 14 or 15 and called the police for them to find out where he'd got it and put a stop to that. But they didn't do anything. He was getting away easy, getting into more and more dope, it was getting worse and worse."
Sounds to me like marijuana ruined this kids life. At least according to his father. The guy had 7 siblings who were all happy and productive members of society so it couldn't have been his upbringing. The father attributes the problems to marijuana and other drugs that altered the man's thinking.
Your arguement is going to be that if it was legal none of this would have happened. BS Like the father said, his son was perfectly fine until he started doing marijuana and followed with other drugs. He began to hate the world. IT wasn't the legal status of the drugs that caused this it was the result of what the drug use did to the man.
Was the man nuts, absolutely. Solely from drug use, probably not. But his family seems to imply that the drugs started this man onto this dangerous path. His first drug and main drug of choice, marijuana.