Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Then went all haywire in Canadian airport, then got zapped. Lesson?

When entering a new country, don't freak out and get the cops called on ya...and when confronted by the cops in a new and strange place, relax, don'y get aggressive.

I guess in Poland cops just take that kind of **** from their citizens.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It is kind of hard sometimes to forgive, though we have to ; right Bear ?

I think I've done pretty good at forgiving the abuses I suffered at the hands of some Christians, white people and the Feds.

It feels good.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
I think I've done pretty good at forgiving the abuses I suffered at the hands of some Christians, white people and the Feds.
Know what ya mean ...being called a polack when I came to Canada in early 60"s ,all those polack jokes......Hey Bear , What's blue and black ,black and blue and lies in a ditch ?....Last guy who told me a polack joke .


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Know what ya mean ...being called a polack when I came to Canada in early 60"s ,all those polack jokes......Hey Bear , What's blue and black ,black and blue and lies in a ditch ?....Last guy who told me a polack joke .

What do you get with a room full of Native women?

A full set of teeth...

I moved on from being offended by jokes. I'm not that PC. What does bristle my fur, is when people tell them just to inflict hurt. It isn't the message that irks me. It's the intent.

But I can assure China, that I suffered greatly at the hands of those that were sent to teach me, protect me etc.

But I moved forward.

I held some of my contempt for years. But I eventually let it go. It certainly never caused me to generalize all white people and not all the authorities, nor the whole of the Federal gov't. As you wish to do with the RCMP.

A court of law found them not guilty. Your issue is with the court.


Electoral Member
Mar 4, 2009
Kelowna BC
picture of a Mountie on a horse in front of the mountains, so he put them on his wall,============Dundly Doright never existed , and the new breed of cop fears for their lives when confronted with Office supplies.......


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Then went all haywire in Canadian airport, then got zapped. Lesson?

When entering a new country, don't freak out and get the cops called on ya...and when confronted by the cops in a new and strange place, relax, don'y get aggressive.

I guess in Poland cops just take that kind of **** from their citizens.

Speaking from personal experience after accidentally trying to enter Poland illegally in 1998, they do not take any crap from people. They had BIG rifles and a German Shepherd, not tasers. Maybe there's a lesson in that....


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
likewise .

Yes ,with the court .
what I have to say is that the Brave ones Had more honor than the 4 RCMP officers.
No! What you are trying to do over and over is start yet another thread that is offensive to the RCMP. I truly do not understand why you are allowed to continue to use these forums to do just that. You have had your say over and over again. Same old same old. Enough is enough.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Where in the Constitution Act of 1867 or Charter of 1982 does it say that we aren't all equal and don't all face the same consquences for killing another human being(s)? There isn't an "except....." clause is there?


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Where in the Constitution Act of 1867 or Charter of 1982 does it say that we aren't all equal and don't all face the same consquences for killing another human being(s)? There isn't an "except....." clause is there?
What's up Iggy? Are you going to continue with the insults to the RCMP?:-(


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Just the corrupt ones
Does this have to continue? I thought we were friends. Isn't it time to let this go. So many insults have crossed these pages in the past couple of weeks. Isn't it enough now? I think all this should stop. This is the organization that still puts the food on my table and will until the day I die. It is the organization that pays for my health cares as well. While my husband left the Force 15 years ago, they continue to be a part of our life and alway will be. All the insults on these pages are no different to me than racism is to other people.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
We are friends and i know those close to you aren't like these other members who joined with an entirely different mindset than your loved one. Why you support that new mindset blindly confuses me immensely.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
We are friends and i know those close to you aren't like these other members who joined with an entirely different mindset than your loved one. Why you support that new mindset blindly confuses me immensely.
It's not a new mindset. It's a lack of training time. It's also a harsher time that we live in. Look at Vancouver right now. There is basically a killing a day. I'm sure the police there are arriving at scenes quite ready for someone to hurt them. One of the people I used to work with came into the store about a week ago. He was just back from training. He's probably one of the most sensible people I know and he is what the Force needs but he made a comment that is ever so true. The Force is a young Force right now. So there is not enough experienced officers to go around. Hiring policies are not what they used to be with the shortage in "man" power. All that aside, I still have a family member in the Force. You know that I was in Regina for her passout. I have talked about it before.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Where in the Constitution Act of 1867 or Charter of 1982 does it say that we aren't all equal and don't all face the same consquences for killing another human being(s)? There isn't an "except....." clause is there?
Canadian constitution also says that we shouldn't pay taxes to the federal government
(chapter 9) Also there aren't any "exept " clauses .
Last edited:


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
No! What you are trying to do over and over is start yet another thread that is offensive to the RCMP. I truly do not understand why you are allowed to continue to use these forums to do just that. You have had your say over and over again. Same old same old. Enough is enough.

What's up Iggy? Are you going to continue with the insults to the RCMP?:-(

Islandpacific, ask yourself if this was an incident where the RCMP were not involved would you be so irritated or adamant about protecting those who appear guilty ?

I say appear because as we know they have not been found that way.

I must say that looking at it from a different angle I would tend to believe most people would have already Convicted and Put in Jail a "Muslim or Asian" 4 people attack on a person at the Airport under similar circumstances..

We need to step back, look at everything that happened and correct the mistakes so they do not ever happen again. This will ensure that our RCMP will never have to endure such public scrutiny for such a horrific scene again..

Judges, Doctors, RCMP's are human and all make mistakes.. We need to hold them all accountable when they do as we are accountable for our mistake in our daily jobs as each and everyone one of us can go to jail for doing something wrong. All of us know our limits and we need to stay within them.

It does not mean we lose all respect for the police but as this drags on and people make it worse, it certainly drops it down a notch.. The quicker this ends the better..


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Islandpacific, ask yourself if this was an incident where the RCMP were not involved would you be so irritated or adamant about protecting those who appear guilty ?

I say appear because as we know they have not been found that way.

I must say that looking at it from a different angle I would tend to believe most people would have already Convicted and Put in Jail a "Muslim or Asian" 4 people attack on a person at the Airport under similar circumstances..

We need to step back, look at everything that happened and correct the mistakes so they do not ever happen again. This will ensure that our RCMP will never have to endure such public scrutiny for such a horrific scene again..

Judges, Doctors, RCMP's are human and all make mistakes.. We need to hold them all accountable when they do as we are accountable for our mistake in our daily jobs as each and everyone one of us can go to jail for doing something wrong. All of us know our limits and we need to stay within them.

It does not mean we lose all respect for the police but as this drags on and people make it worse, it certainly drops it down a notch.. The quicker this ends the better..
SirFrancis, you have said many true things. The thing that has bothered me the most with all the pushing of this story by China is the loss of respect for the whole organization. This case has been made so public. I have protected these four because I truly believed a member simply would not allow that to happen. As I told you via PM, I have seen and known members who committed crimes and they went to jail for it and of course lost their jobs forever. There was a time when that kind of shame was not highly publicized but it certainly never went un-punished. People are so of the opinion that the police get a slap on the wrist and go back to work and no one cares. Well, I don't believe it would be any different than where I work. If a cashier stole even $20.00 from a till, then I would never trust her with anything again. Don't you see that once something of this nature occurs, those members are never trusted again. Like my husband, I searched for reasons for these members to be totally innocent. I guess to a degree I needed them to be. Like everyone else, there comes a time when the writing is on the wall and both my husband and myself agree, there is a problem here. Both of us feel there will be charges laid. Both of us feel all this went too far. I still believe (we believe)there was never any intent to kill but it happened none the less. We do not understand why the member shot the man five times. The first one seemed un-necessary, the second one too much and the rest - who knows. Someone gave an opinion that the woman speaking to him had him calmed down. Well I have a totally different opinion of that whole scene. I watched the video and at first I thought maybe she could speak his language. He looked at her for quite awhile and finally she appeared to give up. Not blaming her. She tried and it was not her job to have to calm him down. But, she did not have him calmed. It was immediately after talking to her that he started throwing things around. I actually believe that he became more agitated after attempting to understand her and neither of them getting anywhere. Anyway, that's kind of besides the point as we will likely never know exactly what went on at that point.
It has taken time to give in to the reality that the officers are probably lying and that's an embarrassment for my family and numerous other police families. Where we once held our heads high with pride we now have to hang them low with embarrassement. That's not easy.
Yes, humans make mistakes but this appears to be an adrenalin filled mistake. Maybe someone over anxious to do a good job but still his training should have held him back and the mistake should not have happened. He claims he was told to shoot a second time but I don't see where that gave him the right to shoot 3 more times. That they all appear to be telling the same lies really scares me.
So, all I have left to say is to those I have argued hard with - I'm sorry. I was a believer in what I thought was the police doing the job they were trained to do. I still believe that they need re-training (all the members that have graduated over the last 5 - 10 years) and trained in a talk first, shoot later situation like this one.
I can tell you with complete honesty, that on the first day the news broke on this, my husband said "why did they taser him". He said he would have asked for two chairs. One for himself and one for the victim. He would have asked for a glass of water to be brought to the victim. It was and still is his opinion that a show of friendliness may have calmed him down until an interpreter could be found. I believe I have said this before on here somewhere unless it was on the old forums.
Now I have said more than enough and I hope that we can all let this go. If they get charged then you can all say "I told you so".