Actually it is surprising how many charging stations in places like Cameltoe and Moose Knuckle , you should get out of the big city more .
This story is now antidotal as it’s about two years old, but the one guy I know well that owns a Tesla model three had to buy it in Calgary (City of about 1 million people) & Drive it home to Regina City of about 250,000 people). Calgary is the closest Tesla dealership to Regina Saskatchewan
I can drive from Regina Saskatchewan to Calgary Alberta in under eight hours including fuel stops and P breaks, and it took the Tesla THREE DAYS to do the same thing. That’s with the available charging stations at the time, & assuming he would find them enroute so leaving Calgary with 2/3rds of a charge.
Lots of time spent at hotels trying to charge the car using 110 V power…. to get a couple of hours down the road to park for another 12 to 15 hours charging to try and get another couple hours down the road and then repeating. I’m sure it’s better now after 20 months of Covid, but that’s what the situation was a little over two years ago.
don’t get me wrong, as this guy traded his Japanese supercar for a Tesla model three and he absolutely loves this car…. but it’s just a really sharp looking fast commuter and not priced for the average person. he charges it at home overnight and then commutes about 15 miles to work where he plugs it in… then he can drive at lunchtime, make a stop or two after work and drive home and plug it in again. it is very cool and it’s got acceleration like nobody’s business (!!!) but he’s not taking it on a vacation or even to the next major city (Saskatoon…. About a quarter million people population)… at least not in the winter with short days and the need for heat in the vehicle.