Liberal stronghold riding in Toronto up for grabs today!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I recollect a time when Colpy stated Canada should do a blanket ban on Muslim immigration.

I hear the same thing from the Reich wing in the U.S. As well as the calls for deportation of all Muslims, including those who were born here.

Meh, religious bigotry. Lotsa funsies.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Big difference between banning immigration and deporting current residents.

It does sound like a Christian thing to do.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Anyway, by-elections (two of them) today.

Economic issues are top of mind for Canadians. In the Ipsos poll, 47 per cent said they want Canada’s elected officials to focus on reducing the cost of everyday items, such as groceries, this fall.

More than a third (36 per cent) also want MPs to prioritize inflation and interest rates.

The annual rate of inflation cooled to 2.5 per cent in July, according to Statistics Canada’s latest report from August. That was the slowest pace for price growth since March 2021.

Meanwhile, the Bank of Canada has cut its key interest rate in three consecutive decisions, bringing it down to 4.25 per cent earlier this month…but…less than three years ago the Bank of Canada raised it from 0.25 to 0.5, & then raised it another consecutive nine times…

Affordable housing (28 per cent) and immigration (25 per cent) were also among the top five concerns for Canadians, according to Ipsos.
“I know there are a lot of people disappointed with the NDP playing simple politics, walking away from progressive values and from the fight against climate change,” said Trudeau.

Electors say their key issues are not climate change policy but cost of living, housing and health care, but good job keeping the finger on the pulse there Justin.
Voters are headed to the polls for federal byelections in Manitoba and Quebec today — and the results of these two local contests could have national implications.

One seat, the Winnipeg-area riding of Elmwood-Transcona, has been held by the NDP for most of the last four decades, while the other, Montreal's LaSalle-Emard-Verdun, has been solidly Liberal.

A victory by any other party in either of these elections would be a major upset and could lead to some soul-searching for the Liberal Party and the NDP, which have been “closely aligned” in Parliament for more than two years.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Liberals and NDP were nervously awaiting the results of two hotly contested by-elections late Monday night in Montreal and Winnipeg, the results of which could have major implications for each party if they are not able to win back their long-time strongholds.

In the weeks leading up to the Monday by-election, both the NDP and the Liberals characterized the races in Winnipeg and Montreal, respectively, as must-win elections. But even before the final outcome was decided, both parties insisted that losses wouldn’t affect their leaders’ futures.
I tend to agree. I think they’re both toast in just over 13 months at the outside, and hopefully sooner.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a Montreal radio interview on Friday that he’s “not going anywhere” should the Liberals lose (???)…And NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh on Monday told reporters on Parliament Hill that he is staying at the top (???).

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Analysts say this could be a crucial moment for Liberals, as a loss could signal they are losing even their core base, especially in the wake of the party’s byelection loss to the Conservatives in the stronghold of Toronto-St-Paul’s in June.
Well, in Toronto-St. Paul’s, the local candidate and her volunteers just spent weeks knocking on doors and talking to residents to hear what is on their minds and one recurring theme is Justin Trudeau has to go.
In Winnipeg’s Elmwood-Transcona riding meantime, the NDP breathed a sigh of relief as they declared victory around midnight eastern-time and the Conservative candidate conceded defeat. With all polls reporting, the NDP candidate Leila Dance was at 48.1 per cent, the Conservative’s Colin Reynolds was at 44 per cent, and the Liberals were at 4.8 per cent.

The Bloc win in Montreal was not widely expected (???) and likely even surprised their candidate, said Liberal strategist and director at TACT consulting Jeremy Ghio. He said the separatist party “used every tool at their disposal,” (As did BOTH the Liberals and the NDP!) including their popular provincial party leader and former Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe.

Both Mr. Trudeau and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh maintained ahead of the by-elections that they will remain leader of their parties no matter the results.
This outcome is a testament to just how unhappy voters are with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership, which is trailing 20 points in the polls. The Liberal government is seen as widely out of touch, and obsessed with boutique identity issues, as the country faces multiple overlapping problems, including soaring housing prices, inflation, crime and disorder, and a stuttering economy.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The reaction from Justin Trudeau the morning after?

“We need people to be more engaged. We need people to understand what’s at stake in this upcoming election,” Trudeau said as he walked into a cabinet meeting.

“The big thing is to make sure that Canadians understand that the choice they get to make in the next election about the kind of country we are really matters.”

Seems Canadians made their choice again, and it wasn’t Trudeau or his party.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez will announce his resignation from the Liberal cabinet on Thursday to enter the Quebec Liberal leadership race – another blow to the struggling governing party reeling this week from a loss in a Montreal by-election.

Mr. Rodriguez also serves as Quebec lieutenant for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a crucial role because the province is critical to electoral success for the Liberals.
A Liberal MP said the by-election was a significant topic of discussion during Wednesday’s national caucus. The MP said Mr. Trudeau would remain as leader because of the Prime Minister’s strong opposition to what Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre stands for. Mr. Rodriguez did not attend the Wednesday national caucus meeting, the MP said.
Oh yeah, the Globe and Mail is not identifying the sources who are not authorized to speak on the record about internal party matters, etc…standard disclaimer.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Freedom of expression does not extend to murdering concert goers.
And that had what to do with Freedom of Expression in Canada?

Who did that? You call for "death to Muzzies". As an atheist, why does it concern you?
Because to say "death to Jews" is more important that to say "death to Muzzies" which almost NEVER happens but according to our government, happens all the time & NEVER to Jews. The stupidity is astonishing!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Because to say "death to Jews" is more important that to say "death to Muzzies" which almost NEVER happens but according to our government, happens all the time & NEVER to Jews. The stupidity is astonishing!
Why? What makes one terrorist better than the other? Brainwashing?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Why? What makes one terrorist better than the other? Brainwashing?
Rape, Honour Killing, infanticide, rape, blowing up civilians on purpose.

I get it you don't like Israel, but for all their fault, they are not the same as Hamas or Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Quaeda, Black September, or even the fucking PLO.

Not even in the same territory.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Rape, Honour Killing, infanticide, rape, blowing up civilians on purpose.

I get it you don't like Israel, but for all their fault, they are not the same as Hamas or Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Quaeda, Black September, or even the fucking PLO.

Not even in the same territory.
Sounds like Israel. Go on, tell me more.

I don't mind Israel or Jews. Zionist terrorists on the other hand? Stuff 'em where the sun don't fucking shine.

How can anyone with a modicum of morals support terrorists of any kind especially when State sponsored.

They assassinated Yitzhak Rabin for fuck sakes.
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