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Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
We have a tough couple of years ahead of us. Manufacturing and agricuture is coming under seige and oil prices are bound to stay low.

A big war will fix all of that. What are the odds of one of those happening, right now? 1:3 ? , 1:4 ?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
disagree on oil prices - they will always rise because they are based on speculation.

a big war seems impossible. everyone is far too busy on little ones.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
disagree on oil prices - they will always rise because they are based on speculation.

a big war seems impossible. everyone is far too busy on little ones.

Poor Hoid!!!!!!!! The ONLY war that Canada is going to fight is the one over LIE-beral entitlements!!!!!

And LIE-berals and their civil service union Hog allies ARE LOSING THAT ONE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating just how unstable our economy has become under LIE-beral stewardship! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Canadian households owe $2 trillion

Canadian Press. By Andy Blatchford. May 2/2018

OTTAWA - Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz says Canadians have amassed a $2-trillion mountain of household debt that is now casting a big shadow over the timing of his next interest rate hike.

(And as our massive personal and public debts grow ever larger- we move ever closer to the debt wall that will FORCE major changes in spending onto our LIE-beral govt! And NDPers are regarded as even more wasteful than LIE-berals by the banking world!)

In a speech Tuesday in Yellowknife, Poloz said the pile has been growing for three decades in both absolute terms and when compared to the size of the economy — and about $1.5 trillion of it currently consists of mortgage debt.

(So the pile of debt has been growing FASTER than inflation and is also growing faster than our population! This growing debt is a CLEAR SIGN of an economy under massive tax pressure motivated by LIE-beral need to BUY votes at any price so they can cling to power! And with LIE-berals utterly unwilling to bother tracking how many foreigners are laundering dirty money through our housing sector- which drives up prices for ordinary people!)

The central bank has concerns about the ability of households to keep paying down their high levels of debt when interest rates continue their rise, as is widely expected over the coming months.

(Our civil service union Hogs are as vulnerable as the private sector since govt pays the Hogs directly and thus a desperate govt that has hit the debt wall can easily reduce their pay if compelled. Govt is ALREADY under pressure to rein in the constant raises in pay and the economy crippling madness of those solid gold Hog pensions! Too many Hogs have life styles that require regular increases in gravy to be sustainable and govt is running out of gravy!)

Poloz has introduced three rate hikes since last July following an impressive economic run for Canada that began in late 2016.

(Canada has had the best economic performance of the G-7 nations- which is to say we are simply the LEAST bankrupt of the G-7 fiscal basket cases! As finance Minister Poloz notes in his double speak- our “booming economy” is sinking rapidly into unprecedented massive debt- even after inflation is factored out! Even worse we face the debilitating medical costs of caring for a rapidly aging population- and LIE-beral solutions to that do not bear thinking about! LIE-berals are LYING in technicolour about the true condition of our economy! But then- if they told the real truth people would PANIC!)

(One has only to read of the Ontari-owe man suffering from inoperable cancer- the guy that that his hospital staff want to dump out of his bed and send home! The guy can no longer walk or even feed himself and needs aid 24/7 and is not dying quickly enough to suit hospital bean counters! The guy has a litany of complaints about the home care staff he was previously supplied with- things like food poisoning from badly handled and prepared meals; being DROPPED during transfers to toilet and bath tub; absent minded care givers falling asleep and leaving stove burners on with attendant fire risk! He does not feel safe in his own home with the kind of care Ontari-owe LIE-berals provide and he insists on staying at the hospital where he feels safe - and the LIE-beral “solution” is to tell him he MUST ACCEPT assisted suicide if he refuses to go home and choses to remain in the hospital in his last days!)

(Our infrastructure is collapsing from decades of neglect faster than LIE-beral policy! And we cannot expand our public transit since ALL our money is promised by LIE-berals to civil service union Hogs and the swarming tens of thousands of illegals that LIE-berals are rounding up and collecting like so many stray cats!)

But the central bank stuck with its benchmark rate of 1.25 per cent last month as it continued its careful process of determining the best juncture for its next hike.

(Bank governor Poloz is nothing but a fiscal janitor- monitoring the Cdn bank while waiting for LIE-berals to be deposed in favour of another govt that will take real action to resolve our serious debt problems!)

In prepared remarks of his address to the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce, Poloz said the volume of what Canadians owe is an important vulnerability for individuals and the entire economy. He added that it's one of the key reasons why the bank has been taking a cautious approach to raising its trend-setting rate.

(Yes- LIE-beral govt has worked itself very deftly into an impossible corner! In the recent Ontari-owe election- civil service Hogs deserted the Wynne-bag LIE-berals in favour of NDP who they think might give them the new gravy they feel ENTITLED to- this is govt by greed- with no logic or sense of responsibility! And recent Ontari-owe NDP candidate Vaz-Oxlade has suggested that govt debt is NOT like private debt and is thus NOT A PROBLEM! God help us if NDPers ever get any real power in this country!)

"This debt still poses risks to the economy and financial stability, and its sheer size means that its risks will be with us for some time," Poloz said.

(This is the Poloz way of delicately telling us that LIE-beral vote buying of Hogs and illegals is TOO COSTLY to be allowed to go on!)

"But there is good reason to think that we can continue to manage these risks successfully. The economic progress we have seen makes us more confident that higher interest rates will be warranted over time, although some monetary policy accommodation will still be needed."

(The quickest way to handle the debt is by getting new revenue which WILL require the building of Kinder Morgan and Energy East pipelines! The first will bring in cash from China and the second will stop the outflow of Cdn cash to Venezuela thus reducing our trade deficits! Cutting off Cdn cash to Venezuelan socialists will ensure they have LESS resources available to pay secret police and to bully their population! A new natural gas pipeline to help Cdn gas get to Asian markets will also help bring in new cash- but LIE-berals have already told us they want to phase out all fossil fuel use- even though there is no practical alternative energy source at this time! LIE-berals do not care that China WANTS to replace coal fired electricity plants with cleaner burning natural gas fueled generators!)

(LIE-berals have already made a staggering mess of the mouldy green energy system in Ontari-owe! And the City of Toronto is on its THIRD contract- desperately seeking low emission busses that MIGHT actually deliver both mechanical reliability and the promised fuel savings! The two previous low emission bus contracts have been costly failures! The nicest thing that can be said of the latest Toronto bus purchase is they are moving much more cautiously- the burned hand teaches best but the DORKS are still playing with mouldy green powered fire! Toronto- and the entire country would be better off if LIE-berals got OUT ENTIRELY of the electric TOY vehicle business!)

Poloz said debt is a natural consequence of several factors, including the combination of a strong demand for housing and the prolonged period of low interest rates maintained in recent years to stimulate the economy.

(To bad the LIE-beral does not discuss the economy crushing GREED of civil service Hogs! LIE-berals have issued IOU`s to the Hogs totalling hundreds of billions of dollars- and Hogs are DEMANDING that money even if it wrecks our economy- we are at war with our civil service and with the illegals swarming across our borders for possession of the little money remaining in our economy!)

The governor also provided detail on issues the bank is examining as it considers the timing of its next rate increase.

If it raises rates too quickly, the bank risks choking off economic growth, falling short of its ideal inflation target of two per cent and could lead to the type of financial stability risk it's trying to avoid, he said.

(For a number of years now- economic growth has been BELOW the rate of population growth- meaning we are being squeezed financially with a reduced standard of living! This is especially bad for the older generation that has been pushed out of the work force into retirement whether they can afford to fund it or not- those ultra low LIE- beral interest rates are also hitting at rates of return on investments- too many people live on FIXED incomes in a climate of soaring costs for govt services such as electricity and water- along with the crippling effects of food cost inflation driven by the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax! Too many elderly Cdns are being forced to make ugly fiscal choices between food, rent, heat and medical prescriptions!)

(This carbon crap policy is also hard on the young as they struggle to get set up financially while carrying massive school debt driven by greedy Hog educators and while struggling to find an affordable place to live! The latest numbers say it takes 9 years to pay off the average student debt- no wonder so many kids end up back in parents basement!)

But if the governing council lifts the rate too slowly, Poloz said it could intensify inflationary pressures to the point it overshoots the bank's bull's-eye. Poloz added that moving too gradually could also entice Canadians to add even more debt and further boost vulnerabilities.

(LIE-berals are quietly refusing to look at the cost and consequences of their pension promises to Hogs! OSSTF- our Ontari-owe high school teachers have been promised fifty five billion dollars - with 18 more unions right behind OSSTF and all with their own economy crippling LIE-beral offered IOU`s! We cannot pay Hogs what they believe they are entitled too- there simply is not enough money in Canada to do so! This is the face of Cdn bankruptcy!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No one reads long posts.

Oh MY!!!!!!! Walter is telling FIBS!!!!!!!!

He Fibs, therefore he is LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

LIE-berals ALWAYS read my long posts- that is partly why they are so often grumpy with ME!


LIE-berals feel compelled to reaqd every word of my detailed series of comments on how and why ALL LIE-beral policy is collapsing in such anger and shame and disgrace!!!!

LIE-berals read all in a frantic effort to find a weakness, a legal loop hole, a flaw in the logic- something- anything on which to make a rebuttal!!!!!!

So they are enraged at having to read these DETAILED catalogues of their stupidity and greed and endless mistakes- WITHOUT being able to provide ANY rebuttal other than the childish responses: nyah, nyah, I didnt read it!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Read more at:

It appears that Stephen Harper is not finished messing with totally screwed up LIE-beral policy- as witness his recent quiet little trip to the White House!

With INDIGNANT LIE-berals bent out of shape because nobody told them Harper was invited and nobody has told them what Harper and the Yankees talked about either!

Soc here are some thoughts to perplex easily confused LIE-berals:

Who hates Stephen Harper? Here is a partial list:

1) People who have relatives, friends and neighbours serving with Isis, Al Qaeda, Hezzbolla, Al Aqsa, Taliban, Boko Haram and other such terror groups all HATE Harper because they are afraid that Cdn soldiers will shoot their friends, relatives and neighbours before they shed enough of OUR blood.
2) Some people who hate Harper also have a pathological hatred of Americans and all they stand for-and this INCLUDES having hatred of the similar freedoms and democracy that Cdns ALSO enjoy. They mock American concerns about Communism and socialism and excuse ALL bloody atrocities committed by communists around the globe as exceptions to the communist creed and blame Americans for provoking such extremism all around the world. They blame Cuban poverty ENTIRELY on the US trade embargo-while ignoring all the trade opportunities the utterly inept Cuban economy could not benefit from in all of South America. In short, their twisted world view dictates that western nations can do no right……until they sincerely adopt sharia law and radical socialism.
3) Some people hate Harper because he won`t simply throw open the borders and let any jackass walk in……no matter how vile they are or what criminal violence they intend to commit when they get here.
4) Some people think Harper is a wimp and his wife a shameful slut because he lets her appear in public without wearing a burqa.
5) Some people think Harper) a dictator because he wants strong action taken to identify and thwart the activities of people plotting terrorist action against western targets and these people resent having a public spotlight being focused on their groups because these groups worry that Cdns may grow angry with the idiot behavior being spotlighted and demand these troublemakers be prevented from immigrating to Canada.
6) Some people who have never read any valid basic literature about economic issues think Harper is a fool for worrying about national debt levels.
7) Some people who understand VERY WELL how the economy works don’t give a shit what happens to ordinary people just so long as their MASSIVE list of entitlements is filled… our expense.
8) Some people who have never read a history book and don’t realize that what Putin is doing in Ukraine is a close copy of the playbook used by Adolf Hitler to occupy much of Europe hate Harper because they stupidly think he is a warmonger for speaking against Putin.
9) Some people think that because Harper supports having a strong Cdn army and because having such an army is costly and takes money away from social spending, that Harper must be immoral and a bully …..and it is these same people who would also be the FIRST to blame `others` (read Americans) for `stirring up trouble around the world and for inviting violent retaliation` and for not properly protecting Canada if suicide bombers strike here, instead of putting blame where it belongs-on the shoulders of those who indirectly encourage terror by tip-toeing around major issues and refusing to speak strongly against violence prone assholes.
10) Some people are hypocrites and blame Americans for all the problems of the world, including blaming America for not doing more to protect their home country from dictators and invasions and civil wars and these hypocrites will also quietly send their own family members off to safe havens in other countries to protect them from the sort of violent death they demand that American soldiers risk for the benefit of people who HATE Americans so much they find the sight of dead Americans to be pleasing and these hypocrites also consider Harper to be vile because he is friendly with Americans…..who just happen to be CLOSE allies with Canada….if America falls, so will we….and if it happens these people will laugh at our suffering.
11) Radical environmentalist who run up HUGE carbon footprints while flying around the world and staying in fine hotels and eating good food and drinking fine wines while trying to implement economic policies that would leave most of us starving and freezing in the dark also hate Harper because he scorns their hypocrite message.
12) Some people support carbon taxes because they have a secret agenda which motivates them to tell lies and claim carbon taxes `work` when they don`t. The only `work` a carbon tax does is CLEAN OUT THE WALLETS of ordinary people while giving the most wealthy members of our society (politicians and civil servants) a GIANT slush fund they can dip into so they can continue to ramp up THEIR carbon foot print. The carbon foot print of ordinary people (those who don’t have a place in the government financed gravy train) is eroded by carbon taxes while the carbon footprints of hogs at the government trough expand like a hot air balloon full of Lie-beral entitlements-and eliminates the benefits of our sacrifice!
13) Some people claim that the best way to reverse global warming is to ruin the ordinary Canadians by closing down industries they deem too dirty and not environmentally sensitive enough and they want Cdns in such industries to be forced out of work. They also want Cdns to be forced to give up their cars while ignoring the fact that 75 percent of all the air pollution related to `transportation` is produced by airplanes. Transportation is defined as anything (planes, trains, automobiles, trucks, ships) that carry any type of goods or passengers or services. A twenty five percent reduction in pollution from cars is negligible in the global picture since modern cars are such a small part of the total of pollution sources but a twenty five percent reduction in aircraft miles flown is a MAJOR environmental influence. In the 9 months after the 9/11 terror attack when twenty five percent of the world`s airline fleet was grounded, there was MEASURABLE IMPROVEMENT in global air quality. We need food delivered, need industrial activity to clothe and feed and house ourselves. WE DON’T need a swarm of overpaid civil servants jetting off around the increasingly polluted world at our expense and some people hate Harper for not accepting their hypocrite views on how to solve global warming! It is environmentally MORE SOUND to drive a large SUV to Florida from Toronto than it is to fly there in a big jet.
14 Justin Trudope hates Harper because Harper is MUCH smarter and keeps exposing the moral and intellectual limitations of Trudope.
15) Vicious criminals hate Harper because, thanks to Harper, it`s now a little harder to find a `get out of jail free card` now that so many `hug a thug` Lie-beral appointees have been replaced by Conservatives.
16) Municipal mayors and provincial premieres hate Harper because he is not buying their bullshit. They want Harper (ELECTED BY A MAJORITY OF CDN VOTERS) to compromise ALL his principals and all his hopes for the country and ruin himself politically in exchange for the `opportunity` to bail out other politicians who have only themselves and their own stupid choices to blame for the hard fiscal choices they now must make.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No one reads long posts.

WE know LIE-berals cannot read long posts - their attention span is too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably Parliamentary Pages will have to lead LIE-berals out of the building after they loose the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do hope therev will be enough social workers and grief councilors to help the LIE-berals understand what has happened to them!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
WE know LIE-berals cannot read long posts - their attention span is too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably Parliamentary Pages will have to lead LIE-berals out of the building after they loose the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do hope therev will be enough social workers and grief councilors to help the LIE-berals understand what has happened to them!!!!!!

It wouldn't take a great number, it's a one word answer...…………………………………………………….TRUDEAU!

P.S. you might want to brush up on your spelling! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It wouldn't take a great number, it's a one word answer...…………………………………………………….TRUDEAU!

P.S. you might want to brush up on your spelling! :)

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel the BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-berals who are leading the charge to DELIBERATELY screw up our education system so as to produce a generation of kids who cannot READ and thus cannot find out how BAD LIE-beral policy is- now wants to tell me to brush up on my spelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A couple of typo`s while rushing to finish up a comment and then get on with my REAL LIFE

- of the sort that most of the vacuous and vapid dim-wit LIE-berals so badly LACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another article illustrating the NASTY RESULTS of LAX LIE-beral attitudes to crime of any sort. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Disability scam dad gets two years in slammer

By Sam Pazzano Courts Bureau. Published: March 1, 2018. Updated: March 1, 2018 8:22 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Crime

A Scarborough father who bilked taxpayers and a charitable camp for kids with cancer out of about $545,000 was sentenced Thursday to two years in prison and ordered to pay back the stolen cash.

“Kumar Kothary became more and more greedy. The frauds required immense planning and sophistication, extending to forgery and the co-opting of his son in his deceit,” said Justice Russell Silverstein.

(Is it reasonable to ask WHEN OR HOW this clown will pay back the money? And should we assume that he will NOT pay back more than a token of what he owes? WE know that so very many criminals are reported to weasel out of paying anything back by lazy LIE-beral judges who do not wish to “harass” poor reformed criminals trying to put their lives back on track? What it comes down to is LIE-berals scorning punishment, giving lip service to very small token reparations and then letting the clown out EARLY for good behaviour! And then LIE-berals tell us crime rates are DOWN- even as they explain our insurance rates are soaring because of ALL THE CRIMINAL FRAUD in that business- that LIE-berals are ignoring!)

Kothary, 57, pleaded guilty to three counts of fraud over $5,000. His largest scheme ripped off the provincial government’s Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) of $380,000 over five years, starting in 2011.

(Oh well then- its NOT LIE-beral gravy- its only OUR taxes he stole!)

He lied that his daughter Jessica, now 24, was diabetic, legally blind and could neither speak nor walk and had the mental capacity of an infant. She’s an able-bodied, fully-sighted Ryerson University student. Kothary paid back $233,000 after selling most of his family’s property.

(So he now has NO money or property left and has a criminal record as a THIEF which will compromise his ability to get ANY sort of decent work! And LIE-berals gave the guy 10 years to pay what he owes- secure in the knowledge that we will have FORGOTTEN him when the 10 years runs out and he can walk away- owing and paying NOTHING! Meanwhile WE are stuck for the missing $2 hundred grand, the police investigation cost, the trial cost and another $100 grand to pretend to keep him in jail for a few months till LIE-beral judge finds an excuse to let him out!)

Silverstein ordered Kothary to pay back the rest — $312,810 — within 10 years of his release from prison. If he defaults, he’ll be sentenced to another two years in jail.

(UH-huh! Just ANOTHER SHAMELESS LIE-beral plea bargain in the making- if they even notice he paid nothing more! He is likely to make a token payment or two and then cry about his dead broke condition till LIE-berals drop his case!)

Beside that ODSP scam, he defrauded the government’s passport funding program, a financial aid plan for parents with disabled children to provide care-giver services, for $86,581 over four years.

The third scheme involved Kothary sending Jessica and her brother, Jason, who’s in his late teens, to Camp Quality Canada — a charity camp program for children with cancer — for 10 years, starting in 2004. Jessica stopped attending in 2011. That loss was $80,000.

Neither child has ever had cancer, but Jessica had severe anemia as a child.

The ODSP fraud was uncovered by the relentless work of manager Rosetta Ferraro and investigators, Nyree Jenkinson and Chantale Francis in 2015.

“We kept pulling at the strings. It unravelled this involved, complicated fraud,” said Ferraro.

(If the LIE-beral justice system wants to recover some of its VERY TARNISHED REPUTATION- maybe they should calculate how much it cost to CATCH and TRY this clod- and add THAT to his bill-which he aint likely to pay anyway! We should ask what is the REAL/FULL cost of this fraud?)

“When the story broke in the Sun, the community reported two more frauds, the passport and Quality Camp, which Kothary was still perpetrating,” said Ferraro.

(I am thinking that caning should become a handy anti crime tool in Canada! LIE-berals LOVE political junkets anyway so lets make use of them by sending them off to India and Singapore to study caning methods used to punish criminals over there!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
“When the story broke in the Sun, the community reported two more frauds, the passport and Quality Camp, which Kothary was still perpetrating,” said Ferraro.

(I am thinking that caning should become a handy anti crime tool in Canada! LIE-berals LOVE political junkets anyway so lets make use of them by sending them off to India and Singapore to study caning methods used to punish criminals over there!)[/QUOTE]

Ignoring the shit at the start of your I did find something to agree with. Although for the most part I adamantly disagree with inflicting pain. However there are exceptions to every rule and this is one of them. When criminals don't choose to comply then you have to resort to whatever means will make them comply or else they've beaten you and all the law abiding people in the system. Normally your shit deters me from reading further.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
“When the story broke in the Sun, the community reported two more frauds, the passport and Quality Camp, which Kothary was still perpetrating,” said Ferraro.

(I am thinking that caning should become a handy anti crime tool in Canada! LIE-berals LOVE political junkets anyway so lets make use of them by sending them off to India and Singapore to study caning methods used to punish criminals over there!)

Ignoring the shit at the start of your I did find something to agree with. Although for the most part I adamantly disagree with inflicting pain. However there are exceptions to every rule and this is one of them. When criminals don't choose to comply then you have to resort to whatever means will make them comply or else they've beaten you and all the law abiding people in the system. Normally your shit deters me from reading further.[/QUOTE]
Bring back the cat of nine tails , that will teach them .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Justin Trudeau is losing the argument on border crossings, poll suggests

A recent survey by Abacus Data shows how the issue has the potential to seriously sap the Liberals' re-election chances in 2019. Among the 57 per cent who said they would like to see a change of government, 42 per cent cited immigration/refugees as one of the reasons they want a change — second only to the issue of debt and deficits.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Justin Trudeau is losing the argument on border crossings, poll suggests


But then LIE-beral policy is based on nothing but preferential treatment for LIE-beral pals and bribery using our tax money as necessary to buy enough support to cling to power at any price!!!

Too bad LIE-berals have made such a hypocrite mess of everything that they have awakened the Silent Majority who did not usually vote- and now they are appearing at polling stations with VENGEANCE on their minds!

Here is yet another article illustrating why it is a good idea to CUT Toronto city council instead of letting bumble on in its muddled and bigoted way! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Council a step closer to jumping on Islamophobia bandwagon

By Sue-Ann Levy. Published: February 1, 2018. Updated: February 1, 2018 7:59 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Toronto & GTA


TTC investigating 'deliberate' act of vandalism to subway track

Council yet again proved Thursday that when it comes to social justice issues — no matter how ridiculous — they simply can’t say no.

After waiving referral of the motion to executive committee earlier in the afternoon, council voted after their dinner break- when they thought no one was watching- to approve a ridiculous Islamophobia motion by council’s newest social justice warrior, Neethan Shan.

(I do not support murder as a solution to much of anything but I must state that since Muslims are already CONVINCED they are morally superior to us and also convinced they are destined by ALLAH to take over the world- it seems a BAD policy to tell them that Cdns are all Islamophobes and systemic racists! LIE-beral bullsh+t hives Muslims the WRONG IDEAS!)

Instead of sending this highly contentious motion — which proposes designating Jan. 29 as a “Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia” — to executive committee where stakeholders could provide public input, they made it a slam dunk.

(Its just too bad that so far the ONLY VALID DEFINITION of Islamophobia that has been offered us is this: Any critic of any LIE-beral policy may be designated as “Islamophobic” and subject to harassment by our Human Rights - but too often Wrong Kangaroo Courts!)

(Things are getting so twisted and desperate in LIE-beral land that in summer 2017- LIE-berals arrested a Mississauga man for offering one thousand dollars to anybody who can provide verified video footage of hate speech taking place in local mosques! Yes- In LIE-beral Canada hate speech is a crime and yet it is now ILLEGAL to ask for proof of hate speech that LIE-berals do not want to talk about!)

(That LIE-berals are mean spirited bullies is proven by their deliberate ignorance of a news media report by two reporters who stated that there is NO MODERATE TALK presented on any Cdn based Mulsim web site! The reporters offered up proof and translations of Cdn Muslim hate speech and were ignored by LIE-berals! But the lone Mississauga man-with much less resources than the reporters was fair game for Human Rights BULLIES!)

I might mention, although it is not the least bit surprising given his focus on pandering to the left on council, that Mayor John Tory also voted against public input.

So much for transparency.

(And so much for our democracy too! Toronto mayor Jackass John Tory has a lot of stupid ideas but opening up this matter to public input is clearly NOT in the best interests of LIE-beral craven cowards seeking to buy Muslim votes- without also generating a huge wave of revulsion in main stream Canada!)

The date, which just passed- but why should that matter when it comes to social justice causes, would commemorate the tragic shooting one year ago at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City.

It was yet another effort by Shan — who ran eight times politically (and mostly lost) and quickly traded up from his TDSB trustee role to win his council seat — to become council’s official social justice warrior. That’s been his sole claim to fame since he joined council just under a year ago. So much for the real duties of a councillor.

(I point out that the duty of a councillor is to represent the people who elected him! WE can guess that it is mainly Muslims and their cowardly LIE-beral appeasers who really elected Shan! Shan certainly has NO supporters among Cdns who resent racist talk of “white privilege”!)

Not allowing public input is particularly disgraceful considering a petition calling for council to say no to an “anti-Islamophobia day” and yes to an “anti-hate day” had 2,500 signatures by Thursday afternoon.

That’s a pretty resounding statement considering it was posted just one week ago by community activist Vivienne Ziner, who also wrote a letter to all councillors with a plea that they think beyond this very “exclusionary” motion.

(LIE-berals only recognize white hate- in their eyes there is no other kind! Jews face and deal with far more hate crime than any other minority yet bigoted LIE-berals focus on Muslims- who also happen to be the most enthusiastic sponsors of terror attacks on civilians around the world!)

To focus on one group only and to exclude our Aboriginals/First Nations people, our LGBTQ folk, our people of colour, other faiths and nationalities is divisive, exclusionary and quite frankly, offensive,” she wrote.

She’s right. Besides, Canadians are not Islamophobic. I repeat, we are not Islamophobic.

To continue lecturing us that we are — and all levels of government are to blame for this — is offensive and simply wrong.

Slevy at postmedia.

(LIE-berals have counted the votes and decided that supporting anti white bigots is better- FOR LIE-berals- than supporting common sense! Too bad LIE-berals do not recognize or count that formerly silent majority of Cdns who are reaching boiling point and who may be getting ready to show up in LARGE numbers in the next election and force major changes on LIE-beral govt!)

(And is it not odd that when Rob Ford ran for Toronto mayor and won - startled news media made much of the almost 50 percent JUMP in voter turn out- and yet this time around our biased and LIE-beral loving media has had NOTHING to say about voter turnout for the election of premier Doug Ford! And in the aftermath of the 2014 Ontari-owe election- Fraser Institute did an analysis of voters that proved that Wynne-bag LIE-berals were elected almost exclusively by civil service union Hogs engaged in a HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!! LIE-berals would go berserk of corporate CEO`s told their employees: “vote Conservative and you can have a raise in pay“! But LIE-berals see nothing wrong with telling their Hog supporters: “elect us and you can have a big raise in pay”! Using OUR TAX MONEY AS BAIT!!!! LIE-beral hypocrisy knows NO LIMITS and their racist policies are poisoning the entire country!!!)