I've decided that when dealing with you clowns, I will not hold myself to a higher standard than you two demonstrate.
Liar, you never have. The only person that thinks you have, is you.
I've already proven this.
That means if you dish out bold faced lies, character assassinations, name calling... then don't complain when you get it back.
Liar, no I don't, that's what you do, lol.
That doesn't mean I will do these things...
Liar, you already do it all the time.
... just that I don't feel a need to be respectful towards either of you.
Liar, you never have. Nor anyone else that disagrees with you, no matter how polite and respectful they are to you.
Mostly I intend to ignore your posts, unless you actually post something worth reading or interesting.
Which includes anything that proves you wrong, or that what you post is Nazi-esque propaganda.
For the most part you're posts are pretty lame and mostly stink up the place...
It comes as no surprise that you would think posts that show you for what you really are, and disprove the lies and propaganda you post, as lame and stinking up the place, lol.
For everyone else who shows respect, you get my respect....
Liar, you're only respectful until they prove you wrong and show you for what you really are, all the while being respectful. Then you call them supporters of war crimes and crimes against humanity. That's disrespectful, name calling and insulting. That's why we know you're a troll.
We've seen you do it time and time again.