Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Click on your link:
Keyword(s): "israel"; Posts Made By: earth_as_one (note this is the number of posts by eao containing the key word "israel", not threads started by eao)
Showing results 1 to 50 of 381

Here are the number of thread started by eao which contain the keyword israel:
Canadian Content Forums - Search Results

Keyword(s): Israel; Threads Started By: earth_as_one
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17


Where was the final autopsy conducted EAO?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
So over 7 years and nearly 8,000 posts, I've only made 381 posts with the word "Israel" in it? That would be about 5%. Also the last thread I started on Israel appears to be from 2011.

You sure know how to research......


And there is probably more but You've been proven wrong once again


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Yoo hoo, EAOooo???

Where was the final autopsy conducted EAO?

Geez, this will make two threads you got your a$s handed to you and you've run from.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The autopsy which documented the broken bones in the man's neck, back and leg and arms was the final autopsy.

BTW CB, did you snap your co-worker's neck and break his arms and legs when you gave him CPR? Is that normal too?

BBC News - Palestinian detainee Arafat Jaradat's funeral held

Thousands of Palestinians - many waving Palestinian flags - packed the streets in Saeer as the funeral took place.

Militants from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, to which Mr Jaradat belonged, fired into the air and vowed to avenge his death, AFP news agency reported.

al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UNHCR | Refworld | Palestine: The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the West Bank; its activities, its sources of funding, and its responses to persons who refuse to comply with its demands for payments; whether it accuses Palestinians of being collaborato

Palestine: The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the West Bank; its activities, its sources of funding, and its responses to persons who refuse to comply with its demands for payments; whether it accuses Palestinians of being collaborators with Israel if they refuse to pay bribes; if so, the frequency of the allegations; the method by which it informs people that someone is a collaborator; its actions against alleged collaborators (January 2008 - April 2010)

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (AAMB) is also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada Martyrs' Group, Al-Aqsa Brigades, Martyrs of Al-Aqsa Group, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Battalion and Armed Militias of the Al-Aqsa Martyr Battalions (Canada 3 Apr. 2003). The website of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), an organization of the United States (US) government that gathers and analyzes intelligence related to terrorism (US 13 Feb. 2009), states that the AAMB is an organization composed of an unknown quantity of small, autonomous cells that formed during the beginning of the second Palestinian uprising, also called the al-Aqsa intifada, in September 2000 (US n.d.). The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) describes it as "a network of West Bank militias" and reports that the group is affiliated with former Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction, although it is unclear whether the AAMB takes orders from Fatah's post-Arafat leadership (2 Apr. 2008). According to the NCTC, the group's objective is the removal of the Israeli military and settlers from the West Bank and the establishment of a Palestinian state consistent with secular nationalist Fatah ideology (US n.d.). The AAMB is reportedly more active in the Gaza Strip, but also prepares and carries out attacks in Israel and the West Bank (ibid.).


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Oh oh, more bad news for EAO.

His new hero seems to be a terrorist, lol.

No surprise to see EAO defending him.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Click on your link:
Keyword(s): "israel"; Posts Made By: earth_as_one (note this is the number of posts by eao containing the key word "israel", not threads started by eao)
Showing results 1 to 50 of 381

Here are the number of thread started by eao which contain the keyword israel:
Canadian Content Forums - Search Results
Keyword(s): Israel; Threads Started By: earth_as_one
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Try this one.......
Canadian Content Forums - Search Results

Keyword(s): "Israel"; Threads Started By: earth_as_one
Showing results 1 to 50 of 103

slightly more than 17
Nice try at "fudging"


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ok, let's get back to EAO's new terrorist hero and EAO's avoidance of the tough questions that punch huge holes in his silly demonization of Israel.

I really do love it when we all get to see the hatred and how his bigotry shines through when the hard questions come out, lol.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Ok, let's get back to EAO's new terrorist hero and EAO's avoidance of the tough questions that punch huge holes in his silly demonization of Israel.

I really do love it when we all get to see the hatred and how his bigotry shines through when the hard questions come out, lol.
He accuses everyone of bigotry but fails to see his own......typical


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
He accuses everyone of bigotry but fails to see his own......typical
I don't know how he can't see it, we've only fed it to him a thousand times.

There's no question about his hatred anymore, nor is there any question about him being a troll.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
And it was conducted where and by who?
The final autopsy was conducted by an Israeli doctor at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Israel. Saber Aloul, chief pathologist of the Palestinian Authority attended the autopsy.

...The Palestinian prisoner who died in Megiddo Prison on Saturday did not expire from a heart attack, as Israeli officials previously claimed, but from torture, says a Palestinian doctor who was present for the autopsy performed by an Israeli doctor Sunday. Saber Aloul, chief pathologist of the Palestinian Authority, who attended the autopsy in Israel, said marks on Arafat Jaradat's body showed he had been tortured during his interrogation. The autopsy, performed at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine, listed no cause of death. The Shin Bet security service denied Aloul was tortured. A Health Ministry spokesperson said no exterior signs of injuries were discovered during the medical examination, apart from resuscitation bruises and a small abrasion on the right side of Jaradat's chest. The examination was conducted by the institute's chief pathologist, Yehuda Hiss, in the presence of Aloul and the head of the Health Ministry's medical administration, Prof. Arnon Afek. Prior to the autopsy, Israeli officials had said Jaradat likely died of cardiac arrest...

See this link which I already referenced in my first post about this incident. here is the link AGAIN!
Autopsy shows Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jadarat died from torture, says PA chief pathologist - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Hopefully, this incident is independently investigated to prevent further violence:

A letter sent by Palestinian UN ambassador Riyad Mansour to the Security Council said the autopsy revealed that Jaradat "was subjected to severe beatings, abuse and medical negligence during his captivity, possibly amounting to torture."

The letter said Jaradat had six broken bones in his neck, spine, arms and legs, along with other injuries. Israel has said the prisoner could have suffered broken bones in attempts to resuscitate him after the heart attack.

"This horrific incident is further proof of the inhumane treatment systematically meted out by Israel against Palestinians in its jails," added the letter, which called for an "impartial investigation" and Security Council action to make Israel abide by humanitarian law.

AFP: UN calls for independent inquiry into Palestinian death
When I click on your link I get:
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

Anyway, I have no idea what you are doing but your links don't work. I haven't started a thread about Israel since 2011.

Meanwhile.... who gives a rat's a$$? This is a forum open for debate where anyone can post anything they want on any subject as long as they respect forum rules.

If you have a problem with threads about Israel, I suggest you don't read them. If you have something to add, please feel free to attack the message.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
When I click on your link I get:
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

Anyway, I have no idea what you are doing but your links don't work. Meanwhile.... who gives a rat's a$$?

This is a forum open for debate where anyone can post anything they want on any subject as longas they respect forum rules. You remember the rules don't you DS?

If you have a problem with threads about Israel, I suggest you don't read them.

Check yours they don't work either.....
Those search engine links are only temporary.....don't you know anything???
You have no idea what you are doing either!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The final autopsy was conducted by an Israeli doctor at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Israel.
It was?

Can you back that up?

Saber Aloul, chief pathologist of the Palestinian Authority attended the autopsy.
The initial Israeli autopsy report indicated there were no injuries other than the ones he received from life saving efforts.

So what final autopsy report are you and your article referring to?

See this link which I already referenced in my first post about this incident. here is the link AGAIN!
Autopsy shows Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jadarat died from torture, says PA chief pathologist - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
I read that article thoroughly.

Would you like me to point out the inconsistencies in it?

Hopefully, this incident is independently investigated to prevent further violence:
Ahhh, so they're guilty are they?

It's so funny watching your standards change when Israel is concerned.

This is a forum open for debate where anyone can post anything they want on any subject as longas they respect forum rules.

You remember the rules don't you DS?
Why does he have to remember them? You willfully ignore them while you chastise others for doing the same.

...please feel free to attack the message.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
When I click on your link I get:
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

Anyway, I have no idea what you are doing but your links don't work. I haven't started a thread about Israel since 2011.

Meanwhile.... who gives a rat's a$$? This is a forum open for debate where anyone can post anything they want on any subject as long as they respect forum rules.

If you have a problem with threads about Israel, I suggest you don't read them. If you have something to add, please feel free to attack the message.

Use the original search parameters that Das provided. about 3 pages come up. It was step by step- Even i managed to do it.

Clearly this is you.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I have a Ma'an news story that will put a kink in EAO's Israeli demonizing hate posts of the day, lol.

Combine that with the MEM article I have and we a recipe for an EAO meltdown, lol.

The actual official report won't be released for about two weeks.

None of the pathologists in attendance corroborate Aloul's claims.

And then there this mysterious final autopsy the Jew haters are pushing.

So what is this final autopsy the terrorist lovers are talking about?

Could it be the mere word of a PA pathologist?

Something made up?

Where did Jadarat's body go after he left Israel?
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Ok, let's get back to EAO's new terrorist hero and EAO's avoidance of the tough questions that punch huge holes in his silly demonization of Israel.

I really do love it when we all get to see the hatred and how his bigotry shines through when the hard questions come out, lol.

This from a person who posts images of Palestinians with their arms raised as proof they are really Nazis.

...What I said was... "Swastika's and Islam go hand in hand."

And they do...

Yeah right, just like raised arms also prove American School Children, French revolutionaries, Napoleon, Geroge Bush, Hillary Clinton and popular talk show hosts are also Nazis:,

American school children pledging allegiance to the Flag:

The French Revolution:

Le Serment du Jeu de paume


Serment de l'armée fait à l'Empereur après la distribution des aigles, 5 décembre 1804

George Bush:

Hillary Clinton:

Even Talk Show hosts

Arafat Jaradat may have been a member of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. If true, then his treatment should have been in accordance with Geneva conventions regarding POWs. Regardless of his background, nothing justifies torturing people, let alone torturing them to death. Likely his involvement in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades is why he was detained and tortured. Throwing rocks never made much sense.

Many of you obviously don't consider Palestinians to be human beings, worthy of fundamental human rights.

Arafat was abducted/arrested on 18 February this year for allegedly throwing a stone at an armed Israeli soldier. (More likely because he was believed to be a member of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.). He was married and father to a four year-old daughter, Yara, and a two year-old son, Muhammad. Arafat and his wife Dalal were expecting their third child in June. Arafat was also in his first year at al-Quds Open University.

He's not my "hero". He is just a young man, brother, son, husband and father, who had the misfortune of being born the wrong religion in a region that Zionists believe G-d gave to Jews. His torture death is just the latest atrocity in a long list of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity stretching back to Israel's creation and unshakably supported by the Harper government.

Unlike you CB, I've never made a negative claim or statement about Jews or Israelis collectively as a group like you and other Islamaphobes. I have never claimed that all Israelis or all IDF soldiers are war criminals or murderers. I point out specific crimes, like this death by torture incident committed by individuals, and condemn them regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation...

I've posted regarding Israeli soldiers using innocent civilians including children as human shields, using chemical weapons and heavy artillery to shell densely populated urban areas, bomb hospitals, shoot up ambulances, humanitarian aid convoys... I have a problem with these crimes, not because the individuals who committed them are Israelis, but because these actions are war crimes and the individuals who commit these crimes are war criminals. In this case, who ever tortured this Palestinian to death is a murderer.

You guys have never condemned any of these actions, not because they aren't crimes, but because Israelis committed them.

When someone dare point out Israeli war crimes, you attack them, rather than deal with the issues. That's not debate.

If any of you disagree, then please post a link to a post where you condemned a specific Israeli war crime. I am aware that CB has on occasion made a general statement condemning Israeli war crimes. Good for him. Shame on the rest of you who try to confuse and obfuscate clear evidence of criminal activity because the criminals responsible are Israelis and the victims are subhuman Palestinians.

BTW, I have no problems condemning war crimes when they are committed by Palestinians. Firing rockets and missiles in the general direction of civilians is a war crime. See? No problems.

I'd like to see one of you admit that its unlikely that a healthy 30 year old would die of a heart attack and that his broken neck, back, arm and leg are consistent with a severe beating.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Just let me start by pointing out this prediction...

Combine that with the MEM article I have and we a recipe for an EAO meltdown, lol.


For those of you following along, this is what EAO does when he gets cornered with facts, he goes on the attack, with a healthy helping of attempted character assassination.

Although he cries like a girl if you even call him a name.

It's funny to watch, so just sit back and enjoy.
This from a person who posts images of Palestinians with their arms raised as proof they are really Nazis.
Those are Hezbollah, not Palestinians, and I never said they were Nazi's, lol.

Your dishonesty is funny.

Yeah right, just like raised arms also prove American School Children, French revolutionaries, Napoleon, Geroge Bush, Hillary Clinton and popular talk show hosts are also Nazis:,
Ya, you tried that weak fallacious attempt in the other thread, where you went silent after I PWND you there too.

Regardless of his background, nothing justifies torturing people, let alone torturing them to death.
That's just a rumour, that's getting weaker and weaker by the minute.

Which is why you're trying another distraction technique.

Common among bigots.

Many of you obviously don't consider Palestinians to be human beings, worthy of fundamental human rights.

Unlike you CB, I've never made a negative claim or statement about Jews or Israelis collectively as a group like you and other Islamaphobes.
Liar, yes you have, this thread is full of them, lol.

I have never claimed that all Israelis or all IDF soldiers are war criminals or murderers.
Liar, yes you have.

I point out specific crimes, like this death by torture incident committed by individuals, and condemn them regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation...
Oh oh, there you jumping to conclusions without evidence again.

It's funny how when anyone does that about Muslims you demand they wait for hard evidence, lol.

You guys have never condemned any of these actions, not because they aren't crimes, but because Israelis committed them.
Liar, I have condemned them, when they were proven, lol.

I'd like to see one of you admit that its unlikely that a healthy 30 year old would die of a heart attack and that his broken neck, back, arm and leg are consistent with a severe beating.
100% conjecture.

Can you answer my questions now, or do you still find them to difficult and uncomfortable to answer? lol.
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
If the Palestinians released a dead Gilad Shalit, with a beat up face, broken neck, back, arm and leg... and Palestinian authorities tried to claim Shalit died of a heart attack, we'd all find that hard to believe.

But since this man is a Palestinian who died in Israeli custody, I am apparently the only here he thinks he was beaten to death.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If the Palestinians released a dead Gilad Shalit, with a beat up face, broken neck, back, arm and leg... and Palestinian authorities tried to claim Shalit died of a heart attack, we'd all find that hard to believe.
Did Israel release Jadarat in that condition?

According to who?

And where was that final autopsy done?

I know where it was supposedly done, lol.

But in your defense, I'm just a far better researcher who's actually objective.

But since this man is a Palestinian who died in Israeli custody, I am apparently the only here he thinks he was beaten to death.
No, you're the only one here who automatically believes the propaganda put out by the PA, without the same hard evidence you demand if we were discussing crimes by Palestinians.

Pssst...EAO, your facade is slipping...

ETA; BTW: I loved your meltdown.