Is Obama already planning his re-election ?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
All I said was that the appearent (and, regretfully very real) weakness of Obama emboldened the Somali pirates to do something they never hitherto dared to do: attack a vessel flying American flag.

I gave my reasons. You gave your excuses.

That is just your opinion, isn’t it? There is no evidence for that. Personally I think it is highly unlikely that pirates go around looking for the ships of any particular country. It is far more likely that they hijack he ship that happens to be nearby, the one that they think they can take over easily.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"They didn’t get that, so they settled for a blockade."

Definition of the word 'blockade' according to Webster:

"The shutting up of a place, esp. a port, harbour, or line of coast, by hostile ships or troops, to prevent ingress or egress; a blockading force; any obstruction of passage."

Who in his right mind could or would ever say that Cuba is blockaded, when any and all the countries of ALL the world are free to travel in and out of Cuba?
The United States simply chooses not to.

People with sufficient ill will and malevolence purposefully equate "embargo" with "blockade".


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Re #181.

Not opinion, but conclusion, based on facts.

It is a good feeling. You should try it sometimes.

That is still your opinion, Yukon Jack (that it is based upon facts). i think it is neither a conclusion nor based upon facts, but the doctrinaire Republican Party line parroted by a conservative republican.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Re #184.

Thanks SirJosephPorter, your intended insult is taken as a well-deserved compliment.

Keep up the good work!

BTW, try a different "rebuff". "That is your opinion" is beginning to ring rather hollow, when it is not substantiated by any facts at all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re #184.

Thanks SirJosephPorter, your intended insult is taken as a well-deserved compliment.

Keep up the good work!

BTW, try a different "rebuff". "That is your opinion" is beginning to ring rather hollow, when it is not substantiated by any facts at all.

You two sure love your politics (or is it the arguing you love?). Politics bores me to tears after about 15 minutes and if they weren't so bloody slimy, I would guess after 5 minutes.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Re #184.

Thanks SirJosephPorter, your intended insult is taken as a well-deserved compliment.

Keep up the good work!

BTW, try a different "rebuff". "That is your opinion" is beginning to ring rather hollow, when it is not substantiated by any facts at all.

Why would it ring, hollow, Yukon Jack? I think that is an excellent rebuff, especially when it happens to be true. You may put forth your opinion as a fact, that is your right. But that doesn’t mean I have to accept it as a fact, it is still opinion to me.


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
When Bush came to power, he immediately started saber rattling, shooting from the hip, started comparing Iran and other Islamic counties with Nazi Germany (remember ‘Axis of Evil?’). In doing so, he alienated the entire Muslim world. He made Osama Ben Laden so angry that he decided to carry out the 9/11 attack.

Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US :p

The man had more than his share of errors, gaffs and bad policies in his tenure; we don't need to be making up more :p


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
Whew! That was quite a read through this thread. I need another whiskey. Gotta agree with Wulfie...Bush came out with the axis of evil thing right after 9/11. Before that he was merely trying to fill his daddy's big shoes.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US"

Why should SirJosephPorter care about facts?

And let us not forget the expression of "AXIS OF EVIL" came from the pen/typwriter/computer of David Frum, a Canadian, son of CBC icon Barbara Frum, who thankfully fell far, far away from his maternal tree

"The man had more than his share of errors, gaffs and bad policies in his tenure; we don't need to be making up more."

Day for day, hour for hour it is unmistakably clear: George W. Bush was far more qualified to fill his post, and made far fewer errors per day than this pretender-in-chief.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Bush came out with the axis of evil thing right after 9/11. Before that he was merely trying to fill his daddy's big shoes."

At least he knew who, what and where his father was, unlike this pretender-in-chief.


Council Member
Jun 22, 2006
"Bush came out with the axis of evil thing right after 9/11. Before that he was merely trying to fill his daddy's big shoes."

At least he knew who, what and where his father was, unlike this pretender-in-chief.
Yes, he certainly did...


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US :p

The man had more than his share of errors, gaffs and bad policies in his tenure; we don't need to be making up more :p

Gotta have his place with Ronnie and the Russians....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US"

Why should SirJosephPorter care about facts?

And let us not forget the expression of "AXIS OF EVIL" came from the pen/typwriter/computer of David Frum, a Canadian, son of CBC icon Barbara Frum, who thankfully fell far, far away from his maternal tree

"The man had more than his share of errors, gaffs and bad policies in his tenure; we don't need to be making up more."

Day for day, hour for hour it is unmistakably clear: George W. Bush was far more qualified to fill his post, and made far fewer errors per day than this pretender-in-chief.

I liked old Dubya too, Y.J. but I think Obama may have the edge on him but time will tell.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US :p

The man had more than his share of errors, gaffs and bad policies in his tenure; we don't need to be making up more :p

And it was his Canadian speech-writer David Frumm who was responsible for the comment which was intended to whip up support for the GOP in the run-up to the 2002 mid-terms in November. It also added to the momentum gathering to invade Iraq.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Bush came out with the axis of evil thing right after 9/11. Before that he was merely trying to fill his daddy's big shoes."

At least he knew who, what and where his father was, unlike this pretender-in-chief.

That's a little below the belt Y.J. but I guess we haven't changed much from Biblical days where it says "the sins of the father shall visit the third and fourth generations"


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
"Bush came out with the axis of evil thing right after 9/11. Before that he was merely trying to fill his daddy's big shoes."

At least he knew who, what and where his father was, unlike this pretender-in-chief.

Obama got to be president the old-fashioned way, he earned it.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US :p

The man had more than his share of errors, gaffs and bad policies in his tenure; we don't need to be making up more :p

Sure Wulfie, I know that and you know that. But how many people do you think remember that these days?

I think many people do remember the comment ‘Axis of Evil’, it does have that punch, pungency to it to be remembered for a long time. But do you think anybody remembers when it was said?

As I said in my post, this argument is silly anyway (constructed solely to demonstrate the absurdity of Yukon's argument), but no sillier than Yukon Jack claiming that Obama caused the piracy.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"Erm... SirJoseph? The "Axis of Evil" thing came after 9/11 in the January 2002 State of the Union address (you can Google it if you don't believe me). Prior to 9/11 most pundits (and political comedians/satirists) argued about whether or not George W. Bush actually knew there was a world outside the borders of the US"

Why should SirJosephPorter care about facts?

Why indeed, Yukon Jack? As I said the whole argument was silly, based upon silly suppositions. But it was no sillier than your argument that Obama caused the piracy. I was demonstrating that one could make equally specious, equally plausible sounding argument that Bush caused 9/11. It is no sillier than your argument.

And let us not forget the expression of "AXIS OF EVIL" came from the pen/typwriter/computer of David Frum, a Canadian, son of CBC icon Barbara Frum, who thankfully fell far, far away from his maternal tree

It doesn’t matter who wrote it, Bush said it, so he is responsible for it, the buck stopped with Bush. But then again, I suppose not, I hear Bush had a variant of the Truman’s saying on his desk, ‘The buck stops anywhere but here’ (remember how he blamed everybody else for Katrina fiasco but didn’t take any responsibility for himself?)