In his Christmas letter Trudeau portrays Muslims as victims of hate crimes


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
He "won" because he, and his team, were smarter than the opposition. He, and his team, were able to do what no one else was able to do. That, in itself, shows the ability he has as a leader, and as someone that can put together a team to achieve the goals and vision that was set out.
Being able to market a cheap pair socks doesn't make you a leader. It makes you a great conman.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
LOL, Wynne. Never underestimate the stupidity of the liberal support base.

When it comes to Ontario, there hasn't been a viable contender to go against wynne. Plus, when it comes to Ontario, can you tell me what the difference has been between the NDP, Conservatives, and the Liberals when it came to the way they actually governed the province.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
When it comes to Ontario, there hasn't been a viable contender to go against wynne.
I don't know, Hudak is looking pretty darn good now, lol.

Plus, when it comes to Ontario, can you tell me what the difference has been between the NDP, Conservatives, and the Liberals when it came to the way they actually governed the province.
Hmmm, the NDP almost bankrupted the province, now the Liberals are trying to do the same thing. Harris was just a cold douche that cut entitled peoples entitlements and idiotically sold the 407.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I don't know, Hudak is looking pretty darn good now, lol.

Hmmm, the NDP almost bankrupted the province, now the Liberals are trying to do the same thing. Harris was just a cold douche that cut entitled peoples entitlements and idiotically sold the 407.

In other words, no difference. I remember people whining about Harris trying to bankrupt the province. Harris not listening to anyone. Aside from the "lesbian" jabs, you could stick any of the Ontario party leaders names in the present day whines and they would be damn close to truthful. So, with that being said, is Ontario really an example you want to use as a comparison to federal politics?


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
The actual ignorance in this thread to the activities of government is super entertaining. The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau P.C., M.P., the Prime Minister, has done more with what mere "blink of an eye" of the present term has transpired to earn the trust and confidence of the public than the previous government over the entire course of its last mandate.

If Liberals have already delivered on six campaign promises:
  • Appointed a cabinet with gender parity for the first time in Canadian history
  • Maintained Canada's participation in NATO operations REASSURANCE and UNIFIER
  • Restored the mandatory long-form census
  • Cut middle-class tax bracket from 22.0% to 20.5%
  • Introduced a new tax bracket of 33% for income over $200,000
  • Revoked rules and regulations muzzling government scientists

The Liberals are also well on the way to delivering on these promises, too:
  • Canceling the Northern Gateway Pipeline
  • Reopening nine Veterans Affairs service centres
  • Creating a non-partisan, merit-based appointments process for senators
  • Following Cohen Commission recommendations (re: Fraser River salmon stocks)
  • Reopening the St. John's Maritime Rescue Sub-centre, and Kitsilano Coast Guard base
  • Restore door-to-door mail delivery by Canada Post
  • Launching a national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women
  • Lifting visa requirements for Mexican travelers to Canada
  • Removing marijuana consumption and incidental possession offences from Criminal Code
  • Creating a task force to design marijuana sale/distribution system
  • Ending operation IMPACT (re: CF-18 participation in ISIS engagement)
  • Reduce CF-18 replacement procurement budget, and abandon F-35 purchase

This looks like a pretty ambitious government so far, and one which is delivering on its promises.

On the only promise, so far, that the Liberals have not delivered upon (i.e., the welcoming of 25,000 Syrian refugees before the end of the calendar year), the Liberals were open and honest with Canadians, and advised us of the new plan as soon as they could. The Government really is acting as though they are supposed to be reporting to Canadians through our Parliament (and through the revival of the national press gallery), and I think that this is resonating with electors.

Liberals' support for this prime minister is not some sort of infatuation with the man. We see the promises that the Government made during the election, we see the promises upon which the Government has delivered and is delivering since the election, and we appreciate it and approve. If by "cult of personality" you mean "Whoa, a prime minister is actually delivering on his promises and treating Canadians with the respect that we deserve," then sure, sign me up.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Or because they were smarter than the electorate. :)

Ahhhhhh.... so when stevey boy won, it was because HE was smarter than the electorate? Or is only Trudeau smarter than the Canadian electorate?

YOU are part of that electorate, how stupid are you?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Did you bookmark my posts when I predicted that JT would become Liberal leader back in 2008? Did you book mark my posts when I predicted he would win the lection? Did you bookmark my posts when I predicted he would be PM for at least 2 terms? So far, I think my "predictions" are holding up a bit better than those that have opposed JT and have continued to refer to him as "fluff".

You're right but you have to remember he is at the top of his game right now, if not a little past it! There could be some sh*t in the offing that you haven't predicted, my boy! It's to everyone's advantage if Justin succeeds and I certainly hope he does, but right now he's lacking the "tools".
P.S. Is he truly a "team player" or does he just issue orders?