In his Christmas letter Trudeau portrays Muslims as victims of hate crimes


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

He even admitted it when he defended his spread in Vogue. He wants to connect with those that aren't politically inclined.

That can only be read "I want people to vote for me, not because they understand my politics,

"but because I'm likeable." And it's 2015! :)


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
And the morons embraced it like a messiah.

because most people ARE morons and easily led, wanting to 'belong', be with the popular kids.

we also have a change in so-called politics where leaders are chosen and run by societal trolls and progs and backed by the media. these armpits consider themselves the moral and intellectual superiors.

happened with barry and here gerry butts did it with the pony. anyone that can't see that is farting into the wind.

it's a piss-poor future we have until the cocoon people wake up to the marketing that is taking place.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
because most people ARE morons and easily led, wanting to 'belong', be with the popular kids.

we also have a change in so-called politics where leaders are chosen and run by societal trolls and progs and backed by the media. these armpits consider themselves the moral and intellectual superiors.

happened with barry and here gerry butts did it with the pony. anyone that can't see that is farting into the wind.

it's a piss-poor future we have until the cocoon people wake up to the marketing that is taking place.
It's amazing how our moral and intellectual superiors can't see the marketing campaign they bought into.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's amazing how our moral and intellectual superiors can't see the marketing campaign they bought into.

I'm beginning to get the idea that before another year has passed the majority will be wishing we have Harper back!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm beginning to get the idea that before another year has passed the majority will be wishing we have Harper back!
Compared to JT, yes. In general, no.

I'd like a leader that stuck to running the country with the people in mind, instead of just getting re-elected.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Compared to JT, yes. In general, no.

I'd like a leader that stuck to running the country with the people in mind, instead of just getting re-elected.

Hmmmmmmmmm! Like that will happen as long as politicians see themselves as the most important people! :)


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
because most people ARE morons and easily led, wanting to 'belong', be with the popular kids.

we also have a change in so-called politics where leaders are chosen and run by societal trolls and progs and backed by the media. these armpits consider themselves the moral and intellectual superiors.

happened with barry and here gerry butts did it with the pony. anyone that can't see that is farting into the wind.

it's a piss-poor future we have until the cocoon people wake up to the marketing that is taking place.

Leaders are chosen by a 'behind-the-scenes' small, wealthy, influential group who have a plan in mind and the means to get the candidate they pick elected. The only things they care about are their power and financial gain.

I'm curious. What the hell are you doing on the internet? Don't you have some laundry to do? Floors to wash? Dishes to do? Meals to cook?

What the hell are YOU doing on the internet? Don't you have people in your RL to irritate?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Ok, I get it.

Yeah, wow is right....but not for the reason you think. You've completely missed the point.

Yeah, ok, fine, whatever, but.......

Double fukking wow.....B00Mer you have no standing to call anyone chauvinist.

I had no doubt you would get it, just as I had no doubt that it would go right over the head of those like Boomer.

That right there says it all. It is the very reason why I was initially suspicious of his rise to leader of the party and why I continue to be hesitant of having any faith or hope in the party. Believe me, I'd rather have faith in the Liberal Party, all around it is a much better fit for me politically speaking....but they ran it into the ground under Cretien/Martin, threw that intellectual douchebag Iggy at us and then promoted a Jr member to party leadership simply because of his last name.

They've lost all substance and remain superficial in my eyes.

How long was Trudeau an MP before he was "promoted"?


He even admitted it when he defended his spread in Vogue. He wants to connect with those that aren't politically inclined.

That can only be read "I want people to vote for me, not because they understand my politics, but because I'm likeable."

No substance, just fluff, and the bobble heads have swallowed it.

Thatès the only way it can be read, eh. Yup, no substance, and here I thought you had some.

This goes deeper than that though. This goes all the way through the party, right down to it's roots. They are clinging to the superficial flower and not clearing away the rotten undergrowth. When the Conservative Party was decimated in the early nineties, down to what? two seats in the HOC? They reinvented themselves, from the ground up. Rightly, wrongly, agree or disagree, they cleaned house. When the Liberals were faced with similar circumstances after the Sponsorship Scandal and the Cretien/Martin debacle, they did not clean house. Instead the focused on finding the most shiny object they could find.

When the PROGRESIVE Conservative party was decimated, they died. Period. An upstart, backwoods, "reform" party reinvented itself to fill the void left by the PC's. Harper made sure that there were no vestiges of the old PC party left. The Progressive Conservative Party didn't do any "reinventing", they didn't "clean house". They, basically, disappeared.

The Liberal Party has never been down like the PC's ended up.

What the hell are YOU doing on the internet? Don't you have people in your RL to irritate?

Went right over your head too, I see.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Actually, I don't. It's a figure of speech.

I only have to explain that to morons. So I'm not surprised I had to explain it to you.
So basically you are going to throw words at people with guns. You need a lot more help than I do and that would be in all areas.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You're smarter than that and I'm not mentalmidget.
Ummm, read this again, and get back to me...


He even admitted it when he defended his spread in Vogue. He wants to connect with those that aren't politically inclined.

That can only be read "I want people to vote for me, not because they understand my politics, but because I'm likeable."

No substance, just fluff, and the bobble heads have swallowed it.