"Identify the Beast"


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
I can give you a link to a list of over 300 directly contradictory statements in the Bible, if you're interested. Many of them are pretty trivial, like how many sons some patriarch had and how many people god killed off in some fit of displeasure with humanity, but some are significant, like the issue of whether or not the Old Testament rules given in Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy, still apply. Jesus is cited in the New Testament as supporting both positions. No amount of verbal gymnastics can explain away all the contradictions, which is one of the reasons I view the Bible purely as a work of human literature, not a revelation from god. I know of no good reason to think such a being even exists, and I know of many good reasons to think he doesn't. And that is in fact exactly what I think: there is no god, and anyone who thinks there is, is simply wrong, has failed to understand the evidence. Or lack of it.

I certainly respect your views. There might be, I don't know of any contradictory verses which would take away from the underlying theme of the whole bible, which is God's love to wards us.
I guess I don't see them because I can clearly see Gods plan for mankind which over rides any distraction to that cause.

The bible is written with the writers own abilities to word things as they are given to write (Inspired) and may have used words, phrases or ideas (envisioned) as their abilities allowed them to.
But, the over riding theme remains true and in tact throughout the whole of the bible as a clear understanding of Gods love to wards mankind.

Now, as a father of six, I have first hand experience in understanding of what means, measures, truths and lies I have used in order to coach, shape , mold and or disciplined my kids in order for them to walk the straight path.
I've kept secrets form them until they were ready to handle the revelations.
To all of them, at one time or another, seemed to them that I contradicted myself when they saw a need to justify their own ways.

In my years of analyzing human behavior with or without God, I have determined that the make up of the individual has a major impact on that individuals abilities to seek and to find what drives them to wards God.
To some it is a very light desire, a fleeing thought, a possibility maybe but never quite gotten a good taste what God really is.
Then theres those who have just enough desire to fall for whatever wave like the sea is, and wind up confused, distracted by events, wars and human tragedy's.
And then there are those who are driven to earnestly seek out truths about the God they believe in and are not so easily swayed one way or the other.

To all three types, regardless, the struggle to identify self compared to what is, what one knows against what one doesn't know is a struggle within one's own soul.

Life takes on meaning when through suffering one is able to rise above that which this life would destroy, against dying, against wars and against our own inner doubts.

Uncertainty, fear, self doubt, plague everyone given in a condition where these things come to bear.

But God, a stable and sure hope, a refuge comforts the inner man against all that comes against him, if but only the inner man has some understandings of Gods love for him.

In a tornado, a sinking ship, a plane falling from the sky, a prisoner in a death camp, God can give a serene feeling of comfort of hope of a better life worth the sufferings one is going through.

The difference then between all three, is faith. Faith to a degree determines ones ability to measure one's own abilities to endure sufferings and being victorious.

When I look at God, I tend to see through His eyes, for there in I see not through mankind's influences, how mankind thinks, but rather how God tends to think.

My best and honest answer to you and all others is that regardless of ones beliefs, God is represented by humanity as one who loves, or one who hates, but only mankind can show of what God is, in its actions, one to wards another.

I hope to stress Gods love by my actions, my words and my compassion, bearing witness to His attributes as He really is in me.

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Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Has it ever occurred to you that you might be wrong, that in fact there is no god and all this stuff is merely human invention?

Not the least. You know why? Because in my spirit I have felt Gods watchfulness over me throughout my life.
I will swear with my life, beyond a Shadow of a doubt that He exists.
I see Him at work in peoples lives.
All of it, the universe, the earth, humanity, the animals, the insects and the miro-organisms, are a work of wonder and amazement.

But the greatest of all of that, is the emotion, of caring, helping, loving sharing and being something greater than sum of it, for the spirit of love lives on forever.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
And that’s why “number of the beast” is number of man. Triple 6 is definition of 3D fractality, which is 6-fold recursion in all 3 directions or 6 harmonics of space in time in all 3 directions and it’s applicable to all there is in context of spatial reality (excluding its non-local time). It’s definition of materialism and idolatry that are driving force of superficial evolution devoid of its deeper spiritual advance. It’s equally description of genetic make-up and entire physical reality of earth. Triple 6 is 6³=216, which is diameter of moon, because moon is time of time of earth. Trough its gravitational effect it slows rotation (time) and advances its orbital. Solar/lunar tugging deforms perfect symmetry (sphere) of earth and causes its gradual increase in obliquity and eccentricity of its orbital that’s cause of precession or reversal of rotation that culminates in its eventual collapse, when rotation ceases and earth flips over. Such collapse reinstates symmetry and creates momentum of next cycle of time that keeps earth spinning for another 5125 years (in opposite direction). And than it all happens again – and again and each cycle of time is relatively different physical reality, because Fibonacci sequencing does not repeat in same but different fractals.
Than again – inversion of earth’s rotation (0.463 m/sec), when it stops rotating in space (east/west) and instead it accomplishes a quantum of rotation in time (¼ or ½) is 2.16 sec/m (north/west rotation perpendicular on orbital or flipping earth upside/down). Period of its orbital precession (perihelion orbital) is again 4x5400=21600 years - where 5400 is inertial period of 5400-216=5184 years of non-inertial period or perfect wave without its spatial or massive component that’s cause of such wave (earth). 216 is number of great pyramid (2x216=432) and it’s duration of one month of great year (one zodiac of 2160 years x 12 = 25.920 year precessional period). 216 is boundary of earth’s spatial reality in time. It’s size of its time. It’s definition of its fractality and definition of its duration in time. 2.16 sec/m velocity in time is 21600 years of orbital time in space and/or 4x21600=86400 sec of rotation (one day).
Reality is self-similar. A curvature consists of 4 right angles, where such curvature is only one out of 4 sides /angles of larger curvature (square). It’s double duality within and without larger/smaller double duality. 4x1/4=1, which is only ¼ of larger 4D reality (which is 4x4=16), because curvature in space is linear direction in time, just as curvature in time is linear direction in space. ¼ is quantum of 4D reality – it’s one of its directions and curvature of all 4 is quantum or linear direction of 5D reality (1/5) etc. That’s why ¼ orbital precession (perihelion advance) is only 1/5 of precession of equinoxes (rotational precession). Quantum of space/time duality (4D) is always ¼ (see De Broglie). And that’s why rotational time of earth is 4x2.16x10^4=86400 sec (where 10^4 is difference between orbital velocity and light speed or 100x100 – complete turning out of space in time and time in space, i.e. 4D inversion and not only 2D as is the case with orbiting planets that are 10 planets in 100-fold spatial difference between their orbitals).
For the same reason, the perihelion orbital cycle is 2.16x10^4=21600 years (and/or moon’s diameter etc). 6x6x6=216 is fractal nature of earth’s reality – it’s its space and time, where one limits another. 21600 years limits constancy of orbital motion, just as moon limits constancy of earth’s rotation and rotation limits passage of time. 216 is common denominator of earth’s reality – it is its complete definition in space and time. Inertia of 21600-year cycle is 864 years (1/25 or 1/5²), therefore cycle is 20736 years, which is again 1/10000 fragment of solar orbital round core of galaxy (207360000 years). Reality is always self-similar, no matter what’s the scale it is always same inertial here and now (6x6x6 in 3D context). Triple 6 in angular (exponential or time direction) is 216, while in linear (spatial) direction it’s 18 or saros cycle of ancient Mesopotamia . And 18-3.6 (1/5 inertia)=14.4 or 4x3.6 (x100), which is 1440-year (+20 inertia +1 inertia of inertia=1461, where 1440=20x72) Sothic cycle of ancient Egypt (also featuring in Maya calendrics). Besides – 18 is 3/2x12, where 12 is 3x4 or fractal recursion of 3D/4D (space/time) reality (see on 3/2 bellow). And so on… Mark of the beast is mark of the man (and its reality) in every conceivable way.
In other words – materialism is hallmark of humanity and its world (earth). It’s its very essence. It’s the moral of the Adam and Eve story, which ate from tree of “knowledge” of good and evil. Since they knew what’s good and what’s evil (when there is none but only a potential that materializes from intent), subjectivity of interpretation preceded truth and superficiality of materialism was firmly established – and with it all its intolerance, brutality and violence. The only way to escape such tribulative cycle is to forget and know nothing, because any separation into two equal opposites in which one is more real than another and in which one is good and another one is evil (when they are only different fractals) creates reality limited by its time. Reality in which good and evil are real and not relative differences is limited by its time To eat from “tree of knowledge” means to exchange immortality in which image man was created (self-similarity), with mortality of limited existence in time.

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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
...Triple 6 is 6³=216, which is diameter of moon, because moon is time of time of earth. ...
What kind of nonsense is all that? The moon's diameter, just to take one example, isn't 216 of any unit I've ever heard of, it's about 3,474 kilometres. What unit is 16.083 kilometres? And "moon is time of time of earth?" That's utterly meaningless, like most of the rest of that incomprehensible post. It confounds well known and understood facts about the precession of the equinoxes with numerological mysticism, coincidences, and invented information like that claim about the moon's diameter, quite apart from being syntactically and grammatically incoherent.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Ahhhhh ....darkbeaver
Quite an impressive list of facts of which I have no clue as to its correctness.
But that kind of stuff I leave to you, for you are able better than I to understand them.

I do agree with you though and will comment on it is in this quote: "In other words – materialism is hallmark of humanity and its world (earth). It’s its very essence. It’s the moral of the Adam and Eve story, which ate from tree of “knowledge” of good and evil".

Everything you described, the numbers, the moon is wonderfully and beautifully made and organized, of which mankind had absolutely nothing to do with it but to study and be amazed by all of it.

But your right, materialism is the root of all evil as is money.
Mankind was placed, notice these two words, "was placed" into this environment without so much as being asked to.

That in itself makes mankind hostile to wards somebody (God)for all the pain and suffering some and many have to endure as being unfair.
Call that the wrath of mankind.

I always wondered why Jesus , an innocent man, hath mankind's wrath taken out on Him, beat up and rejected of all mankind.

I believe I found my answer, for in Jesus, the object of all that was given to man to deal with that caused our death, Jesus came to reverse, take it all away and grant, I say grant us life.

So, in your mind, you have a wonderful ability to understand great and wonderful truths of science, to wonder at the awesome structure of make up, of all that there and perhaps give credit to Him who created all of it for our pleasure.

And in my feeble little mind, given the ability to understand strange and wonderful things of God, must be open minded and loving to wards all mankind, for in my understanding of how wonderful and loving my God is, I am to share His attributes to wards my neighbor.

For we are, after all in a material world, with material lusts, subject to them but not enslaved by them because we have a spiritual quality as well, that is not of this world which if tapped into, would raise us up above this world and conquer it with that same power that Jesus demonstrated against His adversaries.

Therefore, in my estimation and understanding, mankind can say anything they wish about whether there is a god or not, but I know, that my God is above all that and fully knows and understands the most brilliant of human minds to the saving even of their souls.

You will not find me discrediting anything anybody wants to say about God, but instead will find me crediting God, for the privilege of giving everybody their say and still save their souls.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What kind of nonsense is all that? The moon's diameter, just to take one example, isn't 216 of any unit I've ever heard of, it's about 3,474 kilometres. What unit is 16.083 kilometres? And "moon is time of time of earth?" That's utterly meaningless, like most of the rest of that incomprehensible post. It confounds well known and understood facts about the precession of the equinoxes with numerological mysticism, coincidences, and invented information like that claim about the moon's diameter, quite apart from being syntactically and grammatically incoherent.

Are you saying this isn't recieved wisdom?:lol: I could have sworn it was God, that lying basturd.
Perhaps you can't keep up with the math Dexter.:lol: Time of Time is time squared maybe?
Incomprehensiblity is no barrier to look3467.Why should I be held to a different standard? If you could supply links to the well known facts about quantum precession it would be interesting reading.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Ahhhhh ....darkbeaver
Quite an impressive list of facts of which I have no clue as to its correctness.
But that kind of stuff I leave to you, for you are able better than I to understand them.

I do agree with you though and will comment on it is in this quote: "In other words – materialism is hallmark of humanity and its world (earth). It’s its very essence. It’s the moral of the Adam and Eve story, which ate from tree of “knowledge” of good and evil".

Everything you described, the numbers, the moon is wonderfully and beautifully made and organized, of which mankind had absolutely nothing to do with it but to study and be amazed by all of it.

But your right, materialism is the root of all evil as is money.
Mankind was placed, notice these two words, "was placed" into this environment without so much as being asked to.

That in itself makes mankind hostile to wards somebody (God)for all the pain and suffering some and many have to endure as being unfair.
Call that the wrath of mankind.

I always wondered why Jesus , an innocent man, hath mankind's wrath taken out on Him, beat up and rejected of all mankind.

I believe I found my answer, for in Jesus, the object of all that was given to man to deal with that caused our death, Jesus came to reverse, take it all away and grant, I say grant us life.

So, in your mind, you have a wonderful ability to understand great and wonderful truths of science, to wonder at the awesome structure of make up, of all that there and perhaps give credit to Him who created all of it for our pleasure.

And in my feeble little mind, given the ability to understand strange and wonderful things of God, must be open minded and loving to wards all mankind, for in my understanding of how wonderful and loving my God is, I am to share His attributes to wards my neighbor.

For we are, after all in a material world, with material lusts, subject to them but not enslaved by them because we have a spiritual quality as well, that is not of this world which if tapped into, would raise us up above this world and conquer it with that same power that Jesus demonstrated against His adversaries.

Therefore, in my estimation and understanding, mankind can say anything they wish about whether there is a god or not, but I know, that my God is above all that and fully knows and understands the most brilliant of human minds to the saving even of their souls.

You will not find me discrediting anything anybody wants to say about God, but instead will find me crediting God, for the privilege of giving everybody their say and still save their souls.

We all have feeble little minds when applied to questions of reality, I think realization of that is important to the individual. Contemplation of gods works should result in proper humility necessary for transendance of the material world. This thread is very interesting to me and I appreciate your efforts to enlighten us/me.:smile:


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
Quite an interesting thread. And quite an interesting religion. One where every single point or dogma is so "interpretable" that you can interpret to the degree of calling your God the beast. It means that every other Christian dogma can be turned upside down, and made to mean the opposite?


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Quite an interesting thread. And quite an interesting religion. One where every single point or dogma is so "interpretable" that you can interpret to the degree of calling your God the beast. It means that every other Christian dogma can be turned upside down, and made to mean the opposite?

Vera, I have one verse to share with you concerning your observation:
1Co 1:28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

Meaning, unless God gives us enlightenment of the things that are hidden, we will not see them.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Vera, I have one verse to share with you concerning your observation:
1Co 1:28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

Meaning, unless God gives us enlightenment of the things that are hidden, we will not see them.

Look3467 I think you'd like to read all the Gospels, you know the stuff from Nag Hamadi and the dead sea scrolls all the stuff that the scumbag Paul/Saul did. Do you know that he was scheduled to be assassinated by the Zealots/Essenes who James the brother of Jesus led after Jesus left, Paul/Saul was a Roman spy. That's right a scab, a line crossing scab and a traitor and a world class liar and thief.
A comparison of the Bible (all of them) to the still extant Gospels is quite interesting, you can plainly see that Jesus was a Zealot/Sicarii, in other words he was a terrorist of the day. It was never his intention to form a church it was always his intention to drive the Romans out. Paul invented the church out of thin air, it has no reality no substance nothing, however the old writings do. Here's an interesting book ( The dead sea Scrolls deception) M Baigent & Richard Leigh the same guys who wrote Holy Blood & Holy Grail another different angle on the matter at hand. You can read about the Catholic churches efforts to keep the dead sea scrolls out of the public eye because they further proove that the Christ did not exist but Jesus the man did. You are a patient man and that maybe is reward enough for you, don't become another victim of the old lies. I fear the truth may be very painfull for you.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Look3467 I think you'd like to read all the Gospels, you know the stuff from Nag Hamadi and the dead sea scrolls all the stuff that the scumbag Paul/Saul did. Do you know that he was scheduled to be assassinated by the Zealots/Essenes who James the brother of Jesus led after Jesus left, Paul/Saul was a Roman spy. That's right a scab, a line crossing scab and a traitor and a world class liar and thief.
A comparison of the Bible (all of them) to the still extant Gospels is quite interesting, you can plainly see that Jesus was a Zealot/Sicarii, in other words he was a terrorist of the day. It was never his intention to form a church it was always his intention to drive the Romans out. Paul invented the church out of thin air, it has no reality no substance nothing, however the old writings do. Here's an interesting book ( The dead sea Scrolls deception) M Baigent & Richard Leigh the same guys who wrote Holy Blood & Holy Grail another different angle on the matter at hand. You can read about the Catholic churches efforts to keep the dead sea scrolls out of the public eye because they further proove that the Christ did not exist but Jesus the man did. You are a patient man and that maybe is reward enough for you, don't become another victim of the old lies. I fear the truth may be very painfull for you.

Hey, theres allot of truth to that. But, let me say that there is a theme that runs the Length of the whole bible that is in harmony with all its character players, and that is that God is the shaper, the molder of His own kingdom of which is mankind.

Being able to understand it, is what gives me (in my opinion) the strength to live out His attributes as prescribed by Him.

Religion, which as you pointed out, took a course for it's own gain, of which Jesus became and outsider but used His name for their own gain.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not condemning organized religion, because really, it is up to the individual to seek those things out on their own.

"Innocently" is a word that fits many, for lack of any better knowledge of God, so they act on what they think is right, but may be dead wrong.

God knew that, knows that, and therefore provided the means by which we all would not be banished as if, we had never existed.

That, we all have to be thankful for.

I have read of many a different religious beliefs and to my total frustration, I could not let God alone until He showed me something that would tie all of them together as one.

That common thread was in one word, love.

I don't care what religious or non religious person believes, if, that individual has no love, then, that individuals beliefs are worth nothing, and of no earthly good to anybody.



kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Well, I remember a while back reading somewhere that scholars had analyzed the oldest known transcript of the revelations text, and they thought that the number might actually be 616, not 666. That doesn't really change too much. That verse from revelations was thought to be a coded reference to Nero. The new number would instead be Caligula.

I heard it was 629.99.......rollbaccus.............WalMart8O8O??????????? sometimes pretty bestial.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Jesus was hard core Hebrew.
" For Jesus, adhering rigorously to Judaic Law, it would have been the most extreme blasphemy to advocate worship of any mortal figure, including himself." (The Dead Sea Scroll Deception) Baigent & Leigh pg267

'"paul in effect, shunts God aside and establishes for the first time, worship of Jesus-Jesus as a kind of equivalent of Adonis, of Tammuz, of Attis, or of any one of the other dying and reviving gods who populated the Middle East at the time. In order to compete with these divine rivals, Jesus had to match them point for point, miracle for miracle." Baigent & Leigh pg 267

So as this book and numerous other make perfectly clear, those who call themselves christian follow the word and manufactured religion of Saul of Tarsus and not Jesus of Qumran.

The early church of which Stephen is a member constantly stresses it's own orthodoxy, it's zealous adherance to the law. Thats orthodox Judaiac law not the law of Jesus.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Jesus was hard core Hebrew.
" For Jesus, adhering rigorously to Judaic Law, it would have been the most extreme blasphemy to advocate worship of any mortal figure, including himself." (The Dead Sea Scroll Deception) Baigent & Leigh pg267

'"Paul in effect, shunts God aside and establishes for the first time, worship of Jesus-Jesus as a kind of equivalent of Adonis, of Tammuz, of Attis, or of any one of the other dying and reviving gods who populated the Middle East at the time. In order to compete with these divine rivals, Jesus had to match them point for point, miracle for miracle." Baigent & Leigh pg 267

So as this book and numerous other make perfectly clear, those who call themselves christian follow the word and manufactured religion of Saul of Tarsus and not Jesus of Qumran.

The early church of which Stephen is a member constantly stresses it's own orthodoxy, it's zealous adherence to the law. Thats orthodox Judaiac law not the law of Jesus.

If there was not an underling theme in the works of the bible as a whole? Yes, I would find that information interesting.

But, the theme is prevalent throughout the books and in harmony with Paul's message.

Please understand, that Jesus' time here was very short but left that underling message, of Gods love for mankind, and the Apostles struggled to formulate the rest.

Christianity, then can be compared to a baby, born but without direction. Has the faculties of a baby, desires, wants, needs and emotions.

Those things have to be guided with instructions as the baby begins to grow and understand things.

It will struggle to understand what things are good and what things are not good.

Similarly, Christianity struggles to find and do the right thing, though it has has some terrible pit falls, but is steadily progressing to wards that higher mark of understanding befitting a mature adult.

I believe I have reached a certain level of understanding (Maturity) by which now I don't condemn, criticize, but rather give counsel of hope, love and help where ever I can.

Love is undisputed throughout the whole of the bible, life as a true attribute of God.



Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
And now for a commercial update from one of our sponsors, the Darkbeaver:

We all have feeble little minds when applied to questions of reality...