I want to experience reality .

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Mostly people see what they want to see ,El Barto ;would you agree?
lol You only think about the past, which isn't reality. Only the undiscovered can be reality. Walk into a door unexpectedly sometime. Then ask yourself, "That door giving me a bloody nose; was it real?"

I think I'll stick to reality. The real reality. The one that pops up every day and parts of which I think about.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Verry interesting! Doesn't anyone feel sorry for those who feel the need for the state of 'reality'? Not being disabled myself, I have no need of this crutch:|

You in your own small reality and me in mine.Who made you a master of reality?hahahahahahDisabilitys often go unnoticed for years. hahahahaha You should be so lucky to graduate from your wheelchair to the spritlyness of a crutch.hahhahahhahahha:laughing7::wave:
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Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Really? I didn't know that. I know it is to some people, notably certain kinds of committed monotheists who are inclined to thunder out damfool things like "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" while ignoring everything else around it about stoning adulterers to death and killing the leaders of other faiths and burning down their churches, and trying to get the Harry Potter books banned from school libraries. I find it hard to care what they think. I've always thought it was just a label for a person with a particular set of beliefs and practises. Does it offend you to be called a witch?

PC is to call me Wiccan (male or female are Wiccan) or Pagan. Witch brings up notions of burning at the stake.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Not at all. It ignores most inputs, filters and edits and often invents what it chooses to remember, and is much less accurate and complete when it comes to recall, because unlike a computer, the mind has an agenda created by its hopes and fears and wishes and desires and beliefs and so on.
Right, all of which boils down to survival and which way is the best way to survive. That's reality. Some people utilise fantasy (in general. I'm not specifically thinking of gods n sprites) to help them survive, some don't need it, but even that fantasy is a part of reality. Realities overlap. Realities change. Reality happens whether we are around to perceive it, analyse it, etc.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I wish you knew as well, I have need of a new astrologer, Merlin grows old. haha

I mean if you were hurled back in time, gently, you would be explaining the universe to an incredulous gaping mob of dullards, like me, and try as you might you could never escape the label of magician or astrolager or alchemists, it's not very much different today. It gives me mirth no end to read your posts trying to separate reason and magic when there is no separation. hahahahah If you hadn't been thoroughly enchanted and transfixed by the magic of science, what would you be. You can pull rabits out of hats, and do, and then plead ignorance hahaha:laughing7::wave:
That all hinges upon what he calls reason and what you call reason. Also what he calls magic and what you call magic.
At any rate, you both a re real and really entertaining. :D


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia

Because you "don't get it".... why does that give you the right to slam China's thoughts and his messages of thought for us to think on.

Some people here enjoy the conundrums he delivers whether they are important in your world or not or whether you even comprehend the messages..... it just isn't all about you.... no need to insult.

Curio Im usually spot on with you Love but Bart wasnt out of line. Infact for a change he was on topic. He was talking about the objective observer we all have. Watching the judgemental thought we have all day long

And yes it can be exhausting thats why you dont hold them you watch and let go.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
My work deals with reality all of the time - and reality is what drives us in our lives whether we acknowledge it, remember it, rationalize it, dramatize it, give it more import than necessary - all of these plus many more which makes up our personal psyche - and our coping mechanisms.

Reality simply is: We cannot change what we perceive reality to be until we relive or recreate what reality appear in our learning - if we are looking for flaws or imaginary additions to the things we perceive as real in our lives.

Some things can never change - some can - but only in our perception and acceptance of the change - not the reality itself.

Reality is not what others see - it is only what we live within even when we wish not to "see" as well.

A comfortable life is one in which we use our experiential learning and reality to our benefit - as these are lessons for a lifetime which can guide us from replication of error, fear of the unknown, and bring us great joy in building on the beauty of life as it presents itself to us in our reality.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
OK - here goes

ElBarto - if I misread you - my sincere apologies.


Congratulations on a fine post - it was refreshing to read...thank you.


It's ok I don't know how I came off as putting this down, this is interesting stuff. I try to put it to practice all day ...oh boy


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

Thanks for understanding.

I am a bit protective of China because behind his posts are deep thoughts - great thoughts - because the man himself is a practiced thinker and while on the surface the questions he posits may seem to
be strange in our here and now world, were we to spend time trying to answer them from our own perspective, we might have an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and how we function in the world around us.

The world isn't necessarily a very kind place to many - and if we can arm ourselves with self-knowledge, we stand a chance of surviving some of the traumas life can throw our way.

Alternatively, he also offers us other ways to find peace and happiness than the usual racing around trying to forget or outrun the problems we may have.

El Barto

les fesses a l'aire
Feb 11, 2007
I agree with you Curiousity, many Chinese philosophy and culture interest me.
Taoist interset me tho I know lttle of. Tai-chi which I've taken up several times which I adore.
Wish I had the discipline to do it at home. In no way I would put down something that can expand the mind or ones self. No one here is attacking faith ,race , or gender.