Why not? Got about as much real value as their money. Or ours.china just went Bitcoin
'till a texas flurry hits.Why not? Got about as much real value as their money. Or ours.
I can actually see this happening! I fear we'll lose everything before we "kick the bucket" and our disabled son will have nothing.The Govt wants everything the Greatest Gen, baby boomers and Gen X have amassed in savings and property. We are being robbed of our future and we'll have nothing to leave for our children.
Municipal government is more of the same. Go to a conference on your neighbours dime. Can't expect them to take less of a pension than the rest of their peers in government. It never ends.Judging by real estate prices around here, and the taxes that go with I would say hyperinflation is well seated. AND gas. Gas has gone up over 30% so far this year.
Freeland stated it quite clearly some time ago.I can actually see this happening! I fear we'll lose everything before we "kick the bucket" and our disabled son will have nothing.
Even our recreational property has tripled in value with the raise in taxes to go with it. And it is not like there is any public transportation to get there. Must have a boat.Municipal government is more of the same. Go to a conference on your neighbours dime. Can't expect them to take less of a pension than the rest of their peers in government. It never ends.
Gas is crazy given the demand for crude with a nice slice of tax dollars included that they never like to talk about.
Find peace in nature somewhere and enjoy.