Humboldt Broncos bus crash


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What career, the players where not in the NHL.

Way to milk a disaster for all it's worth though. More like the 'hobby' killed any career they could have had. The hockey players that went onto become Chiefs for life were the dumbest people for that position. It appears hockey players are not the smartest people even when they are white.

That is a stupid post!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Fuk you, the stupid post was the OP's.
What did it add to the thread?? Not a fukking thing.
I have nothing against the thread, it is not 'news' anymore, it is part of 'history'. This is what 'news looks like in the real world'. A place this place is desperate to stay away from. That is based on being here for 10 years so I will repeat myself because you are one of the stupid people that haunt this place. Fuk you.
Rescuers Search for Nine Missing in Brazil Building Collapse

Firefighters were searching for at least nine people missing after a seven-story residential building collapsed in northeast Brazil on Tuesday, officials said.
Nine people have been pulled alive from the wreckage of the building in Fortaleza, capital of Ceara state, after it imploded, sending thick clouds of dust into the air.
Among those rescued was architecture student David Sampaio, who was located after sending a selfie to his WhatsApp chat group showing himself smiling and with his thumb up while trapped under the rubble.
State governor Camilo Santana said no one had been found dead so far, correcting earlier firefighter reports of one fatality. A spokesman confirmed to AFP late Tuesday that rescuers had not found any bodies.
Eighteen people were believed to have been in or near the building when it collapsed.
"So far, nine victims have been rescued alive," said a joint statement by Ceara's government and the Fortaleza mayor's office.
It was not immediately clear what caused the building to collapse at around 10:30 am (1330 GMT), when most residents would have been at work.
The president of the Regional Council of Engineering and Agriculture of Ceara, Emanuel Maia Mota, said the building "was undergoing renovations," without giving more details.
Piles of debris wrapped in a cloud of dust were seen in images broadcast on local TV minutes after the collapse of the building, which is surrounded by houses and other seemingly modern properties.
Building collapses in Brazil tend to happen in poor neighborhoods, known as favelas, where illegal construction is rampant.
But the building was in Dionisio Torres, a upscale neighborhood of Fortaleza, and close to Iracema Beach, one of the main attractions in the area.
In April, 24 people were killed when two buildings in a favela in Rio de Janeiro collapsed after several days of heavy rains.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Fuk you, the stupid post was the OP's.
What did it add to the thread?? Not a fukking thing.
I have nothing against the thread, it is not 'news' anymore, it is part of 'history'. This is what 'news looks like in the real world'. A place this place is desperate to stay away from. That is based on being here for 10 years so I will repeat myself because you are one of the stupid people that haunt this place. Fuk you.

Go get some help, you are obviously not right in the head! Abusive language automatically puts you at fault, especially when none was used to you.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
What career, the players where not in the NHL.

Way to milk a disaster for all it's worth though. More like the 'hobby' killed any career they could have had. The hockey players that went onto become Chiefs for life were the dumbest people for that position. It appears hockey players are not the smartest people even when they are white.

Wow...That was possibly the douchiest thing I've ever read


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Wow...That was possibly the douchiest thing I've ever read
Really? I don't recall you saying anything negative on the thread that was glorifying the murder of children in Gaza as it would save killing them when they become adults. I have a list of topics in the introduction section that points to their crimes. None of which received any condemnation from any of you psychopaths. 100M dead Gentiles is fine but don't try moving a thread from 'in the news' to the history section when it is an event that is some years old already.
Bring it on bitch. You'll soon find out what is news and what isn't. All about your favorite psychopaths on top of it all.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Start here bitch. Maybe put some of them into academics instead. 7/22,000 there are a lot of shitty parents fukking up the lives of their own children. Welcome to why Canada is the laughing stock of the world. Even the 'Canadian' chat forum is controlled by 'foreign interests' as well as being a hotbed for Jewish lobbyists.
So, You Want To Play Pro Hockey!
There are a few things parents and young players need to know before they begin to plan their NHL career. Like other pro sports, becoming an NHL player is a long, tough road, with many challenges and obstacles that arise along the way.
What Are Your Odds Of Making It As A Pro Hockey Player?
The best way to put this in perspective is to be aware of your odds of making it to "the show".
In 1985, a study was done in Ontario, Canada for all 10 year-old hockey players. At this time, there were 22,000
10 year-olds playing hockey in Ontario. Of these players only 110 made it to the OHL (Ontario Hockey League) and 22 more received scholarships to Division 1 schools.
This means that only 132 out of those 22,000 made it into the top feeder leagues for the NHL. Of those 132 players, only 7 played in the NHL. Those are astonishing numbers.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Only a complete and total fuktard would suggest moving the topic to the history section would claim that is negating any part of the disaster. What it is questioning is the sanity of the OP as to what is news and what is history. You want to try and make some miles out of it be my guest. It will be as big of a flop as anything you have tried in the past. You have issues with compulsive behavior don't you?? They were children doing what their parents wanted them to be doing. If they were chess players they would all still be alive today. That is the price you are willing that children pay for your entertainment considering none of them would have made a living at playing the 'game'.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Only a complete and total fuktard denigrates and heaps abuse on a bus load of athletes (and their surviving families) that were only guilty of traveling to a hockey game in the middle of the night.
If it wasn't a middle-eastern driving that truck, He would be all over it like a ton of bricks!....but..... you know megabutthurts heh?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Driver responsible for deadly Humboldt Broncos bus crash fighting deportation

Driver responsible for deadly Humboldt Broncos bus crash fighting deportation

Jaskirat Singh Sidhu received an 8-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to fatal crash

An immigration lawyer representing Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, the driver who caused the deadly Humboldt Broncos bus crash, says his client is fighting to stay in Canada.

In January 2019, Sidhu pleaded guilty to 29 counts of dangerous driving causing death or bodily injury. In court, he admitted he failed to stop his semi-trailer truck at a highway intersection on April 6, 2018. The resulting crash with a bus carrying the Broncos junior hockey team to a playoff game killed 16 people and injured 13 others. In March 2019, Sidhu was sentenced to eight years in prison.

Singh is a permanent resident of Canada. Under federal law, a permanent resident convicted of a crime that holds a maximum sentence of at least 10 years may be deported after serving their sentence.

However, Sidhu's lawyer, Michael Greene is trying to make sure that doesn't happen. He said Sidhu was very remorseful and has no criminal background.

"He couldn't be more sorry," said Greene, who has begun compiling his case, as well as letters of support to give to an immigration officer, who will ultimately determine the case.

"He's clearly not the kind of guy that is going to commit another offence. So put all together, it's going to be an extremely difficult decision for an officer to make."


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
It would be a clear message to the new Canadian drivers that had a rubber stamped heavy truck driving license (class 1), learn the trade, obey the laws or phuck off


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
If Canadians actually obeyed traffic laws you would have a point.

The issue isn't traffic laws.. it eLogs or hours of service requirements he fukked around with HOS to make extra money and cost lives..

Hours of Service requirements are in place for Commercial Drivers for a reason.. because what is worse than a drunk driver on the road?? A fatigued driver.

A drunk driver behind the wheel starts to sober up..

A fatigued driver behind the wheel only gets more tired..

He was over his Hours of Service Requirements for driving.. which means he had been driving more than 13 hours that day already..

Because DOT already proved that he was out of hours for driving, he shouldn't even have been there, he should have been parked and sleeping for 8 hours.

He killed those people to gain and extra $60.. those lives to him was worth only $60.. you think on that.

...and the fact that he is fighting this, to me even shows he's not very remorseful.

Last edited:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
He pleaded Guilty to the charges and is serving his time. He is only fighting the deportation.

He committed a crime.. and killed people..

Send him on his way.

But I wanted to see him rot in jail for life, I guess rotting in India works too.

If I had a family member on that bus... the minute this guy walked free, I would have shot him dead.