How the GW myth is perpetuated


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
now I'm aware of Tim Ball dropping his own lawsuit against Dan Johnson/Calgary Heraldand I'm aware of the ongoing lawsuit filed by Andrew Weaver against Tim Ball...

but I'm not aware of the Mann-Ball lawsuit being dropped... I'm not disputing you, I can't find anything to support that claim, including a search of "BC Court Services Online". Could you please provide a citation to support your claim - thanks in advance.

Ball retired from any active research or academic placement in 1995; even then his degree is in geography... he has no past involvement in any manner of climate/atmospheric related science... he has never published in that regard. Since 1995, Ball has been nothing more than a paid-mouthpiece for any group willing to hear/repeat his schlock routine. If you really want to gain a sense of just how far out there Ball is, google 'Sky Dragons'... even genuine skeptics have turned their backs on the guy after that idiocy.

if you feel a burning desire to pump Tim Ball's tires, please... do so. We could have some real fun with whatever you want to throw down!

exactly! Of course, Gore is an easy target... but as I said a while back in an earlier post, he's not really that relevant anymore. You hear his name pop-up occasionally but it's usually a media hound after a quick soundbite... either from Gore himself or from the 'Gore-is-Fat' crew!

oh my... what's the working timeline for your ice-age onset? There is no 'warming pause'... there has been a reduced rate of surface temperature rise as compared to earlier more accelerated warming. CC member, 'Tonington', gave a recent accounting in that regard - here:

I followed up on that post with the following to emphasize the claimed "pause" is one purposely done to isolate only on surface termperature... to completely ignore rising ocean warming:

oh my, Zipperfish... that is going to hurt the 'darkbeaver' & the 'taxslave'. Hey 'taxslave', how's your azz feeling? :mrgreen:

Not a bit sir as NOAA has been repeatedly caught molding the data to fit the dictate why would anyone but a confederate of the dictate or a fuzzy faced boy thing believe a forkin sentence that comes out of em. Simply put they have an agenda that they'll follow right up till the ice covers them.

Nov 18, 2014
Science advances through irrational methods.
“I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led, and bearding every authority which stood in their way.”
— Thomas Jefferson
It is a common perception that “we stand on the shoulders of giants”: that is, new ideas are based on those inherited from older investigations. If that is the case, then there is a serious hinderance inherent in the approach.
The title of this article is borrowed from Paul Feyerabend, a self-described “epistemological anarchist”, who promulgated an irreverent view of science. It is necessary, in his opinion, to promote inconsistency in the scientific method. By demanding conformity to older theories, those older theories are protected from change, thus inhibiting amended thought. That dogmatic stipulation is familiar to Electric Universe advocates when they attempt to introduce the idea that electricity governs the cosmos and not gravity, alone. The “old guard” immediately mans their guns, aiming to blow apart any intruders attempting to storm their institutionalized walls.
As Cervantes put in the mouth of Don Quijote de la Mancha: “Facts are the enemy of truth”. “Facts” are those data points born from observations that trusted in past theories. Those observations become the “rules” under which all new research is governed. They are the “laws of physics”, for example, that must not be violated lest “thought criminal” be branded on the forehead of the transgressor. The “hallowed halls” of science become the home of sanctified knowledge that brooks no denial.
It is forgotten that the worshipful dictum is an assumption. It is assumed that the charge on the electron does not vary. It is assumed that a kilogram is a kilogram no matter where or when it is measured. It is assumed that the fine structure constant is a constant throughout the Universe. However, it is demonstrated time and again that those assumptions could be wrong. The gravitational constant seems to change every time it is measured. The speed of light—considered to be one of the most inviolate cosmological statutes—has been exceeded in some laboratory experiments. If those facts are obviated by new observations, then laws become mere suggestions.
Skepticism has been lost in modern science. To be a “skeptic” today means to attack new ideas; to marginalize the opposition with a coordinated offensive designed to eliminate competitive viewpoints. It is usually couched in a variety of logical fallacies: appeal to authority; denigration of personality; arguing adverse consequences; or demanding adherence to tradition. As the old gospel song fervently asserts, “If it was good for Paul and Silas, it’s good enough for me”.
Without an inner context, observations can be invisible. That inner context is called a theory. It can be shown that the theories that changed the models science uses to comprehend observations were often based on unsubstantiated particulars. The Electric Universe promotes theories of reality that await confirmation. In conventional conclaves, those theories are nothing but “pseudoscience”, meaning “not genuine”; not “authentic”. So-called “authentic science” is, in reality, the established dogma against which leading-edge visualization should be opposed.
Philosopher Thomas Kuhn wrote: “Examining the record of past research from the vantage of contemporary historiography, the historian of science may be tempted to exclaim that when paradigms change, the world itself changes with them. Led by a new paradigm, scientists adopt new instruments and look in new places.”
Those new paradigms do not come about because research builds on top of research stone-by-stone. Rather, those “paradigm shifts” usually come about by force. The fall of the Berlin Wall is an equivalent phenomenon. When the decision is made, nothing can withstand it, and that decision can arise suddenly.
The illogical and the unreasonable must be allowed in science, otherwise the risk is that inquiry will become compliance, and insight will never express its discoveries.
Stephen Smith


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
now I'm aware of Tim Ball dropping his own lawsuit against Dan Johnson/Calgary Herald
and I'm aware of the ongoing lawsuit filed by Andrew Weaver against Tim Ball...

but I'm not aware of the Mann-Ball lawsuit being dropped... I'm not disputing you, I can't find anything to support that claim, including a search of "BC Court Services Online". Could you please provide a citation to support your claim - thanks in advance.

Ball retired from any active research or academic placement in 1995; even then his degree is in geography... he has no past involvement in any manner of climate/atmospheric related science... he has never published in that regard. Since 1995, Ball has been nothing more than a paid-mouthpiece for any group willing to hear/repeat his schlock routine. If you really want to gain a sense of just how far out there Ball is, google 'Sky Dragons'... even genuine skeptics have turned their backs on the guy after that idiocy.

if you feel a burning desire to pump Tim Ball's tires, please... do so. We could have some real fun with whatever you want to throw down!

exactly! Of course, Gore is an easy target... but as I said a while back in an earlier post, he's not really that relevant anymore. You hear his name pop-up occasionally but it's usually a media hound after a quick soundbite... either from Gore himself or from the 'Gore-is-Fat' crew!

oh my... what's the working timeline for your ice-age onset? There is no 'warming pause'... there has been a reduced rate of surface temperature rise as compared to earlier more accelerated warming. CC member, 'Tonington', gave a recent accounting in that regard - here:

I followed up on that post with the following to emphasize the claimed "pause" is one purposely done to isolate only on surface termperature... to completely ignore rising ocean warming:

oh my, Zipperfish... that is going to hurt the 'darkbeaver' & the 'taxslave'. Hey 'taxslave', how's your azz feeling? :mrgreen:
So are you claiming the information is false? Or you just ignore it because it doesn't fit with your cherry picked data to support your cult?

So are you claiming the information is false? Or you just ignore it because it doesn't fit with your cherry picked data to support your cult?

More to the point because we know your source is an admitted liar what is there to suggest that any data they produced since this report is any more factual?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Any scientist suggesting otherwise is castigated as a heretic, though there are other prominent scientists who support Casey.

Noted Russian astrophysicist Habibullo I. Abdussamatov has argued that a new mini-ice age has begun, though Casey doesn't go that far.

He does agree with Abdussamatov that the real driver of global climate is solar activity, namely sunspots. These correspond to shifts in global temperature with a greater than 90 percent accuracy, he says.

Special: Get John Casey's "Dark Winter" With Free Offer — Click Here

The environmental left focuses instead on ever-rising greenhouse emissions, suggesting nature is just taking a bit of a breather before the upward march in temperatures ineluctably resumes.

"There are two fundamental flaws with that," Casey says. "No. 1, the greenhouse-gas theory, and the global climate models that they produced, never permitted a pause. As long as CO2 levels were going up, the only thing that could happen was global temperatures could go up. That has not happened.

"No. 2, there could absolutely be no cooling, much less a pause. And yet we've been cooling for 11 years now."

The recent polar vortex that sent temperatures across the Midwest plunging to sub-zero records is not an aberration, Casey says.

If "Dark Winter" is right, that means the nation is busily preparing for the wrong calamity.

"We don't have 10 years," Casey warns. "We've squandered during President Obama's administration eight years ... and we didn't have eight years to squander."

The worst of the cooling cycle, Casey predicts, will hit in the late 2020s and the early 2030s.

Food riots will break out, demand for heating oil will spike, and the failure of the corn crop will put the squeeze on ethanol.

He even predicts the United States will ban agricultural exports to feed its own citizens.

Read Latest Breaking News from Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
That would be the Dr. Tim Ball that was being sued by world famous climatologist, IPCC contributor, phony Nobel Prize winner, and serial liar Dr. Michael Mann.....until, of course, the suit was about to go to court, where Dr. Mann would have been forced to defend his "research". Them it was dropped like a hot potato by Dr. Mann.

Was? There was an article a while back by John O'Sullivan claiming the case was over. It's not. Steve McIntyre confirmed that with Tim Ball himself, after O'Sullivan penned that nutty article.

If you search for the case file number 111913, you'll see it's still there, and was last updated on 12 Nov 2014:

You've been sold a lie. Mann has no problem going to court to make his case; he naively thinks it could change opinions if people can see the facts.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Not a bit sir as NOAA has been repeatedly caught molding the data to fit the dictate why would anyone but a confederate of the dictate or a fuzzy faced boy thing believe a forkin sentence that comes out of em. Simply put they have an agenda that they'll follow right up till the ice covers them.

what would any discussion with a denier be without one adding in a lil' conspiracy theme! Not sure what you mean by "caught molding"... NOAA has fully documented adjustments made and published papers to support the respective methodologies used.

you do know that there are other raw sources of data used by other groups/organizations... you do know that, right? Or are you including them in your same conspiracy theme? You do know these other data sources corroborate the U.S. surface temperature record from NOAA, right... you do know that, right?

you do know that NOAA publishes a raw versus homogenized (adjusted) data comparison, showing little difference between the two... you do know that, right?

you do know that many independent persons have taken the 'NOAA code' and confirmed they can get the same results running the NOAA code... you do know that, right? You do know that within these independent persons there are several so-called "skeptics... lukewarmers"... you do know that, right?

as for a comparison of raw versus homogenized data, rather than give you the actual NOAA graphic comparison, here's one of many available from one of those independent persons:



House Member
Oct 19, 2009
So are you claiming the information is false? Or you just ignore it because it doesn't fit with your cherry picked data to support your cult?

More to the point because we know your source is an admitted liar what is there to suggest that any data they produced since this report is any more factual?

perhaps you should actually read the link from member 'Zipperfish' and come back and advise further, hey! :lol: As for, as you say, "my source being an admitted liar", you'll need to come out of your vague shadows and be just a bit more precise: what source are you speaking to and what admitted lying are you referencing?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
This yet another one of your sources that fudges data to suit their conclusion?

bring forward your own source that compares USHCN raw versus homogenized... please, please... make it from schlock-jock Steven Goddard, yes? :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
bring forward your own source that compares USHCN raw versus homogenized... please, please... make it from schlock-jock Steven Goddard, yes? :lol:

WHy? WE have already proved that your sources are unreliable. You are the one making false claims and using liars to back your position. All we need do is point out the obvious fact that believers will lie and cheat to win.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
IPCC. NOAA. Need I go on?

no need! You've already established yourself as a genuine denier! Care to fully disclose your denial? Do you deny its warming? If you accept its warming, do you deny mankind is the principal causal tie to that warming (ala anthropogenic sources)? If you accept its warming but deny mankind is the principal cause, what do you attribute as the alternate principal causal tie to that warming? Just say it, loud and proud!!!

WHy? WE have already proved that your sources are unreliable. You are the one making false claims and using liars to back your position. All we need do is point out the obvious fact that believers will lie and cheat to win.

oh right... "WE"? Who is your "WE", brother? Do you mean buried somewhere in some long distant past CC thread/posts... that you refuse to provide linkage to... that you use as your apparent safety blanket so as not to have to deal with inconvenient challenges to your nonsense?

but again, come out of your preferred shadows! Just name which sources you claim have been "proven" unreliable... just name em! :lol:

"lie and cheat to win"??? Uhhh... does that mean... you're losing? Whaaaa!


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Hasn't warmed in 18 years.

nice cherry-pick to the 97/98 El Nino... well done Walter! You were just shown graphic visualized warming (even isolated to surface temperature only... without regard to ocean warming), in a recent post from member 'Tonington'. Did you miss that post?

who other than the fringe of the fringe denies warming? Even reputable skeptics have long moved on from that nonsense!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
This yet another one of your sources that fudges data to suit their conclusion?

So, the recent 'pause' is manufactured? How does that suit their conclusions?

What do you do when a station changes the methodology by which they measure temperature? Do you call up Environment Canada, or NIWA in New Zealand and tell them to change it back? Do you stop including the station? If so what do you replace the lost station with? What if the station is now in the middle of a huge city, such as any of the countless Chinese villages that are now in the middle of huge urban sprawl?

These are very real things that happen, and you have to deal with them. Using the raw data in a time series with biases introduced at various times is not kosher scientifically at all. In fact it's fundamentally flawed.

Besides, the trend difference between the deniers darling UAH satellite data, and the UK's HadCRUT (with adjusted thermometer data) is negligible (the lines are parallel, meaning the rate of warming is the same).



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Was? There was an article a while back by John O'Sullivan claiming the case was over. It's not. Steve McIntyre confirmed that with Tim Ball himself, after O'Sullivan penned that nutty article.

If you search for the case file number 111913, you'll see it's still there, and was last updated on 12 Nov 2014:

You've been sold a lie. Mann has no problem going to court to make his case; he naively thinks it could change opinions if people can see the facts.

The facts reflect the offered data, we want the truth. When I think of climate I think of the huge searing ball of fire in the sky. I think most people will as well.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The facts reflect the offered data, we want the truth.

Then go to the source, and read. I know it's unconventional in modern times, but you really should read the manual. I don't really care much for what you think dim rodent, rather, what can you show me?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
nice cherry-pick to the 97/98 El Nino... well done Walter! You were just shown graphic visualized warming (even isolated to surface temperature only... without regard to ocean warming), in a recent post from member 'Tonington'. Did you miss that post?

who other than the fringe of the fringe denies warming? Even reputable skeptics have long moved on from that nonsense!
no warming 18 years - Bing