Pretty sure he was a Rastafarian, mon.
Norwegian Rastafarian (?) so clearly European though?
So that’s that! All those Jews are Europeans. Probably Norwegians. The
Fertile Crescent (
Arabic: الهلال الخصيب) is a crescent-shaped region in the
Middle East, spanning modern-day
Palestine, and
Syria, together with northern
Kuwait, south-eastern
Turkey, and western
Iran. Some authors also include
Cyprus and northern
Egypt. Notice above they don’t mention Israel or Narnia? That’s probably significant.
Well, that’s settled then. Phew! Anyway…
After more than 15 months of war, the guns have finally fallen silent in Gaza. Thanks to a fragile ceasefire, a total of seven Israeli hostages have now been released. Romi Gonen, Doron Steinbrecher, Emily Damari, Karina Ariev, Daniella Gilboa, Naama Levy and Liri Albag are now home safe with their families, with more hostages probably set to be freed in the coming days and weeks.
On the first day of the current truce between Israel and Hamas, Israel freed 90 Palestinian prisoners from its prisons, in exchange for three Israeli hostages. This past weekend, Israel freed 200 more. On its face, the agreement between Israel and Hamas makes little sense. Ever since Hamas launched its October 7 massacre, Israel and Hamas have been at war, with only a brief, week-long pause in the hostilities in November 2023, and it has ostensibly been asymmetric.
Media outlets around the world regularly shared pictures of Gazan neighbourhoods bombed to rubble. Hamas controlled Palestinian authorities estimated the death toll to be in the
tens of thousands.
Accusations of genocide
were levelled against the IDF — accusations that tend to imply that Israeli forces caused a great deal of death and destruction, and that the Israeli government intended to destroys Gazans as a group, in whole or in part.
Yet the events of the past two weeks are beginning to paint a picture of an Israeli loss.
Videos of Hamas’s well-choreographed
hostage handovers show large crowds of people held back by armed Hamas fighters in full military uniforms, which seems to demonstrate the continued survival of Hamas as a fighting force and its persistent control over the area.

Former U.S. secretary of state Antony Blinken
stated recently that Hamas has recruited so many new fighters, it has nearly replaced all those lost to Israeli strikes — a stunning revelation, if true.
The sombre mood in Israel highlights the conflicting emotions over the current truce
Then there is the blatant inequality of the current agreement: almost 100 Palestinian prisoners last week were exchanged for just three Israeli hostages. Two hundred more were exchanged over the weekend for an additional four. Over the coming weeks, Israel is set to release almost 2,000 Palestinian prisoners, many of them
convicted murderers, in exchange for just 33 hostages…8 of which are un-alived…?
Both sides know it’s an unequal exchange of a handful of innocents for a horde of killers, with even the “women and children” released by Israel involved in terrorism, though legacy media
downplay or deny it.
The Jewish state is willing to trade a horde of captured killers for the return of a few innocent hostages, even if it's a bad deal