Hamas attacks Israel


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Cops say Pakistani man in Toronto plotted to kill Jews in New York City
The conversations Muhammad Shahzeb Khan had with American undercover agents are chilling.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Sep 06, 2024 • 3 minute read

A 20-year-old man from Pakistan, living in Toronto, was arrested near Montreal this week on charges of plotting to shoot up a Jewish centre in Brooklyn. This is what the people cheering on Hamas mean when they chant “globalize the intifada” on the streets of Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal.

Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was arrested Wednesday in the small Quebec town of Ormstown, about 60 kilometres south of Montreal and about 25 kilometres from the border crossing at Covey Hill.

American officials announced the arrest on Thursday saying that Khan faces one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization. In Canada, the RCMP announced that he faces charges of attempting to leave Canada to commit an offence for a terrorist group and participating in the activities of a terrorist group.

His plan was to carry out the attack in the name of the Islamic State, or ISIS.

In conversations with undercover law enforcement released by the Americans, Khan said he wanted to launch an attack in New York on Oct. 7, the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, or Oct. 11, the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. In several messages, Khan was clear in why he was choosing Brooklyn as the site for his attack.

“New york is perfect to target jews,” Khan wrote to the undercover officers because the city has the “largest Jewish population In america.”

He also said that the attack “could rack up easily a lot of jews” and that “we are going to nyc to slaughter them.”

“if we[’]re successful this is going to be one of the largest attacks ever on jews outside of the israeli territory in recent times,” he said in another message.

Read those messages from a Pakistani man living in Canada. It’s not about Israel, it’s about Jews, it’s about unbridled hatred of Jews, it is about killing people just for who they are.

Welcome to the globalized intifada.

It was just five weeks ago that two men, a father and son, were arrested north of Toronto and charged with plotting to carry out an ISIS attack in Toronto aimed at that city’s Jewish community. In that case, the father, Ahmed Eldidi was allowed into Canada and gained citizenship just weeks before his arrest despite allegedly being the star of a 2015 ISIS torture video posted online.

Khan noted those arrests in his communications with the undercover officers saying, “they foiled a[n] ISIS attack here in toronto yesterday.”

He recommended they lay low and stay off social media for a little bit but that didn’t last long. Days later he was contacting the agents asking for details on the types of firearms they had acquired so he could practice shooting in Canada.

Seems he believed that practice made perfect when it comes to trying to kill as many Jews as possible.

Khan moved out of his Toronto apartment this past Sunday and left for his trip to New York City on Wednesday, changing cars in Napanee and Montreal, authorities said. Just before 3 p.m., Khan and a woman travelling with him were stopped in Ormstown and the arrest proceeded.

Local Quebec police were assisted by Ontario police and the RCMP in carrying out the arrest. Khan is due in court in Montreal on Sept. 13.

What we don’t know about Khan is his immigration status. We know that he is not a Canadian citizen but it’s not clear if he came to Canada as a permanent resident, as a temporary foreign worker or on a student visa.

What is clear is that this man who wants to globalize the intifada isn’t the type of person we should want in Canada. Unfortunately, there are many more like him here already, including many who were born and raised here, many who are not Muslim but like Khan simply hate Jews.

We have deep and growing problems in this country.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Thought you were done discussing this topic?
I was done at that point.
…and I think I’m gonna just step back from a further response here at this point.
Had stuff to do. Work Mon-Fri in an office away from home, & the weekend is my own work/play time. Didn’t wanna leave all my chores for Sunday.

Anywho…when, in 1967, Israel ended up with the West Bank from Jordan, & Gaza (& the Sinai Peninsula) from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria, etc…
When a week before, for the previous two decades it looked like this:
1725763937076.jpeg…in the ‘79 peace treaty Israel wanted to give back Gaza along with the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for peace, & Egypt flatly refused if they had to take back Gaza! They bickered and dickered back-and-forth before in agreeing in 1982 that Egypt could have the Sinai back without having to take Gaza…in exchange for recognizing Israel’s right to exist. Why did neither want the hot potato that’s Gaza?
In 2005, Israel also leaves Gaza.

(Then by the mid-2010’s Egypt is trying to flush the Muslim Brotherhood out’a the pipes, but that’s another story, or maybe it isn’t)

Then with Jordan, Israel & Jordan signed their peace agreement in 1994, with Jordan recognizing Israel’s right to exist. After Black September, Jordan wasn’t wanting back its formerly annexed West Bank, so that settled their land & water disputes.

Then Syria and Israel. Syria doesn’t want to recognize Israel’s right to just exist, so…Golan Heights…as a buffer zone between the two of them, & it would make it more difficult for Syria to turn off the water taps to Israel & Palestinians too (they’ve tried it before, in 1967), so Israel still retains the Golan Heights.

So, to today, and 10 months into the current goat rodeo, With still 100+ Hostages from Israel in Gaza held by who knows (?) and maybe as many as 1/2 of those might actually be alive, and the ongoing cease-fire discussions, etc…
Netanyahu's FIRST job should have been go rescue the hostages. Full stop.
How should Israel have accomplished this FIRST without also doing all the other things, also without putting further into jeopardy the lives of thousands of other Israeli military personnel and civilians alike further than they already were at that point? Full Stop?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Vladimir Putin reveals why he's backing Kamala Harris over Donald Trump
Author of the article:Denette Wilford
Published Sep 06, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 2 minute read

A little laughter goes a long way for Vladimir Putin.

The Russian president appeared to show his humorous side after throwing his support to Vice President Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential race against former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Putin was at the Eastern Economic Forum in eastern Russia where he was asked to weigh in on the upcoming election.

The Russian president reportedly smirked and said that ultimately it was up to the American people to decide, but he did have a “favourite.”

“Our ‘favourite,’ if you can call it that, was the current president, Mr. [Joe] Biden,” Putin said, according to CNN.

“But he was removed from the race, and he recommended all his supporters to support Ms. Harris. Well, we will do so – we will support her.”

He admitted that he also gets a kick out of Harris’ infamous cackle.

“She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that she is doing well,” Putin noted.

“Trump has imposed so many restrictions and sanctions against Russia like no other president has ever introduced before him, and if Harris is doing well, perhaps she will refrain from such actions.”

Earlier this year, Putin called Biden a “more experienced, predictable person” than Trump, which presumably works in Russia’s favour.

However, former U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency analyst and author of Putin’s Playbook Rebekah Koffler told Fox News: “The Russians don’t really endorse anyone, in the traditional sense.”

Trump took Putin’s apparent endorsement in stride, joking to a group of New York City officials during a campaign stop, USA Today reported.

“I don’t know if I’m insulted or he did me a favour.”

Putin’s comments come days after Mongolia ignored an international warrant for the Russian ruler’s arrest for alleged war crimes stemming from Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

It was Putin’s first to a member nation of the International Criminal Court since it issued the warrant in March 2023.

Ahead of his visit, Ukraine urged Mongolia to hand Putin over to the court in The Hague, and the European Union expressed concern that Mongolia might not execute the warrant.

Instead, Putin received a red-carpet welcome in the main square of capital Ulaanbaatar, where a small group of protesters who tried to unfurl a Ukrainian flag before the ceremony were taken away by police.

As Putin was welcomed in Mongolia, Russian forces struck a military training centre in Pavlohrad, Ukraine, killing at least 50 people and wounding hundreds more, Ukrainian officials said.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Didn’t between 1948 & at least the first 1/2 of 1967 at least. Didn’t belong to those that call themselves the Palestinians now either then apparently.
View attachment 24545
View attachment 24546
The borders of which map above should be used for the two states solution borders based on 1967?
You seem to keep forgetting all the surrounding nations want that land to be Palestine.

What part of "Illegal Occupation" confuses the Zionistic mind?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You seem to be forgetting that all the surrounding nations want that land to be Palestine.
You seem to be forgetting that all the surrounding nations couldn’t give two shits about the Palestinians, & want that land to be under Muslim control, because it was once under Muslim control therefore it should be under Muslim control into perpetuity. It’s all about expansionism, and never surrendering anything ever.
1725813359042.jpegEgypt and Jordan held Gaza and the West Bank from 1948 until 1967 (through the first half of 1967 anyway), and if what you say is true…Palestine would already exist in those places, Jordan wouldn’t have outright annexed the West Bank, but….

…but all the “surrounding nations” currently do not control Israel or Gaza or the West Bank. Once Israel is out of the way eventually, where do you think the hard-on is going to be pointed? I’m guessing Spain or India (seriously), but those are future conflicts with the Middle East.
What part of "Illegal Occupation" confuses the Zionistic mind?
I’ve no idea. You would have to find one and ask them, but how many of the nations in green in the above map are lining up to accept Palestinian refugees?

From that same timeframe where Palestine wasn’t established between 1948 and 1967, where Gaza and the West Bank illegally occupied? Anyone complaining about that (?) or was that more of a non-issue for some reason. A few grumblings but swept under the rug?
Above is a map of Jordan from that timeframe.
QueerWierd, eh? But that was then (& not Israel), and this is now (& Israel).

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
West Bank ain't Israel.
Is it still Jordan then? Who’s in charge there?
It depends on the location. Currently this is how it works. In the 1990s, the PLO and Israel signed the Oslo Accords and the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, deals that divided areas of control in Gaza and the West Bank (East Jerusalem excluded) between Israel and the newly created Palestinian Authority, with the expectation that the two territories would eventually constitute a Palestinian state. But with the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict still unresolved, the territories remain formally divided into three areas of control:
  • Area A, which consists of most of Gaza and about 17 percent of the West Bank, is the most densely populated and urbanized. It is designated as fully Palestinian controlled under Oslo, including for civil affairs and internal security issues. However, Israel has waged an extensive military campaign in Gaza since October 2023 with the goal of eliminating Hamas, and it has therefore imposed more-stringent movement controls in the territory.
  • Area B covers nearly a quarter of the West Bank and mostly comprises villages and rural areas. Israelis and Palestinians cooperate on security here, but the PA manages all civil affairs. Israel also controls the movement of goods and people. Areas A and B have a combined Palestinian population of about 2.8 million.
  • Area C makes up the remaining land and mostly consists of pastoral areas. It contains most of the West Bank’s natural resources and is under full Israeli control, though the PA provides education and medical services to the area’s 150,000 Palestinians. The area is home to most of Israel’s settlers, who total some 700,000 people spread across the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Most live near the border with Israel, though international law dubs their settlements illegal.
Since 2006, the Gaza Strip has been controlled by Hamas. The organization was created out of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood to compete with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a militant faction that simultaneously aims to destroy the state of Israel and create a Palestinian state governed by Islamic law. Hamas explicitly opposes Israel’s existence and has perpetrated grievous acts of violence against Israelis.

(Insert Two State Solution based upon 1967 borders, but not the first half of 1967, and definitely not June or July of 1967, but let’s say the last third of 1967 borders)

Its October 7, 2023, rampage through southern Israel killed more than 1,200 people and spurred the massive Israeli military response aimed at eradicating Hamas. Governments including the United States, Israel, Japan, and the European Union (EU) have designated Hamas a terrorist organization.

Hamas briefly joined the PA, rising to the head of the authority in 2006 after winning general elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But it split from the authority months later, when the rival faction Fatah, which has long dominated the PA, refused to recognize Hamas’s election victory.

The two went to war, and though Fatah was able to oust Hamas from the West Bank and maintain its sway over Palestinian affairs there, Hamas’s forces prevailed in the Gaza Strip, securing the group’s control over the territory. The Gaza-West Bank schism is severe enough that some experts considered Gaza to be “practically a separate state.”

Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of their state, given its centrality to the Palestinian economy (of the West Bank, not Gaza), its significance to Muslims in particular (not to mention Christians & Jews, but Shhh), and its Palestinian population of more than 360,000.

Nonetheless, Israel’s de facto annexation of East Jerusalem from Jordan makes it subject to Israeli law. Most Palestinians there are designated as permanent residents of Israel—a status that can be revoked punitively. Most are not citizens of any country; having largely refused Israeli citizenship offered in 1967 or lost Jordanian citizenship after Amman renounced its claim to the West Bank in 1988, so I guess it’s not Jordanian then.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is it still Jordan then? Who’s in charge there?
View attachment 24553
It depends on the location. Currently this is how it works. In the 1990s, the PLO and Israel signed the Oslo Accords and the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, deals that divided areas of control in Gaza and the West Bank (East Jerusalem excluded) between Israel and the newly created Palestinian Authority, with the expectation that the two territories would eventually constitute a Palestinian state. But with the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict still unresolved, the territories remain formally divided into three areas of control:
  • Area A, which consists of most of Gaza and about 17 percent of the West Bank, is the most densely populated and urbanized. It is designated as fully Palestinian controlled under Oslo, including for civil affairs and internal security issues. However, Israel has waged an extensive military campaign in Gaza since October 2023 with the goal of eliminating Hamas, and it has therefore imposed more-stringent movement controls in the territory.
  • Area B covers nearly a quarter of the West Bank and mostly comprises villages and rural areas. Israelis and Palestinians cooperate on security here, but the PA manages all civil affairs. Israel also controls the movement of goods and people. Areas A and B have a combined Palestinian population of about 2.8 million.
  • Area C makes up the remaining land and mostly consists of pastoral areas. It contains most of the West Bank’s natural resources and is under full Israeli control, though the PA provides education and medical services to the area’s 150,000 Palestinians. The area is home to most of Israel’s settlers, who total some 700,000 people spread across the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Most live near the border with Israel, though international law dubs their settlements illegal.
View attachment 24554
Since 2006, the Gaza Strip has been controlled by Hamas. The organization was created out of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood to compete with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a militant faction that simultaneously aims to destroy the state of Israel and create a Palestinian state governed by Islamic law. Hamas explicitly opposes Israel’s existence and has perpetrated grievous acts of violence against Israelis.

(Insert Two State Solution based upon 1967 borders, but not the first half of 1967, and definitely not June or July of 1967, but let’s say the last third of 1967 borders)

Its October 7, 2023, rampage through southern Israel killed more than 1,200 people and spurred the massive Israeli military response aimed at eradicating Hamas. Governments including the United States, Israel, Japan, and the European Union (EU) have designated Hamas a terrorist organization.

Hamas briefly joined the PA, rising to the head of the authority in 2006 after winning general elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But it split from the authority months later, when the rival faction Fatah, which has long dominated the PA, refused to recognize Hamas’s election victory.

The two went to war, and though Fatah was able to oust Hamas from the West Bank and maintain its sway over Palestinian affairs there, Hamas’s forces prevailed in the Gaza Strip, securing the group’s control over the territory. The Gaza-West Bank schism is severe enough that some experts considered Gaza to be “practically a separate state.”

Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of their state, given its centrality to the Palestinian economy (of the West Bank, not Gaza), its significance to Muslims in particular (not to mention Christians & Jews, but Shhh), and its Palestinian population of more than 360,000.

Nonetheless, Israel’s de facto annexation of East Jerusalem from Jordan makes it subject to Israeli law. Most Palestinians there are designated as permanent residents of Israel—a status that can be revoked punitively. Most are not citizens of any country; having largely refused Israeli citizenship offered in 1967 or lost Jordanian citizenship after Amman renounced its claim to the West Bank in 1988, so I guess it’s not Jordanian then.
Whats the placed called and who lives there? Zion and Zionists?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
All that to say "it doesn't belong to Israel"?
West Bank ain't Israel.
Is it still Jordan then? Who’s in charge there?

Most are not citizens of any country; having largely refused Israeli citizenship offered in 1967 or lost Jordanian citizenship after Amman renounced its claim to the West Bank in 1988, so I guess it’s not Jordanian then.
West Bank ain't Israel.
Is now. And, more importantly it was long before islam was invented.
No it isn't.
Then some stuff about the current administration of the West Bank (formerly of Jordan, meaning the annexed portion west of the River Jordan that Jordan renounced its claim to in 1988).
Whats the placed called and who lives there?
Well, at this point it’s called the West Bank (formerly of Jordan, meaning the annexed portion west of the River Jordan that Jordan renounced its claim to in 1988).
Zion and Zionists?
In Area’s A, B, or C?
It depends on the location. Currently this is how it works. In the 1990s, the PLO and Israel signed the Oslo Accords and the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, deals that divided areas of control in Gaza and the West Bank (East Jerusalem excluded) between Israel and the newly created Palestinian Authority, with the expectation that the two territories would eventually constitute a Palestinian state. But with the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict still unresolved, the territories remain formally divided into three areas of control:
  • Area A, which consists of most of Gaza and about 17 percent of the West Bank, is the most densely populated and urbanized. It is designated as fully Palestinian controlled under Oslo, including for civil affairs and internal security issues. However, Israel has waged an extensive military campaign in Gaza since October 2023 with the goal of eliminating Hamas, and it has therefore imposed more-stringent movement controls in the territory.
  • Area B covers nearly a quarter of the West Bank and mostly comprises villages and rural areas. Israelis and Palestinians cooperate on security here, but the PA manages all civil affairs. Israel also controls the movement of goods and people. Areas A and B have a combined Palestinian population of about 2.8 million.
  • Area C makes up the remaining land and mostly consists of pastoral areas. It contains most of the West Bank’s natural resources and is under full Israeli control, though the PA provides education and medical services to the area’s 150,000 Palestinians. The area is home to most of Israel’s settlers, who total some 700,000 people spread across the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Most live near the border with Israel, though international law dubs their settlements illegal.
View attachment 24554
Since 2006, the Gaza Strip has been controlled by Hamas. The organization was created out of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood to compete with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a militant faction that simultaneously aims to destroy the state of Israel and create a Palestinian state governed by Islamic law. Hamas explicitly opposes Israel’s existence and has perpetrated grievous acts of violence against Israelis.

(Insert Two State Solution based upon 1967 borders, but not the first half of 1967, and definitely not June or July of 1967, but let’s say the last third of 1967 borders)

Its October 7, 2023, rampage through southern Israel killed more than 1,200 people and spurred the massive Israeli military response aimed at eradicating Hamas. Governments including the United States, Israel, Japan, and the European Union (EU) have designated Hamas a terrorist organization.

Hamas briefly joined the PA, rising to the head of the authority in 2006 after winning general elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But it split from the authority months later, when the rival faction Fatah, which has long dominated the PA, refused to recognize Hamas’s election victory.

The two went to war, and though Fatah was able to oust Hamas from the West Bank and maintain its sway over Palestinian affairs there, Hamas’s forces prevailed in the Gaza Strip, securing the group’s control over the territory. The Gaza-West Bank schism is severe enough that some experts considered Gaza to be “practically a separate state.”

Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of their state, given its centrality to the Palestinian economy (of the West Bank, not Gaza), its significance to Muslims in particular (not to mention Christians & Jews, but Shhh), and its Palestinian population of more than 360,000.

Nonetheless, Israel’s de facto annexation of East Jerusalem from Jordan makes it subject to Israeli law. Most Palestinians there are designated as permanent residents of Israel—a status that can be revoked punitively. Most are not citizens of any country; having largely refused Israeli citizenship offered in 1967 or lost Jordanian citizenship after Amman renounced its claim to the West Bank in 1988, so I guess it’s not Jordanian then.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Territory of Palstine
Then some stuff about the current administration of the West Bank (formerly of Jordan, meaning the annexed portion west of the River Jordan that Jordan renounced its claim to in 1988).

Well, at this point it’s called the West Bank (formerly of Jordan, meaning the annexed portion west of the River Jordan that Jordan renounced its claim to in 1988).

In Area’s A, B, or C?
Palestinian territories.

The Palestinian territories, also known as the Occupied Palestinian Territory, consist of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip—two regions of the former British Mandate for Palestine that have been occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967. These territories make up the State of Palestine, which was self-declared by the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1988 and is recognized by 145 out of 193 UN member states.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Here’s another:
Thanks, I needed a laugh.

“Of course, militaries have soldiers that do things that are wrong,” but as in other democracies, Israel has a system to hold those accountable, and investigate problems

“If Israel was trying to conduct civilian harm there, nothing shows that. Not my on-hand research, or the numbers. Very few people have the understanding of everything that’s come before every large-scale military operation, against a defending urban enemy,” Spencer said.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
More to laugh aboot...

Court denies Netanyahu bid to block Canadian screening of leaked interrogation footage​

Judge orders journalist Raviv Drucker, a producer of ‘The Bibi Files,’ to respond to PM’s complaint against him over film’s Monday night debut at Toronto festival​

By ToI StaffToday, 4:33 pm
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at the Jerusalem District Court for a hearing on his corruption trial, June 26, 2023. (Alex Kolomoisky/Pool)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives at the Jerusalem District Court for a hearing on his corruption trial, June 26, 2023. (Alex Kolomoisky/Pool)

The Jerusalem District Court on Monday rejected a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to block the screening in Canada of “The Bibi Files,” which includes leaked footage of his interrogation by police between 2016 and 2018 on suspicions of corruption that have since yielded charges.

The film is set to debut at the Toronto International Film Festival on Monday night. Netanyahu’s lawyers petitioned the court on Sunday for an injunction against journalist Raviv Drucker, one of the film’s producers, for publishing footage from a police interrogation without permission from the court — a crime that carries up to a year in prison.

“Drucker has for years made cynical, instrumental use” of Netanyahu’s corruption interrogation to hurt him politically, the complaint alleged, describing the journalist as a self-declared “political opponent” of Netanyahu.

The fact that the publication is set to take place abroad makes no difference in this matter,” the complaint added, though it was unclear how an Israeli court could block an overseas screening. Appended to the request was a September 3 article in the Ynet news site about the film.

Judge Oded Shaham denied the request, citing the time that had passed since the report, but ordered Drucker to respond by Wednesday.

Saint Bibi.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I totally woulda sided with Bibi. "An order shall issue directing the Toronto International Film Festival to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem District Court in this matter."
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