Hamas attacks Israel

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Destroyed Their West Bank Village, Israel Forbids Them From Rebuilding It

A Palestinian community abandoned its ancestral village in the South Hebron Hills at the start of the war for fear of settler attacks. An Israeli court decision allowed them to return, but settlers have already destroyed most of their homes. Now the military government won't let them rebuild

Gideon Levy
Sep 6, 2024

They abandoned their ancestral village in the South Hebron Hills at the start of the war, for fear of the settlers. A court decision allowed their return – but in the meantime settlers destroyed most of their homes. Now the military government won't let them rebuild
Israel is a Terrorists State. This shit to end.
Most nations & chunks of ground under various militias in that neighborhood are. Are you calling for their abolishment also?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Why are you a Zionist? What do you get out of it?
Good questions. Being non-religious and not Jewish, never been to the Middle East & have no desire to ever go, that makes me….what again? A spectator with basic level reading comprehension and access to the Interwebs that allow one to read about both sides of this goat rodeo? Something like that?

Does that check off the boxes for being a Zionist and thus I must be getting something out of this? Seriously?
Should Christians take it over and run it as a World Heritage park? God did give the place to Christians after all.
Hell, why not, and run all the Israelis & Palestinian Arabs from the river to the sea into the Med. At the shore they can chose water-wings stamped with either a Star of David or a non-image of Mohammed, then into the sea they all go permanently.
1725716364973.jpegPerhaps laminated cards to go with the water wings demonstrating the egg-beater method of staying afloat? At least nobody would be fighting over there & and there would be “Peace in the Middle East” except….there wouldn’t be.
1725716027320.jpegWith all the Israelites & Palestinian Arabs just gone, who would have a problem with Christians taking it over and running it as a World Heritage park? The Irish? The Hindus? The Shriners?
God did give the place to Christians after all.
Hmmm…I think that answer might differ depending on whom you ask it of.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I don’t expect Hamas to play fair, as they’re a terrorist organization/political party that got into political power, murdered all their opposition, then banned elections shortly there after due to a love of the Palestinian people and a sense of fairness & justice. I also expect that they’re above the law (so no need for records) that they’d impose upon their own people (that voted them in before Hamas banned elections) whenever convenient.

Yes. Israel has elections, 20% of its population are Arab, an LGBTA community, a legal system that holds people accountable including its own PM once they’re not at war, and its citizens have the freedom to protest their own government.

Israel has a defensive system (Iron Dome) and bomb shelters to protect its citizens, an election cycle, and allies who’s only commonality isn’t just religion and a desire to wipe Israel off the map.

Yes, because they live in a nation where they can protest their Government without fear of persecution or execution, and a minority of their population is pissed off and can express themselves in peaceful civil disobedience.

Can the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza under Hamas or PLO (whatever the current iteration of it currently running the West Bank is called) say the same of pretty much any of the above? What percentage of their population are Jewish or Israeli or openly gay again?

Believe it or not…I have, as shown above, & can see the evils in both societies, and if I had to pick one that my children or grandchildren had to live in…I know which one that would be.

Here’s a weird one for you. Try Googling “When was the last music festival in Gaza?”

If you know, why ask the questions you asked then?

Israel is different because people expect a country that is like you say it is, to BE different. To NOT become the thing which they are so against.

That's the point and what you obviously missed. Just because you see their evils, you still excuse one and give nothing to the other. Israel's Government right now is NO DIFFERENT than Hamas in any way, shape or form.

And you cannot compare "Which one you would pick for your kids/grandkids", because it' snot a fair "pick" in the first place. (But hey, if they did go, they'd be likely to be killed by the IDF as much as Hamas).

Here's a weird reply for you - no. Because it has nothing to do with anything. You want to know, YOU do a search for it and then maybe look at WHY they may not have such things in Gaza - and a hint for you, it's not only on Hamas.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If you know, why ask the questions you asked then?
Rhetorical device.
Israel is different because people expect a country that is like you say it is, to BE different. To NOT become the thing which they are so against.

That's the point and what you obviously missed. Just because you see their evils, you still excuse one and give nothing to the other. Israel's Government right now is NO DIFFERENT than Hamas in any way, shape or form.

And you cannot compare "Which one you would pick for your kids/grandkids", because it' snot a fair "pick" in the first place. (But hey, if they did go, they'd be likely to be killed by the IDF as much as Hamas).

Here's a weird reply for you - no. Because it has nothing to do with anything. You want to know, YOU do a search for it and then maybe look at WHY they may not have such things in Gaza - and a hint for you, it's not only on Hamas.
I'm just not sure evaluating a country by how it behaves when it's at war is valid.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here's a weird reply for you - no. Because it has nothing to do with anything. You want to know, YOU do a search for it and then maybe look at WHY they may not have such things in Gaza - and a hint for you, it's not only on Hamas.
Are you being Islamophobic? Not sure with your non-answer where you’re going here.

No what?
I don't know. . . I get told by lots of "Christians" that Caflicks ain't Christians.
Subspecies then, or diverged for too long that they’re separated into some other something or another? Is there some kind of chart or program for religions?

Something like in biology where we can follow the kingdom phylum class order, family genius species to keep up if we don’t swim in that pool?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here's a weird reply for you - no. Because it has nothing to do with anything. You want to know, YOU do a search for it and then maybe look at WHY they may not have such things in Gaza - and a hint for you, it's not only on Hamas.
Sorry, still into my 1st cup of coffee this morning, as it was a long night for weird reasons. You’re responding to this, right?
Here’s a weird one for you. Try Googling “When was the last music festival in Gaza?”
That’s the first 1/2 dozen results I got when I googled “When was the last music festival in Gaza?” so I can see where it has nothing to do with anything.
Israel is a Terrorists State. This shit to end.
If you can’t abolish Israel, then at least abolish music festivals in Israel for public safety reasons if not moral and religious ones? Damn kids Zionists and their crazy rock’n’roll devil music.
Israel is different because people expect a country that is like you say it is, to BE different. To NOT become the thing which they are so against.
Dont fight fire with fire, or an urban gorilla warfare terrorist regime hiding under Gaza with a civilian population as body armour with anything but the Marquess of Queensbury rules?

People expect less from Hamas and the Palestinians so they should be held to a different level of…of what? Are they not fully human just like everyone else and thus should be held to human standards?
I'm just not sure evaluating a country by how it behaves when it's at war is valid.
I concur with your assessment of the situation and I think I’m gonna just step back from a further response here at this point.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
How often do Israeli forces attack Palestinians in the occupied West Bank?

Israeli assaults in the West Bank have occurred on an almost daily basis since 2022, predating the current far-right Israeli government.

They target Palestinian cities, refugee camps and villages, and have killed hundreds.

Between Israeli military raids and attacks by Israeli settlers, approximately 1,000 Palestinians have been killed since 2022 in the West Bank.

The military raids stem from Israel’s policy of dealing with the West Bank, which it has illegally occupied since 1967, through force rather than agreeing to the establishment of a Palestinian state. The focus is usually on ensuring that Palestinian resistance groups do not become strong enough to challenge Israel.

Palestinian armed groups in the West Bank have nothing like the firepower of those in Gaza, and Israel has long worked to ensure that it remains that way, including by cooperating on security matters with the Palestinian Authority (PA), a practice that has made the PA unpopular among Palestinians.

Israelis living in illegal settlements regularly attack Palestinians, particularly those living in villages and rural communities, harassing them, as well as violently attacking them, and sometimes forcing them to leave their land.

Both Israeli military raids and settler attacks have increased in their number and in the violence used since October 7, and the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza.tacks have increased in their number and in the violence used since October 7, and the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza.

How unprecedented is Wednesday’s military operation?

This is clearly a big military operation, with Israel rolling hundreds of soldiers, as well as fighter aircraft, drones and bulldozers, into action in three West Bank governorates.

The Israeli media, quoting Israeli military sources, is expecting the attack to continue for several days, meaning the death toll is expected to rise sharply, particularly as the cities and villages being attacked are full of Palestinian civilians.

Israel itself is describing the assault as the biggest of its kind in the West Bank since 2002, when the Palestinian territory was in the middle of the second Intifada, or uprising.

At the time, Israel was criticised for the heavy-handed nature of its response to an initial wave of non-violent demonstrations, civil disobedience and stone-throwing.

By the end of the Intifada in 2005, Israel had killed 4,793 Palestinians. Israeli casualties are estimated at approximately 1,000.

How connected are Israel’s assaults in the West Bank to the war on Gaza?
Israel has long painted its military operations in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, as well as with Hezbollah in Lebanon, as battlegrounds within the same conflict, against both the Palestinians and Israel’s primary regional geopolitical foe, Iran.

Israel views groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as many other Palestinian movements, as Iranian proxies.

Writing on social media after the attack on the northern West Bank began, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said that Iran was “working to establish an eastern terrorist front” against Israel in the West Bank, by “financing and arming terrorists and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan”.

But, as mentioned previously, Israel’s large-scale attacks on the West Bank predate October 7, with a particular increase in the ferocity of Israeli attacks following the return of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to power – backed by overtly anti-Palestinian figures in key ministerial positions – at the very end of 2022.

The presence of helicopter gunships during attacks in the West Bank also occurred before October 7, notably during a two-day raid on the Jenin refugee camp in July 2023. At the time Israel said that it had carried out 15 air raids using helicopter gunships and reconnaissance drones.

What does Israel want from the West Bank?
While technically under the control of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, much of the West Bank is policed and governed by Israel, and Israeli forces have the ability to enter any part of the occupied Palestinian territory.

Israeli soldiers are stationed permanently throughout the West Bank, and illegal Israeli settlements and roads serving only Israelis crisscross the territory, leaving the prospect of a Palestinian state distant. The International Court of Justice recently declared Israel’s continued presence in the occupied West Bank, as well as occupied East Jerusalem, “unlawful”.

Israel often frames its occupation of the West Bank as a necessity for security reasons, but Netanyahu and other leading Israeli politicians have rejected a two-state solution, openly called for an increase in illegal Israeli settlements, and emphasised the centrality of the territory, which they call “Judea and Samaria”, to Israel.

Moreover, control of construction and responsibility for policing in the West Bank is overseen by two of Israel’s most controversial and pro-settler government ministers.

Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich has recently assumed overall control over construction within the West Bank, while National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has responsibility for its policing. Both have spoken in favour of further Israeli expansion within the Palestinian territory and both have been repeatedly accused of supporting settler violence against Palestinian citizens within the territory. Both Smotrich and Ben-Gvir are settlers themselves.

And now, with the attacks in the West Bank continuing, Foreign Minister Katz has called for the “temporary evacuation” of Palestinians from the West Bank – raising the fear that Israel may be attempting to engineer the forced displacement of Palestinians from the territory.

According to Omar Baddar, a Middle East political analyst, that is part of the wider Israeli strategy.

“I think the context of it is worth noting, which is the fact that Israel has been intending to annex and ethnically cleanse huge parts of the West Bank for a very, very long time,” Baddar told Al Jazeera.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Rhetorical device.

I'm just not sure evaluating a country by how it behaves when it's at war is valid.

Perhaps, but then the question could be "When isn't Israel at war?"

Another question could be "When at war, isn't that the better time to evaluate a country since at peace it's not going to be as 'honest' as it would be in war?"

Sorry, still into my 1st cup of coffee this morning, as it was a long night for weird reasons. You’re responding to this, right?

View attachment 24537
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View attachment 24539
That’s the first 1/2 dozen results I got when I googled “When was the last music festival in Gaza?” so I can see where it has nothing to do with anything.

Well I originally thought you were serious on asking the question, hence why I answered. But despite you stepping back...

What has a music festival being held in Gaza got to do with this present situation?

It doesn't. Whether they did or didn't is not relevant to anything going on right now. That's why I said "No." No, as in I wasn't going to look for it, and I gave my reason.

Furthermore, if they don't, there's a reason why they don't, and it's not just because of Hamas that they don't. And if you need further explanation on that then I truly don't know what to say other than just be in awe of your willingness to ignore obvious things.

Dont fight fire with fire, or an urban gorilla warfare terrorist regime hiding under Gaza with a civilian population as body armour with anything but the Marquess of Queensbury rules?

Netanyahu's FIRST job should have been go rescue the hostages. Full stop.

But that was NOT his first job, or his second, third, or any job.

You sure as shit don't continually bomb the area that HAS your hostages and think somehow that you'll get them back alive.

People expect less from Hamas and the Palestinians so they should be held to a different level of…of what?

People expect less from Hamas because they have proven that they are sub-human monsters who think anything goes. Since you can't really negotiate in good faith with them, since they don't give a damn about anything - even their own people - they should be treated with the same respect as a rabid dog.

Israel, on the other hand, is supposed to be this "Bastian of freedom/the West in the Middle East". Where rule of law and the rights of people matter. Where human decency should matter.

You EXPECT Hamas to act like monsters. You shouldn't expect it of Israel, and yet, here we are, Israel is acting just like the monsters they wish to wipe out.

That's why Israel is held to a different level of expectation. Expectation of humanity, grace, honor, all the other useless words that Israel DOESN'T believe in after all currently. Yeah there's "allowances" for war, but when you start operations that include genocide of innocents, those allowances are swept aside.

Are they not fully human just like everyone else and thus should be held to human standards?

Haha, you're funny...


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Perhaps, but then the question could be "When isn't Israel at war?"

Another question could be "When at war, isn't that the better time to evaluate a country since at peace it's not going to be as 'honest' as it would be in war?"
What they do in war is different from how they treat people in times of relative peace, and even when they are actively fighting, back in the home territory.

As to the second question, will you judge the United States by the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and by the napalming and defoliation of Vietnam? Is that the whole story? Or does the civil rights fight get a look in?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The military raids stem from Israel’s policy of dealing with the West Bank, which it has illegally occupied since 1967, through force rather than agreeing to the establishment of a Palestinian state. The focus is usually on ensuring that Palestinian resistance groups do not become strong enough to challenge Israel.
Hmmm…ok. Jordan did lose its West Bank in 1967 to Israel that it had captured and annexed it in 1948 when Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria all attacked Israel simultaneously. Egypt held Gaza during the same timeframe.
1725747639045.jpegJordan (or Egypt) didn’t establish a Palestinian state in that two decades either. Queer Weird that, eh?

But Jordan & Egypt are Muslim majority countries so there would have been “Peace in the Middle East” from 1948 to 1967 then, right?

Solidarity with their Muslim Brothers & Sisters (“Can I get an Allah Akbar?!!”) in the camaraderie of no Settlers or Occupiers on Colonial Land. No Israeli’s in the West Bank or Gaza then, in theory anyway.
But that wasn’t the case. Weirdly, there were ongoing attacks into Israel from…from where? Was it sour grapes (the first Nutbar Nakba) that those five countries above simultaneously could not drive the Jews Israeli/Zionists into the sea and completely erase Israel’s existence?
Israeli assaults in the West Bank have occurred on an almost daily basis since 2022, predating the current far-right Israeli government.
Why? Why is that happening? Assaults on whom in the West Bank for what reason?
Between Israeli military raids and attacks by Israeli settlers, approximately 1,000 Palestinians have been killed since 2022 in the West Bank.
About 1/2 of those before October 7th, & about 1/2 since October 7th. Who’s being attacked in the West Bank and for what reason?
The focus is usually on ensuring that Palestinian resistance groups do not become strong enough to challenge Israel.
Who are the Palestinian resistance groups? Who’s arming then? Where are the weapons coming from and who are they being used against and to what degree of effectiveness? Where are their bases of operations?
Perhaps, but then the question could be "When isn't Israel at war?"
When has it been allowed to not be at war but simply at a state of readiness like in theory every country is/should be?
What they do in war is different from how they treat people in times of relative peace, and even when they are actively fighting, back in the home territory.
Israel has elections, 20% of its population are Arab, an LGBTA community, a legal system that holds people accountable including its own PM once they’re not at war, and its citizens have the freedom to protest their own government.

Israel has a defensive system (Iron Dome) and bomb shelters to protect its citizens, an election cycle, and allies who’s only commonality isn’t just religion and a desire to wipe Israel off the map.

What about its neighbours that shouldn’t be held to as high of standards? Where are they at on the above accomplishments and how they treat their own people?
Netanyahu's FIRST job should have been go rescue the hostages. Full stop.
Yes, and protect the sovereignty of their nation that was just invaded, and protect its northern border where missile and rocket attacks started (coincidentally) October 8th 2023 & continue pretty much daily since.

So while protecting its northern border, & evacuating its citizens from the northern 1/4 of its country, and repelling invaders that’re literally pillaging the villages and abducting/kidnapping/raping/murdering its citizens & non-citizens alike while hauling hostages from Israel back into Gaza, while protecting the remainder of its citizens from rocket and missile attacks from Gaza (where 5000+ came into Israel from Gaza just on October 7th 2023 alone not counting in the days/weeks/months after that), while also stopping/preventing the ongoing resupply of Hamas through Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea of resource revenue from Qatar (who’s one of the peace negotiators for Hamas) and weaponry from Iran (‘cuz Iran), while also protecting Israel’s own supply lines and shipping corridors (look’n at you Houthi’s!), while also keeping a constant eye on Iran (‘cuz Peace in the Middle East is desired by all), their FIRST (& only) job was to go (go where?) and rescue the hostages from in/under/throughout Gaza (& some probably under the border into Egypt almost immediately, who’s another one of the peace negotiators for Hamas).

How should Israel have accomplished this FIRST without also doing all the other things, also without putting further into jeopardy the lives of thousands of other Israeli military personnel and civilians alike further than they already were at that point? Full Stop?
You sure as shit don't continually bomb the area that HAS your hostages and think somehow that you'll get them back alive.
Especially while being bombed yourself and trying to protect the remainder of your non-abducted hostage citizens from ongoing constant rocket & missile attack that you also need to immediately stop.

Thankfully the “Iron Dome” Defensive system and the hundreds & hundreds of bomb shelters (the ones in Israel I mean) helped protect those remaining Israeli citizens…but those alone didn’t protect the remaining Israeli citizens.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hmmm…ok. Jordan did lose its West Bank in 1967 to Israel that it had captured and annexed it in 1948 when Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria all attacked Israel simultaneously. Egypt held Gaza during the same timeframe.
View attachment 24543Jordan (or Egypt) didn’t establish a Palestinian state in that two decades either. Queer Weird that, eh?

But Jordan & Egypt are Muslim majority countries so there would have been “Peace in the Middle East” from 1948 to 1967 then, right?

Solidarity with their Muslim Brothers & Sisters (“Can I get an Allah Akbar?!!”) in the camaraderie of no Settlers or Occupiers on Colonial Land. No Israeli’s in the West Bank or Gaza then, in theory anyway.
View attachment 24544
But that wasn’t the case. Weirdly, there were ongoing attacks into Israel from…from where? Was it sour grapes (the first Nutbar Nakba) that those five countries above simultaneously could not drive the Jews Israeli/Zionists into the sea and completely erase Israel’s existence?

Why? Why is that happening? Assaults on whom in the West Bank for what reason?

About 1/2 of those before October 7th, & about 1/2 since October 7th. Who’s being attacked in the West Bank and for what reason?

Who are the Palestinian resistance groups? Who’s arming then? Where are the weapons coming from and who are they being used against and to what degree of effectiveness? Where are their bases of operations?

When has it been allowed to not be at war but simply at a state of readiness like in theory every country is/should be?

Israel has elections, 20% of its population are Arab, an LGBTA community, a legal system that holds people accountable including its own PM once they’re not at war, and its citizens have the freedom to protest their own government.

Israel has a defensive system (Iron Dome) and bomb shelters to protect its citizens, an election cycle, and allies who’s only commonality isn’t just religion and a desire to wipe Israel off the map.

What about its neighbours that shouldn’t be held to as high of standards? Where are they at on the above accomplishments and how they treat their own people?

Yes, and protect the sovereignty of their nation that was just invaded, and protect its northern border where missile and rocket attacks started (coincidentally) October 8th 2023 & continue pretty much daily since.

So while protecting its northern border, & evacuating its citizens from the northern 1/4 of its country, and repelling invaders that’re literally pillaging the villages and abducting/kidnapping/raping/murdering its citizens & non-citizens alike while hauling hostages from Israel back into Gaza, while protecting the remainder of its citizens from rocket and missile attacks from Gaza (where 5000+ came into Israel from Gaza just on October 7th 2023 alone not counting in the days/weeks/months after that), while also stopping/preventing the ongoing resupply of Hamas through Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea of resource revenue from Qatar (who’s one of the peace negotiators for Hamas) and weaponry from Iran (‘cuz Iran), while also protecting Israel’s own supply lines and shipping corridors (look’n at you Houthi’s!), while also keeping a constant eye on Iran (‘cuz Peace in the Middle East is desired by all), their FIRST (& only) job was to go (go where?) and rescue the hostages from in/under/throughout Gaza (& some probably under the border into Egypt almost immediately, who’s another one of the peace negotiators for Hamas).

How should Israel have accomplished this IRST without also doing all the other things, also without putting further into jeopardy the lives of thousands of other Israeli military personnel and civilians alike further than they already were at that point? Full Stop?

Especially while being bombed yourself and trying to protect the remainder of your non-abducted hostage citizens from ongoing constant rocket & missile attack that you also need to immediately stop.

Thankfully the “Iron Dome” Defensive system and the hundreds & hundreds of bomb shelters (the ones in Israel I mean) helped protect those remaining Israeli citizens…but those alone didn’t protect the remaining Israeli citizens.
All that to say "it doesn't belong to Israel"?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
All that to say "it doesn't belong to Israel"?
Didn’t between 1948 & at least the first 1/2 of 1967 at least. Didn’t belong to those that call themselves the Palestinians now either then apparently.
The borders of which map above should be used for the two states solution borders based on 1967?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
As to the second question, will you judge the United States by the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and by the napalming and defoliation of Vietnam? Is that the whole story? Or does the civil rights fight get a look in?

If you look/know the complete history, yeah you can judge the US for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There's pros and cons to it having been done, it all depends on your point of view/perspective. I'm sure, being from the US, you and others might think it was absolutely necessary and it ended the Japanese part of the war. Being outside the US, I'd counter with Japan was already trying to look at a way to end the war before Hiroshima. So in that context, neither bombing was necessary at all.

Napalming and defoliation of Vietnam shouldn't have happened, period, but that's my personal opinion. The "rights" of the people of Vietnam didn't factor at all into any of the conflict.

Which you could say is also what's going on in Gaza too right now; the civil rights of the Palestinians doesn't factor at all into the conflict because Israel is refusing that they have civil rights.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Canadian resident arrested over alleged Oct. 7 New York terror plot
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Published Sep 06, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 2 minute read
U.S. authorities say a Canadian resident has been arrested in Quebec over an alleged Islamic State terror plot to kill Jewish people in New York.
U.S. authorities say a Canadian resident has been arrested in Quebec over an alleged Islamic State terror plot to kill Jewish people in New York.
U.S. authorities and the RCMP say a Canadian resident has been arrested in Quebec over an alleged Islamic State terror plot to kill Jewish people in New York around the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel last year.

The U.S. Department of Justice said Friday that Pakistani national Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was arrested Wednesday in relation to a planned mass shooting that wasto take place around Oct. 7.

United States Attorney General Merrick Garland said Khan was alleged to have had the goal of “slaughtering, in the name of ISIS, as many Jewish people as possible.”

He said Khan was arrested thanks to “quick action” by Canadian law enforcement.

The department alleged in a news release that Khan intended to use “automatic and semi-automatic weapons” in a shooting at a Jewish centre in Brooklyn.

It said he was arrested in or around Ormstown, Que., on his way to New York.

He was charged with one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to a terrorist organization.

The RCMP said it conducted an investigation into Khan in partnership with the FBI and, “that as his actions escalated, at no point in time was Khan an immediate threat prior to his arrest.”

It said Khan was to appear in the Superior Court of Justice in Montreal on Sept. 13, and that the U.S. would be seeking extradition.

RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme said in a statement that “violent extremism” is on the rise around the world, including Canada.

“This planned antisemitic attack against Jewish people in the U.S. is deplorable and there is no place for such ideological and hate-motivated crime in Canada,” he said.

The U.S. complaint against Khan says that starting around July, he told undercover officers of his intention to to carry out mass shootings at Jewish religious centres in the U.S.

It alleges he told the officers of his desire to create “a real off-line cell” of the Islamic State, directing them to obtain assault rifles and ammunition and “some good hunting 1/8knives3/8 so we can slit their throats.”

Oct. 7 was chosen as the date for the attack because there would likely be protests, the complaint says, while the Oct. 11 Yom Kippur holy day was also considered.

It says undercover officers told Khan last month they had secured weapons and, at 5:40 a.m. on Wednesday, Khan got in a vehicle in Toronto and set off for Napanee, Ont., picking up “additional passengers on the way.”

In Nepanee, they switched to a second car and drove to Montreal, where Khan and an “unidentified female” changed vehicles again, with another person at the wheel, the complaint says.

At 2.54 p.m., about 19 kilometres from the U.S. border, the vehicle was stopped by police and Khan was arrested.

The complaint alleges Khan wrote last week: “If we succeed with our plan, this would be the largest attack on US soil since 9/11.”

“The defendant was allegedly determined to kill Jewish people here in the United States, nearly one year after Hamas’ horrific attack on Israel,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement.

“This investigation was led by the FBI, and I am proud of the terrific work by the FBI team and our partners to disrupt Khan’s plan.”