Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Because you are busy playing with your pistol

Oh Gawd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is CATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Tecumsehbonesforbrains runs out of what passes in his little mind for clever quips................................................

he also makes masturbation remarks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHY IN HELL are LIE-berals FIXATED on that subject?????????????????????

Got to be some sort of SORDID Freudian slip?????????????????????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
LILLEY: Trudeau's rifle ban idea won't hurt the criminals

Brian Lilley

An AR-15 rifle on display at a sporting goods store. Joshua Lott / Getty Images

If there was any doubt that the Trudeau government’s plans for new gun control measures were more about politics than public safety, that doubt evaporated on Friday.

That was the day that Bill Blair, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, gave an interview to the Globe and Mail.

“There are some weapons that are currently available in our society that represent an unacceptable risk,” Blair told the Globe while talking about a potential “assault weapons” ban.

The Liberals have been floating the idea of banning handguns or some types of rifles for more than a year now. Blair did extensive consultation across the country speaking to activist groups on all sides and engaging the public.

The result of that consultation was a Canadian public that told the government to deal with gun violence in our cities but rejected the idea of a gun ban.

Being the party that promises to make all decisions based on science and evidence, Trudeau’s Liberals are now talking about a ban of certain kinds of rifles.

So how is this more about politics than public safety?

Well first off, rifles are not typically used in crime — criminals prefer handguns. Nor are they the problem most people want dealt with — the shootings in streets across the country.

That gun violence comes from handguns — illegal handguns mostly smuggled into Canada from the United States.

How will Trudeau’s plan to take rifles away from people who have already passed universal background checks, taken and passed a safety course, applied for a licence and been vetted by the RCMP stop the gun violence the public is concerned about?
It won’t.

But given that rifles like the AR-15, the No. 1 target on the Liberal hit list, are still registered – yes, restricted rifles remain registered in Canada – it makes it easy to seize those rifles.

Taking guns away from criminals who will never follow the law is difficult. Showing the thousands of seized rifles gives the politician behind it a photo op and a chance to say they are doing something.

Depending on the RCMP estimate you use there are between 66,000 and 86,000 AR-15 rifles in Canada legally. Those are old estimates and thousands more have been purchased in the last year as the ban has been discussed.

Can anyone point to one of these guns being used for crime in Canada?


Instead they point to American examples of the guns being used in mass shootings, or to the Christchurch, N.Z. massacre. Those are different countries with different cultures and different rules.

Canadian gun owners are subject to every gun control measure that Democrats call for in the United States and more. And still there are calls for bans here?

What is the real problem with guns and violence in Canada?


The latest homicide numbers from Statistics Canada showed that there were 266 firearm-related homicides out of a total of 660 murders in 2017.

“In 2017, 52% of firearm-related homicides were related to gang activity,” Stats Can said.

“Almost 9 out of every 10 (87%) gang-related homicides were committed with a firearm, usually a handgun.”

The stats also show that you are more likely to be murdered by someone stabbing you than with a rifle or shotgun.

Yet the government’s plan is to stoke fear over certain rifles based on how they look, to describe them as killing machines and to be seen as doing something.

Of course nothing the Liberals have done or will be proposing before the election will remove one single gun from the hands of a criminal, just from people who followed the rules.

Another example of Trudeau playing the politics of fear and division.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
White natty suddenly in love with democracy.

Hemer-HOID continues his love affair with LIE-beral FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad the "white nattys" are ON TO THE LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
LILLEY: Trudeau's rifle ban idea won't hurt the criminals

Brian Lilley

An AR-15 rifle on display at a sporting goods store. Joshua Lott / Getty Images

If there was any doubt that the Trudeau government’s plans for new gun control measures were more about politics than public safety, that doubt evaporated on Friday.

That was the day that Bill Blair, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, gave an interview to the Globe and Mail.

“There are some weapons that are currently available in our society that represent an unacceptable risk,” Blair told the Globe while talking about a potential “assault weapons” ban.

The Liberals have been floating the idea of banning handguns or some types of rifles for more than a year now. Blair did extensive consultation across the country speaking to activist groups on all sides and engaging the public.

The result of that consultation was a Canadian public that told the government to deal with gun violence in our cities but rejected the idea of a gun ban.

Being the party that promises to make all decisions based on science and evidence, Trudeau’s Liberals are now talking about a ban of certain kinds of rifles.

So how is this more about politics than public safety?

Well first off, rifles are not typically used in crime — criminals prefer handguns. Nor are they the problem most people want dealt with — the shootings in streets across the country.

That gun violence comes from handguns — illegal handguns mostly smuggled into Canada from the United States.

How will Trudeau’s plan to take rifles away from people who have already passed universal background checks, taken and passed a safety course, applied for a licence and been vetted by the RCMP stop the gun violence the public is concerned about?
It won’t.

But given that rifles like the AR-15, the No. 1 target on the Liberal hit list, are still registered – yes, restricted rifles remain registered in Canada – it makes it easy to seize those rifles.

Taking guns away from criminals who will never follow the law is difficult. Showing the thousands of seized rifles gives the politician behind it a photo op and a chance to say they are doing something.

Depending on the RCMP estimate you use there are between 66,000 and 86,000 AR-15 rifles in Canada legally. Those are old estimates and thousands more have been purchased in the last year as the ban has been discussed.

Can anyone point to one of these guns being used for crime in Canada?


Instead they point to American examples of the guns being used in mass shootings, or to the Christchurch, N.Z. massacre. Those are different countries with different cultures and different rules.

Canadian gun owners are subject to every gun control measure that Democrats call for in the United States and more. And still there are calls for bans here?

What is the real problem with guns and violence in Canada?


The latest homicide numbers from Statistics Canada showed that there were 266 firearm-related homicides out of a total of 660 murders in 2017.

“In 2017, 52% of firearm-related homicides were related to gang activity,” Stats Can said.

“Almost 9 out of every 10 (87%) gang-related homicides were committed with a firearm, usually a handgun.”

The stats also show that you are more likely to be murdered by someone stabbing you than with a rifle or shotgun.

Yet the government’s plan is to stoke fear over certain rifles based on how they look, to describe them as killing machines and to be seen as doing something.

Of course nothing the Liberals have done or will be proposing before the election will remove one single gun from the hands of a criminal, just from people who followed the rules.

Another example of Trudeau playing the politics of fear and division.

Our idiot Boy DOES NOT want to attack criminals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all............................................

some of his most staunch supporters are CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!

If you were a gang banging THUG who routinely

benefited from LIE-beral hug a thug values...............................

WOULD YOU - or your family members ..................

willingly VOTE for a strong law and order




Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Parkland survivor: Harvard revokes acceptance over past racial slurs
June 17, 2019
June 17, 2019 2:42 PM EDT
Kyle Kashuv, a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student speaks during the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum at the 148th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits on April 26, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Scott Olson / Getty Images
Harvard University has rescinded its admission offer to a survivor of the 2018 massacre at a Florida high school over his past use of racial slurs in an online document posted on Twitter, the student said on Monday.
The student, Kyle Kashuv, was a junior at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida when a gunman opened fire in February 2018 and killed 17 students and staff. He became the target of online criticism last month after images of a shared study guide from more than a year ago circulated on Twitter, showing he wrote anti-black slurs.
“A few weeks ago, I was made aware of egregious and callous comments classmates and I made privately years ago – when I was 16 years old, months before the shooting – in an attempt to be as extreme and shocking as possible. I immediately apologized,” Kashuv wrote on Twitter on Monday.
Kashuv said on Twitter that he submitted a written apology to Harvard after the school contacted him asking him to explain the statements he made in the Google document. In response, he said, he received a letter from the admissions dean saying that his acceptance had been revoked.
“The Committee takes seriously the qualities of maturity and moral character. After careful consideration the Committee voted to rescind your admission to Harvard College,” Harvard Admissions Dean William Fitzsimmons wrote to Kashuv on June 3, according to a copy of the letter that Kashuv posted on Twitter.
A representative for Harvard declined to comment on the matter, citing a policy to not comment publicly on the admission status of individual applicants.
Kashuv, who distinguished himself from other Parkland students as a gun rights advocate after the school shooting, said on Twitter that he requested to meet with the admissions committee to discuss the matter in person, but Harvard denied his request.
26 Parkland shooting victims sue school board, sheriff
Sheriff: Parkland shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz assaulted jail officer
New documentary on Parkland shooting shows graphic footage


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Trudeau Gun Ban Targets 200,000 Long Guns: Global News

18 Jun 2019 — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will order hunters, farmers and sport shooters to surrender about 200,000 of their firearms if re-elected, Global News reported today, citing Bill Blair, the minster for confiscation.

The estimate covers what Blair called “assault-style weapons,” Global said, citing Blair speaking to reporters this morning.

It would be the biggest single firearm seizure in Canadian history.

It means at least some 90,000 so-called “Non-restricted” rifles and shotguns will be forced away from their owners in case of a Trudeau election victory.

Handguns Next
Trudeau’s Liberal Party also plans to make it easier for provinces and cities to ban handguns from federally licensed shooters, Global reported, citing Blair.

The prime minister is proposing to criminalize honest men and women and as he seeks re-election. Opinion polls show Liberal voters are the most hostile to firearm owners and support bans.

Trudeau’s campaign promise undermines Canada’s system for licensing and registering firearm owners and the federal police who run the program.

Broken Promise
It also breaks a key Liberal promise made in promoting Bill C-71 to let the police make decisions on firearm classifications “without political influence.”

Pay the Victims
Blair said the government will pay the victims of the Trudeau confiscation. Global News didn’t say how much, or provide more details of which owners or firearms are being targeted.

Gun owners speculate Trudeau’s surrender order will aim at owners of rifles including the AR-15, SKS and Ruger Mini-14, and certain shotguns.

Gun Culture
Canada is home to 2.2 million men and women with a firearm licence, more than play golf or hockey.

Hunting and shooting are part of Canadian heritage, culture and tradition.

At Least 90,000 ‘Non-Restricted’
Canadian individuals, businesses and museums owned 112,538 rifles and 576 shotguns classified as “Restricted” or “Prohibited” as of April 30, suggesting at least about 90,000 of the 200,000 firearms the Liberals will seize are classified as “Non-restricted.”

The legal labels are misleading because all firearm owners and all firearms in Canada are tightly restricted by criminal law.

IMHO, the estimate of 200,000, based on the firearms they suspect will be seized is extremely low. There are supposedly at least 100,000 SKS rifles alone in Canada. Everybody's got one. There are 70,000 AR 15s in Canada (restricted). The Mini 14 is one of the most popular rifles out there. And that doesn't include the various shotguns they want to ban.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
of course there is absolutely nothing to these rumors.

it is NRA 101 to ramp up ridiculous anti gun rumors prior to any election.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
of course there is absolutely nothing to these rumors.

it is NRA 101 to ramp up ridiculous anti gun rumors prior to any election.

If there is NOTHING to the Rumours..........................................

then WHY do LIE-berls keep SPEWING THEM???????????????????????????????

Why do LIE-berals INSIST that taking guns away from hunters and target shooters.......................................

will magically reduce gun use............................................

among gang bangers......................................


LIE-beral LIES are piling up FASTER than Cdn debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Are you really that dumb?


Our MALEVOLENT hemer-HOID is not that dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT HE IS DESPERATELY HOPING MOST ..................................................

that most Cdn VOTERS ARE THAT DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hemer-HOID insults our intelligence.................................................

and then whine that his political pals are referred to as LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even as hemer-HOID LIES DESPERATELY in their defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
UK man becomes first convicted in Britain of making 3D-printer gun
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019 11:07 AM EDT
An undated handout picture released by the Metropolitan Police on June 19, 2019 shows a 3D printed gun found by police searching the property of Tendai Muswere. HANDOUT / AFP/Getty Images
LONDON — A 26-year-old man has become the first person in Britain to be convicted of making a firearm with a 3D printer that was capable of firing a lethal shot, police said on Wednesday.
Components for the weapon were discovered during a drug raid on a home in central London in October 2017.
Tendai Muswere, who pleaded guilty at Southwark Crown Court on Wednesday to manufacturing a firearm, told detectives he was printing the 3D gun for a university project but officers found he had searched the internet to watch videos on how to make a weapon that could fire live ammunition.
Police said in a statement they believed it was the first British conviction relating to a gun made using a 3D printer.
Texan says he’s selling 3D-printed gun plans, despite ruling
3D-printed gun advocate accused of having sex with minor
“Muswere claimed that he was printing the firearms for a ‘dystopian’ university film project but he has not explained why he included the component parts necessary to make a lethal barrelled weapon,” said acting Detective Sergeant Jonathan Roberts.
He added: “We know that Muswere was planning to line the printed firearms with steel tubes in order to make a barrel capable of firing.”


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Are your figures for long-gun homicides comparable to ours? Less than 5%?

In 2017, there were 266 firearms murders in Canada.

Handgun: 145

Rifle/Shotgun: 62

Sawed off rifle/shotgun: 22

Automatic weapon: 2 (to my surprize)

Other (unknown/"firearm like"): 35

So, the answer is a resounding NO!!!! But even with ever-increasing controls on handguns, their proportional use in murder keeps rising.