God will burn them if they burn His book


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
... I don't hear them complain when
God sends them an earthquake and we the infidels send them food shelter and clothing. We have more we get more, and they have nothing, who's side did you
say God was on again.
These people, must have done something to make God angry.
2010 Pakistan floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the record, this infidel gave $150 to Doctors Without Borders to help with the Pakistan flood. I expect that most of the people receiving international aid are devout Muslims.

If God was angry at these people, then it would make sense that my act of charity defies God's will. I hope my charity won't get me in trouble from God.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
How come in the United States they can't send financial aid to Cuba to assist their
relatives. At the same time the US government and its citizens send billions to help
Pakistan and other Muslim countries where insurgents are killing their children and
fighting everything we stand for. Is that not giving aid and comfort to the enemy?
Now I am sure God will get you for that.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Let's make a deal. If God doesn't burn them after they burn the book, you leave the forum. ;)


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
This is a test for Islam. It will eventually share in the wrath of western jihad if it doesn't put a lid on radicals.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Let's make a deal. If God doesn't burn them after they burn the book, you leave the forum. ;)

I know you are kidding. I was trying to think of a wager of some sort too. I think Islam forbids gambling.

I like having eanassir around. He has an extremely unique viewpoint relative to all the regulars on this forum. Sure he's righteous and has a rather extreme viewpoint IMO, but he is also polite, respectful and as far as I know, he respects forum rules.

He reminds me of my religious Aunt. I haven't seen her in years. She used to call me a sinner and said I was destined to burn in hell. Other than that, she was kind, charitable and made great cookies. We got along fine. She prayed for my redemption and I hoped that the vein popping out on her forehead when she got all riled up wouldn't lead to an aneurysm.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
This is a test for Islam. It will eventually share in the wrath of western jihad if it doesn't put a lid on radicals.
Something to consider and I myself have been guilty of it. And we are lacking tolerance

Has he threatened anyone

Has he stated that others will punish you - Not God

Has he wished that other would injure or maim you

Then why are we making him out to be a stooge when all he is doing is professing his beliefs - in a peacefully manner.

Now stating that bringing down gods wrath upon you is not a threat.

Just something to consider.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Something to consider and I myself have been guilty of it. And we are lacking tolerance

Has he threatened anyone

Has he stated that others will punish you - Not God

Has he wished that other would injure or maim you

Then why are we making him out to be a stooge when all he is doing is professing his beliefs - in a peacefully manner.

Now stating that bringing down gods wrath upon you is not a threat.

Just something to consider.
I'm almost entirely out of tolerance. Now I'm fed up.

The priest has had over 100 death threats from Islamic nutbars. I say bring it on, lets drop the gloves and get the show on the road.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I support finding out who has threatened this preacher and holding those individuals accountable for their actions. I'm not willing to punish a single law abiding Muslim for the actions of another Muslim. I will defend their rights the same as I will defend the rights of any other law abiding citizen.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
They only have tolerance for themselves, so **** em. (those are asterisks)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm almost entirely out of tolerance. Now I'm fed up.

The priest has had over 100 death threats from Islamic nutbars. I say bring it on, lets drop the gloves and get the show on the road.

Well the Priest ifs a fuking fool

as to death threats - let the cops handle that

AS to us - society taking the gloves off - That just leads to more hatred.

Yes i understand pissed off - and I also am pissed off - At the preacher and Muslims who cannot understand democracy is for all - not for one religion or another - Not for the one who has no religious beliefs - But for al. Regardless of religious or no religious beliefs. For all.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Are you talking about the Quran burners?
He isn't hurting anyone, and as he said he might dislike bible and flag burning but he'd rather pray for them than threaten to kill them.

I'm talking about the intolerant a-holes who lash and stone women for basically nothing. Effin a-holes is all that they are.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I think the west should take the gloves off hammer the hell out of our enemies with the best weapons period. The west and the Muslim world will face one giant
showdown. There is nothing peaceful about Islam, the underpinnings of Christianity
is pretty violent too, so we match up Christians against Muslims and the winner of
the event then gets to play the Jews. I hope North America plays all way games,
home games would not be good for our health. Islam is as crazy and fundamentalist
Christianity. We are going to do battle though at some point.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Middle Easterners probably aren't familiar with the term "dropping the gloves". It's a traditional Canadian Jihad primarily conducted in winter on sacred frozen ice.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
How come in the United States they can't send financial aid to Cuba to assist their
relatives. At the same time the US government and its citizens send billions to help
Pakistan and other Muslim countries where insurgents are killing their children and
fighting everything we stand for. Is that not giving aid and comfort to the enemy?
Now I am sure God will get you for that.

You really don't have a clue about what your babbling, do you.

Pakistan is an ally in the "war on terror", not an "enemy". After Katrina happened Cuba offered assistance to the u.s. which was refused. Later, when Cuba had a brush with a hurricane, the u.s. offered aid and Cuba declined the offer.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Islam consist of 1.2 billion people. Do you honestly believe this many people are all intolerant and violent? You are succumbing to demonizing propaganda which portrays the actions of a tiny minority as representative of the majority. That perception is about as accurate as believing that Christian extremists who kill doctors that perform abortions and Christian priests who abuse children represent the true nature of Christianity.

BTW, peace is a basic concept in Islamic thought.
Peace in Islamic philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Personally I don't think the Muslims understand a thing about democracy.
Yeah well neither do Christians working for corporations using them to labour away to make a system that can run without them so they get laid off.
They cannot prevent the idiot from burning a book. Democracy has a separation of
church and state, thank God, (oh I digress). We have a right to make fun of God,
after all he is one of the boys, I mean in the same image and all that right.
I cannot understand how people can lump themselves into a time several
centuries ago and refuse to see beyond that and the Muslims are not alone.
Many things were related to people through symbolism because most of them
couldn't read. All religions liked that idea, instead of reading for ones self,
the clergy would say Let me tell you a story. Understand God has probably
moved on himself, who the hell would want to save the collection we have become.
Right, so anyway, I was thinking...

It's in a part of the US with massive unemployment.

How about if a gang be organized to go in and tear his church down with crowbars and sledge hammers?

Then we take the rubble, encase it in epoxy, and sell them as souvenirs?

God will burn them if they burn His book

I don't know how this will be: hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, internal wars, epidemics ...etc.
I can't believe how low on the imagination scale you are.

Lord God where do I begin?

Uhh... well, one could start with having a bunch of people show up at the book burning, tossing copies of the Bible in as the flames get big.

That could lead to a riot, which would be a problem in several parts of the world, but you'd be in America, which has Law and Order, so they'd have to stand in between and stop the riot.

He's a total jerk, and because you don't live in a free society you don't know how to react to it other than pray for bad weather and earthquakes...

Speaking of which, how's it going in Pakistan with it's earthquakes last year and floods this year?

I did some introspection about that, because it is being said that Pakistan is being punished for collaborating with the west, and the answer is that it's because Pakistan is not taking care of the people west of its mountain range.

To be fair, not even British conquerors could ever make peace with those jerks, and it's kind'a not fair that eastern Pakistanis, who are incredibly civilized, should be saddled with them, but if Canada can take care of an arctic, then you can take care of western Pakistan.

I'm not sure how. Hang on while I think. Okay, the answer is that eastern Pakistan send in assassins, use long-range scoped rifles to shoot all the bad males, and adopt all the women with their kids, and send their kids to school.

The whole problem is jerk headed neanderthal throw-backs who frankly have no reason to live, such that all they can do is be Taliban.

You have no idea how much good can happen if we trade free while maintaining our borders.
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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Gerry give me a break, Pakistan is there to pay lip service and take our money while
they look the other way as Taliban drift back and forth across their boarder.
They are our enemy, as the saying goes wolves in sheep's clothing. I wouldn't give
a dime for this cause. Some other areas I would but not here. They are a fair
weather friend at best certainly a ally in name only. If you think these people are our
friends you are dreaming. At one time they were when the Bhutto's were in power,
but they were corrupt too and since then they are gutter snipes. The war on terror,
they are our friends? We are worse off than I thought. Even the government of
Afghanistan is our enemy. We wouldn't know friends in the Middle East if we had
to point them out. Even Iraq, has elected most of the remnants that America
routed. Oh they are not called the Baath Party, but they are former members just the
same. I have a knowledge of the Middle East, enough to know you can't trust the
Muslims, they will stab you in the back so fast you won't have time to blink.

To answer the question, am I joining the fanatical Christians in calling for war? No
I realize that there are over a billion Muslims and no they are not all violent.
The majority are probably peace loving but when all hell breaks loose that won't
count for much. Religion, all faiths in the Middle East are to blame, and those who
stick their nose in a book hundreds if not thousands of years old, that tells them how
to live, what they can and cannot do, and how to deprive others of their right to
chose are a danger to the evolution of human society. The Muslims are not alone,
I have issues with others as well who preach violence. I am not talking about violence I am talking about an escalating war that will boil over. The Muslims need some
form of centralized control like the other flawed religions on planet earth.
All I am saying is, we are on a collision course and people around the world are
not willing to put up with their threats and demands anymore, when that happens
the choice will no longer exist like it or not. A war holy or unholy is inevitable if
something doesn't happen soon.