Funny, you don't pay attention to all the global warmists who have actually been debunked.

like michael mann.
BTW, that "debunking" was Bunk dooood.
(From YOUR link)
WWU officials were notified of Easterbrook’s doctoring of data last May and again this January but have so far chosen to do nothing.
Update 01/15/2010: I have been told that the entire geology department at WWU disagrees with Don Easterbrook and they have now declared their position on the departmental website:
Human-induced climate change
Decades of scientific research have shown that climate can change from both natural and anthropogenic causes. The Geology Faculty at WWU concur with rigorous, peer-reviewed assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
...maybe because the doctoring claim is false. Just because reality doesn't conform to your insanity does not make the facts false.
Top Scientists Slam and Ridicule UN IPCC Climate Report
Moments after the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) released a summary of its latest global-warming report on September 27, top climate scientists and experts were already reading through it and trashing the methods, findings, claims, and more.
In fact, based on leaked drafts of the controversial report, critics had been debunking and ridiculing the UN’s climate claims for weeks prior to the official release.
Once the summary report was officially released in Stockholm, the deluge of criticism accelerated, with more than a few top scientists calling for the UN IPCC to be disbanded entirely.
The latest climate document claimed that despite more than 16 years of essentially no increase in global temperatures in defiance of UN theories and predictions, politically selected IPCC experts were more certain than ever that humans were to blame for global warming — 95 percent sure, to be precise.
While it is not entirely clear how the IPCC calculated the “percent” certainty, the claim has confused some of the world’s most respected climate scientists. “How they can justify this is beyond me,” noted Professor Judith Curry, chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Those global warming tards just want that grant money.
LOL, you trumphating wiener luvers are INSANE and NONFACTUAL.