Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

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Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Pockets of extreme weather is exactly what we should be seeing if GW is real.
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Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
I don't understand why an electrical engineer would call himself a rocket scientist, especially when he's never been employed in the aerospace industry. My conclusion, he thinks calling himself a rocket scientist makes him sound more brilliant. Pathetic.
You don’t get out much, do you?

OK, a little education for you.

Out here, in the big wide world, there are expressions that get adopted in common usage whose meaning is understood by all and sundry (you apparently being the exception).

For example, when describing something as being not difficult to understand, it is fairly common to refer to that simplicity by saying, “It’s not rocket science”. Or, some say, “It’s not brain surgery”. Or, in the immortal words of Don Cherry, “It’s not rocket surgery”.

Are you beginning to get a glimmer of understanding?

Look up “self deprecation” if it’s still too difficult to understand.

That's funny. One photo, from one day, in one year, is enough to counter the entire record of increasing melts.

Didn’t say that. Or imply that. But of course, you have to twist, to misrepresent, to create a strawman….

I see. So you don't aspire to be any better than the loonies who spread that inane nonsense? You're happy being in that mediocre majority? Talk about setting the bar low...

Uhmmm…. I was agreeing with you. Are you suggesting that you are a loony spreading inane nonsense? Part of the mediocre majority? Well, OK, if you say so. I had actually thought better of you.


Electoral Member
Jun 30, 2008
Ohau, Hawaii
it's hard to say because scientists found the earth naturally heating up then cooling down again. that isnt to say thought that us as humans havent done some damage cuz we certainly have. but w/e its a way to stop being dependent on certain oils right


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Global Cooling is Here! Evidence for Predicting Global Cooling for the Next Three Decades
' In 2007-2008, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) and computer modelers who believe that CO2 is the cause of global warming still predict the Earth is in store for catastrophic warming in this century. IPCC computer models have predicted global warming of 1F per decade and 5-6C (10-11F) by 2100, which would cause global catastrophe with ramifications for human life, natural habitat, energy and water resources, and food production. All of this is predicated on the assumption that global warming is caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 and that CO2 will continue to rise rapidly.'


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
IPCC computer models have predicted global warming of 1F per decade and 5-6C (10-11F) by 2100, which would cause global catastrophe with ramifications for human life, natural habitat, energy and water resources, and food production.


Some models in the IPCC do project (not predict) warming of 5-6°C, but only under very bad assumptions. By very bad, I mean assuming the worst of the emissions scenarios. Assuming the high end of the climate sensitivity, by assuming a worst case scenario.

The ensemble (collection of models) means are much lower, and assume more realistic and conservative estimates for parameters which affect the rate.

Blah, don't believe everything you read's often a stretch of the truth, especially on blogs.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Green swap flops

Bike store's attempt to switch to solar power ends in disaster


Posted 4 days ago

It's more polar than solar at the Bike Stop since the Colborne Street business made a disastrous venture into alternative energy two years ago.
"It's been a nightmare," says co-owner Barry Middleton as he stands near a propane space heater in the workshop, wearing a toque and winter coat.
"The system never worked."
On a damp November day, it's about 10 C in the store.
Without the propane heater, purchased as an emergency backup, it would be even colder.
Middleton and partner Mike Price have spent close to $50,000 in parts and labour on a solar heating system that was supposed to cost about $35,000 and provide virtually all the heat and electricity they would need in the 2,300 square-foot building.
With rising gas and hydro prices, they were counting on a 10-year payback.
So confident were they in the solar technology, the store owners removed the old furnace and had the gas company seal the line and remove the meter in 2006.
But the new system still isn't working effectively and Middleton doubts it will ever do the job, no matter how much he spends or how many contractors he hires.
"I'm not going into the poorhouse for goddamn solar heat," he says.
Faced with replacing an old furnace that could burn $2,000 of natural gas in a cold month, Middleton and partner Mike Price decided two years ago to switch to solar power.

The solar energy system had four panels to heat water for radiant heat and four panels to convert sunlight into electricity to run lights and power equipment.
"We figured with a southern exposure we were golden," said Middleton.
But faulty equipment, a series of inexperienced installers, poor workmanship, low levels of sunlight and general bad luck combined to undermine the project from the beginning.
The solar heating business is unregulated and there is no guarantee the people you hire are competent, said Middleton, warming his hands on a large cup of coffee.
"The industry is too loose."
The first solar contractor left him in the lurch before the system was operating and the second contractor wired things incorrectly and burned out the inverter, which converts the 12-volt power from the solar panels
to 110 volts. Without the propane
backup, they would have frozen solid in the building the last two winters.
A local electrical contractor, who Middleton has complete confidence in, is doing what he can to properly wire the system and will re-install the inverter when it is shipped back from the factory in the U. S.
But even if the system runs at peak efficiency, it won't be able to do much more than keep the frost out.
Frustrated, Middleton has decided to install a new, high-efficiency furnace and hook up the gas line again. The reconnect charge alone will be about $1,500.
"What are you going to do?" he asks.
"You have to have heat. We're lucky we didn't take out the duct work."
Solar heat can't be the prime heat source for an old-style commercial building like his with block walls and a high ceiling and metal roof, Middleton now believes.
Perhaps $10,000 worth of insulation would help, but Middleton is tapped out.
And even if the building held heat better, the winters can be so grey there is little solar energy to harness, said Middleton.
"Last winter we had five days of sun in January and February."
Despite all the problems getting the system operating properly, Middleton says the eight solar panels still function. His hope now is they can eventually get hooked up properly and provide some backup heat to supplement the gas furnace and enough electricity to run the lights.
Given a chance to do it over, he would forgo the heating side of it and just invest in the solar panels that produce electricity.
"In our climate you have to have central heat," he said.

From the Orillia paper. Where are Dave and Al to help this guy?
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
I was watching an ol' 60's sci-fi movie late last night.. Scientists were trying to force their way through the THICK ice of the Artic!.By Alaska....With no avail..Trying to find a spacecraft that had crashed!

It is funny what you can learn from an ol'd sci fi movie..Where did all the Ice go???...
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
It doesn't say there is no insulation; the implication is that there isn't enough insulation, and if there were $10,000 more insulation things would be better.

So what's this fellow complaining for? For being a moron? Energy efficiency first, it's the low fruit on the tree of cheaper energy. That pays for itself, then you can buy the other things, but your building has to be able to hold the heat you're paying for first...but no, this fellow and his business mogul partner went for the larger cost of replacing the heat source first. Without addressing the heat loss in the building.

We're supposed to feel bad for stupid now?



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Last year the snow came to stay on November 22, this year it came to stay on November 15. When is this AGW thing going to make my life warmer?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Global warming"

We don't know for sure how it is caused, but we do know that anything we do to combat it is in our own best interests so no use fighting it. Using less energy does nothing save us money and the resource. It doesn't matter if it's caused by humans or if it's just a natural trend, so it's stupid to argue about it.
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