Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History'
Interesting Thread. Some glaciers are shrinking, and some are growing, and some
are doing nothing either way. 12,000 years ago, where I'm sitting as I type this, was under
about a mile a glacial ice. Yes, weather is cyclical and who really knows what the duration
of a cycle really is...the portion we've seen since we've began keeping accurate records
might actually be 1/500th of the total cycle....and yes, pollution is a very, very bad thing.
Saskatchewan just endured the forth coldest winter since we started keeping records a
little over a hundred years ago, and we've had a cold and wet Spring followed by a cool and
wet summer. Maybe this year is a one off though. Maybe this decade, or century, or 10,000
year stretch has been a one off.
The economy is forcing changes on the average man faster and much more effectively
than any government agency could. GMC is closing Truck and SUV plants faster than you
can say, "Green Shift." Al Gore is still fly'n around in his '70's era private jet preaching to
closed speaking engagements while refusing to debate the Global Warming theory with
anyone who might have a different opinion than himself.
Right now the global economy runs on oil, and coal, and nuclear power. Wave generated
power, along with wind and solar power have made great strides but they (and we) aren't there
just yet. Not everyone has Quebec's or Manitoba's Hydro capabilities and thus can't afford their
sense of moral outrage at the oil industry. Build an electric car that'll run at -45c with a range
of 400kms on a charge that'll do highway speed, and costs under $30,000 to purchase...and I
won't be the first to buy one...but once I'm comfortable with the technology, I'll buy one. I'd have
to plug into SaskPowers coal fired electrical system to charge it, but I'd buy one. The way the
wind is blowing and if all goes well, in 15-20 years from now that car would be plugging into an
electrical system that is Nuclear with a wind and solar and coal back up system, but for now
it's coal. Has anyone heard of the clean coal project at Weyburn,SK? With it's carbon capture
and sequestration capability, it's the equivalent of removing 1.6 million cars from the road. Does
anyone on this Forum know that the biggest wind generation farm in Canada is in Alberta?
Maybe "Global Warming" is real and maybe it isn't. Maybe it's man made and maybe
it isn't. Maybe it's part of a very long duration cycle and we're only looking at a small section
that is neither the beginning or the end. Hell, maybe Al Gore is our savior and maybe he's
really the second coming of the Anti-Christ. Who knows...but perhaps we should, using
common sense, error on the side of caution in that the things we do that we know might not
be good for the future, we find other things that might not be as harmful, until we find a
replacement for the replacement for the replacement.