Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

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Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I'm not the one with the bogus theory - you are - you prove your theory.

My theory is well established. Weather patterns move in cycles. Some long some short. Read a book.

So far all GW conspiracy theorists have is that carbon is causing something that it has been proved is impossible for it to cause.

You still haven't proved anything.

Read a book? Nah, I'd rather talk to a few real scientists and I did. I got owned as you'd will be if you did.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
You still haven't proved anything.

What do I have to prove?

Your the one making claims based on projection, correlation, speculation and hyperbole, not me.

If your claims are right show me the experiment - show me the model, or STFU.

Anyone can see the planet is warming - yes, I have always agreed to that, where you fail is in claiming it isn't natural. That is a huge claim that can't be demonstrated.

So put up or shut up.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
See, you have no clue, try reading a bit of the thread before commenting, it may prevent you from saying something stupid.

It hasn't stopped you :-?

And scratch makes a good point. There is no talking to you, there is no point. Your like a fanatical cleric stuck in a groove.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
It hasn't stopped you :-?

And scratch makes a good point. There is no talking to you, there is no point. Your like a fanatical cleric stuck in a groove.

That is you a nutshell Scott

You have already been shown, several times, how the martian example is not applicable and very clear reasons why.

You ignore it while its in the last 2 or 3 pages of the thread, then go back to using it as "proof" when you think people have forgotten its been debunked.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
That is you a nutshell Scott

You have already been shown, several times, how the martian example is not applicable and very clear reasons why.

You ignore it while its in the last 2 or 3 pages of the thread, then go back to using it as "proof" when you think people have forgotten its been debunked.


You don't understand my argument at all do you?

While you and you green hippie friends will maintain that there is more than just a correlation between carbon and GW; insisting on it in fact! When clearly no experimental data supports the claim, but in point of fact, actually proves the claim false! So the believers must actually try and make the models fit the data!!! A most disingenuous method if ever there was one! Then I will maintain there is a correlation between mars and earth. Also I will point out that there are more solar bodies than just those which are warming up and that, like your correlations seem implicitly obvious to you, these seem implicitly obvious to me. In point of fact I think a person must be quite the idiot to think otherwise.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
You are making a claim there is a correlation.

So lets here it, what is it? Im calling out your lie, you talk about proof, prove it.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Global warming near the equator....Climate change up here in Canada,...

Climate change will prove itself!.Ignore or be prepared!......Leave it up to AL Gore to prove Global warming..He owns the Label !.....No matter what, we have to find better ways to do things!. Better ways..It's the right the to do..Why should a slippery/oily few rule the world??...Can move to China if you don't like the air here!

Thank-you for this space and time..


Over and out there from here!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You don't understand self deprecation?

I don't understand why an electrical engineer would call himself a rocket scientist, especially when he's never been employed in the aerospace industry. My conclusion, he thinks calling himself a rocket scientist makes him sound more brilliant. Pathetic.

Pretty hard to show that much detail in a photo of the whole arctic. And it showed enough to counter the melting claim.

That's funny. One photo, from one day, in one year, is enough to counter the entire record of increasing melts.

I gotta agree with you on those. These were answers to people making those type of claims from the opposite point of view. Sauce for the goose...

I see. So you don't aspire to be any better than the loonies who spread that inane nonsense? You're happy being in that mediocre majority? Talk about setting the bar low...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
And here's a challenge to Scotty. Show me one model, that doesn't include anthropogenic effects, that actually works. And by works I mean :
a) can reproduce past changes
b) will produce results that fall within the range of uncertainty, and error
c) here's the biggie. Can explain away the ~1.6 watts per square meter measured for the human component with something else, and find a way to explain that pesky stratospheric cooling.

Good luck. I doubt you can find it. None of your science illiterate cohorts have been able to find it yet.

The rest of your garbage is recycled crap from earlier in this thread. You were only partially right before when you said recycling is bull$hit.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History'

Interesting Thread. Some glaciers are shrinking, and some are growing, and some
are doing nothing either way. 12,000 years ago, where I'm sitting as I type this, was under
about a mile a glacial ice. Yes, weather is cyclical and who really knows what the duration
of a cycle really is...the portion we've seen since we've began keeping accurate records
might actually be 1/500th of the total cycle....and yes, pollution is a very, very bad thing.
Saskatchewan just endured the forth coldest winter since we started keeping records a
little over a hundred years ago, and we've had a cold and wet Spring followed by a cool and
wet summer. Maybe this year is a one off though. Maybe this decade, or century, or 10,000
year stretch has been a one off.

The economy is forcing changes on the average man faster and much more effectively
than any government agency could. GMC is closing Truck and SUV plants faster than you
can say, "Green Shift." Al Gore is still fly'n around in his '70's era private jet preaching to
closed speaking engagements while refusing to debate the Global Warming theory with
anyone who might have a different opinion than himself.

Right now the global economy runs on oil, and coal, and nuclear power. Wave generated
power, along with wind and solar power have made great strides but they (and we) aren't there
just yet. Not everyone has Quebec's or Manitoba's Hydro capabilities and thus can't afford their
sense of moral outrage at the oil industry. Build an electric car that'll run at -45c with a range
of 400kms on a charge that'll do highway speed, and costs under $30,000 to purchase...and I
won't be the first to buy one...but once I'm comfortable with the technology, I'll buy one. I'd have
to plug into SaskPowers coal fired electrical system to charge it, but I'd buy one. The way the
wind is blowing and if all goes well, in 15-20 years from now that car would be plugging into an
electrical system that is Nuclear with a wind and solar and coal back up system, but for now
it's coal. Has anyone heard of the clean coal project at Weyburn,SK? With it's carbon capture
and sequestration capability, it's the equivalent of removing 1.6 million cars from the road. Does
anyone on this Forum know that the biggest wind generation farm in Canada is in Alberta?

Maybe "Global Warming" is real and maybe it isn't. Maybe it's man made and maybe
it isn't. Maybe it's part of a very long duration cycle and we're only looking at a small section
that is neither the beginning or the end. Hell, maybe Al Gore is our savior and maybe he's
really the second coming of the Anti-Christ. Who knows...but perhaps we should, using
common sense, error on the side of caution in that the things we do that we know might not
be good for the future, we find other things that might not be as harmful, until we find a
replacement for the replacement for the replacement.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Interesting Thread. Some glaciers are shrinking, and some are growing, and some
are doing nothing either way. 12,000 years ago, where I'm sitting as I type this, was under
about a mile a glacial ice. Yes, weather is cyclical and who really knows what the duration
of a cycle really is...the portion we've seen since we've began keeping accurate records
might actually be 1/500th of the total cycle....and yes, pollution is a very, very bad thing.
Saskatchewan just endured the forth coldest winter since we started keeping records a
little over a hundred years ago, and we've had a cold and wet Spring followed by a cool and
wet summer. Maybe this year is a one off though. Maybe this decade, or century, or 10,000
year stretch has been a one off.

The economy is forcing changes on the average man faster and much more effectively
than any government agency could. GMC is closing Truck and SUV plants faster than you
can say, "Green Shift." Al Gore is still fly'n around in his '70's era private jet preaching to
closed speaking engagements while refusing to debate the Global Warming theory with
anyone who might have a different opinion than himself.

Right now the global economy runs on oil, and coal, and nuclear power. Wave generated
power, along with wind and solar power have made great strides but they (and we) aren't there
just yet. Not everyone has Quebec's or Manitoba's Hydro capabilities and thus can't afford their
sense of moral outrage at the oil industry. Build an electric car that'll run at -45c with a range
of 400kms on a charge that'll do highway speed, and costs under $30,000 to purchase...and I
won't be the first to buy one...but once I'm comfortable with the technology, I'll buy one. I'd have
to plug into SaskPowers coal fired electrical system to charge it, but I'd buy one. The way the
wind is blowing and if all goes well, in 15-20 years from now that car would be plugging into an
electrical system that is Nuclear with a wind and solar and coal back up system, but for now
it's coal. Has anyone heard of the clean coal project at Weyburn,SK? With it's carbon capture
and sequestration capability, it's the equivalent of removing 1.6 million cars from the road. Does
anyone on this Forum know that the biggest wind generation farm in Canada is in Alberta?

Maybe "Global Warming" is real and maybe it isn't. Maybe it's man made and maybe
it isn't. Maybe it's part of a very long duration cycle and we're only looking at a small section
that is neither the beginning or the end. Hell, maybe Al Gore is our savior and maybe he's
really the second coming of the Anti-Christ. Who knows...but perhaps we should, using
common sense, error on the side of caution in that the things we do that we know might not
be good for the future, we find other things that might not be as harmful, until we find a
replacement for the replacement for the replacement.



House Member
Feb 16, 2003
According to recent news reports, a top observatory that has been measuring sun spot activity predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next 20 years as solar activity slows and the planet drastically cools down. They suggest this could potentially herald the onset of a new ice age. Following the end of the sun’s most active period in over 11,000 years, the last 10 years have displayed a clear cooling trend as temperatures post-1998 leveled out and are now decreasing.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Summer has been one of Alaska's coldest


"With only two days above 70 degrees this year, that sets a new record for the fewest days to reach 70,'' the weather-watching agency reported Friday.
Add to the lack of heat and sunshine what the agency calls "an astonishing 77%" of days colder than normal, and you get the picture.
This summer was every bit as bad as you thought it was.
Gardens didn't grow. Salmon returned late. Bees didn't make honey. Swallows didn't breed.

Webmaster's Commentary:
Together with the data showing that the arctic ice cover actually grew by an area twice the size of Germany, and it is obvious that the Global Warming Cult's dire warnings (as part of an effort to sell us a carbon tax) were way off!
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